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  1. So the basis is now bribery, not racism? This is getting ridiculous. Even taking the wild rumor of a bribe as true, there would be no interesting lawsuit against TASO. Vicarious liability, which is defined as an entity being liable for the acts of its agent, does not apply in cases of intentional act of the agent unless the entity required that action or it was reasonably foreseeable. Taking a bribe, which is apparently the new allegation, is an intentional act. The referee himself, if this ridiculous allegation is true, could be liable, but you would not reach the deep pockets of TASO. And the NAACP can threaten all of the legal action it wants, it is just blowing smoke. It has no standing to bring a suit in this case. It can provide attorney's for the "injured" parties, it can be the driving force, but it can't be the filing party to this suit as it has no standing to do so. I also find it telling that despite all of this, there is no report of either LBJ High School or Austin ISD making any contact with the UIL about this. The only one I see being close to having legal action are the members of the officiating crew who have now had allegations of racism (despite the fact that at least one of the members of that "racist crew" was African American) and now bribery thrown at them, with what is out there right now, not much basis for it. It doesn't reach it yet, but this is becoming dangerously close to turning into a defamation lawsuit. Ultimately, the only effect that will come out of this is a chilling effect on anyone who wants to enter into officiating. On top of verbal abuse and social media complaints, we have now seen officials become the victims of battery and now subject to civil and/or criminal allegations because someone did not like their calls. Yeah, that makes me want to get out there for 50 bucks a game.
    5 points
  2. Well, that and superior coaching, facilities, a supportive community and culture among other things.
    3 points
  3. I strongly disagree if Bush was 6’1 he would have been able to go anywhere in the country are we looking at what they did in high school or what they gonna do in college because Bush obviously outplayed them in high school look at team accomplishments and he lead that team when he got to high school and let’s look early in college at 5’6 what he is doing going to a power 5 don’t make you better
    3 points
  4. The local NAACP has filed a complaint with the UIL following Friday's state semifinal game between the Lindale Eagles and the Austin LBJ Jaguars. The Eagles won the game 31-28, but the NAACP believes it was because of unfair officiating. The president of the Austin NAACP asked the UIL to postpone Friday's state championship game until an investigation can be completed, but the UIL said that's not going to happen. It was after the Friday Night lights turned off in Humble, that LBJ Jaguar coach Jahmal Fenner had a chance to look over video of his team's loss during the state semifinal game. "It just drove it home for me that what I felt during the game, that something wasn't right. It just confirmed it for me," Fenner said. After the first half of the game, the Jaguars led 28 to 7. In the second half, Fenner said officials called 16 penalties on the Jaguars, while ignoring all but two penalties made by the Eagles. The Eagles went on to win by a field goal after an LBJ touchdown was called back. "I don't feel like my players and my team lost that game solely because we played bad or we made bad calls. Yes, some of that did take place, but the officials had took part in some of that as well," said Fenner. Dozens of parents and players are also convinced something was up. Austin NAACP President Nelson Linder said he received about 60 calls and letters regarding officials at the game. Although the NAACP doesn't usually get involved in high school football, Linder said this time he felt it was necessary. "It was definitely a racial issue. I got some calls about racial slurs, people being ugly, nasty, no doubt about it," said Linder. "I don't like being a sportscaster. I'm not good at that, but I do understand what's right, what's wrong, what's fair, what's unfair. This to me is very, very clear. This was ugly. It should never have occurred in any sport for these young people. These kids, their spirits have been broken," he added. Linder asked the UIL to take action prior to the state championship game, which the Eagles play in on Friday night. "Look at the tapes. Look at some of the complaints. Check out the referee's background, make a decision. Postpone tomorrow night's game, replay the game, come up with a fair solution where the best team, the deserving team, plays in the state championship," Linder said. The UIL responded in a statement to Fox 7 Austin that reads, "All officials are agreed upon by both parties in advance of a game and per the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules section 1204, a protest based on a game or contest official’s decision will not be considered. While the UIL will not be formally investigating this matter, The Texas Association of Sports Officials has a process for reporting rule misapplication by an official and investigating such reports." The NAACP has since responded, "We will definitely pursue this process further. Of course, we were intent upon filing the complaint before tomorrow night's championship game. It was important to let the students know that we knew they were treated unfairly. We will now take our concerns to the Texas Association of Sports Officials. It’s important that these kinds of incidents are exposed to the public. We will also consider possible legal actions." Lindale athletics did not respond to requests for comment.
    2 points
  5. You can probably pencil them in for next year, too. There will be a few contenders and I hope we're one of them, but it's hard to imagine much drop-off from them.
    2 points
  6. We did. That would have put us in the third round (I think). Getting blown out then by the state champion is better than getting blown out in bi-district.
    2 points
  7. Carthage would make a deep run in 5A...either division.
    2 points
  8. Thank you. Errybody makes fun of me when I say that...
    2 points
  9. Congrats to Carthage on yet another State Championship.
    2 points
  10. Here’s a theory....Maybe Lindale was the better team that night.
    2 points
  11. Do we really believe there are officials, who are working games for pennies, for the sole intent of ensuring one race of kids wins over another race of kids? And even if those guys are out there (which, for clarity, I do not believe they are), do we really believe they would be throwing racial slurs around exposing their nefarious intent during games? Come on man.
    2 points
  12. Only if we let ya😃
    2 points
  13. Those to 4th down missed conversions in their own territory doesn't help their cause much. But there was a lot of BS calls against LBJ, I will say that.
    2 points
  14. When you can’t out-athlete the other team... gotta be racism.
    2 points
  15. 1 point
  16. Well that is certainly up to opinion.
    1 point
  17. Center is in the same district, so when I saw Carthage had drop down to Div. II after winning state in Div. I, I'm like "well hell, just go ahead and hand them the district and state title." Crazy good.
    1 point
  18. My opinion of the game had nothing to do with talent or coaching ability. I think HJ has one of the best coaches in the state. I personally think discipline is the most important aspect of the game and it will bite you at the most inopportune times. I still think the Hawks are the better team on any given night but until they prove it that’s just my opinion.
    1 point
  19. Pretty dang good for limited talent system QB don’t you think @dj?
    1 point
  20. Ann Jasper wanted to play these guys again.
    1 point
  21. Carthage runs a 69 yard TD, first play of theirs in 2nd half I think. 49-14.
    1 point
  22. You wanna watch Carthage lose by 4-5 TDs ?
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. PAMFAM10

    Voter Fraud

    It’s unbelievable this is still even a conversation. Trump lost been lost and nothing is going to change that. You got senate majority leader attorney general a heavy right leaning Supreme Court. All saying BS to all this fabricated evidence. At this point it’s just the uneducated and idiots that will believe anything trump tell them country be damn. This is what the Republican Party has come to under complete control from a Orange impeached 1 term clown. It’s funny because the narrative has always been it’s the left that’s snowflakes. Left that’s low information. The maga hats said hold my beer. Im confused as if it’s a joke I was not included in or people really this dumb. God bless the USA 🇺🇸
    1 point
  25. 1 point
    1 point
  27. I just watched the game. The umpire, back judge and side judge are all black. The coach that went for 4th down twice inside the 35 had more to do with the loss than any ref. Lindale lost a td on inadvertent whistle. 6 illegal procedure penalties is lack of discipline not racism. Late hit out of bounds and targeting were both legit calls. This is just the losing team crying for mistakes they made. 3 fumbled snaps in second half, punt return muffs it in ez and lindale recovers, 3rd down rbs run into each other, etc.
    1 point
  28. BHFAN

    Crosby Vs Texas High!

    Yup, Goodluck tonight I hope the whole district advances.
    1 point
  29. Good lord, when will this BS ever stop! I’m so sick of race being brought into everything and only one sided. I guess we will just keep teaching another generation if something goes wrong just play the card.
    1 point
  30. Aint it a hoot how we are supposed to show sovereignty to our state brothers and allow them to handle their elections in the manner which they see fit, but if those same state brothers have evil people, rioting and burning down their cities without any of these city/state officials doing one thing to stop it, then it’s Trump’s fault. You know, the blame game is so convenient, especially when one man gets it all and no one, I mean no one else is to blame. Trump did send the feds to Seattle or Portland and was met with much resistance. If they would have capped a few of those punks, it would have subsided. Remember antifa began surrounding the mayor of Portland’s house? THEN she realized it was a problem. Convenience again.
    1 point
  31. So is it safe to say that Huffman coach did more with less?
    1 point
  32. It said there were reports of several racial slurs being used. That don’t sound like BS to me. THAT is definitely grounds for an investigation.
    1 point
  33. I watch the second half of the game and I believe the game was lost due to coaching and the kids coming out flat. It appeared that Lindale wanted the game more. Thoughts?
    1 point
  34. Have they stopped counting Biden votes yet?
    1 point
  35. Irony: I saw Damien Bush play against Stephen Jackson.
    1 point
  36. This is my yearly reminder that no one signs with D3 colleges. They are committed to show up and play, but there are no ramifications if they decide not to show up or if they go to another school at the last minute. There are no scholarships in D3 so there is nothing to sign. It's still quite the accomplishment, but it irks me when the pageantry associated with a player signing to play football at Alabama is duplicated by someone signing to play football at ETBU. And before anyone comes at me for disrespecting D3 sports, I am not doing that. I played D3 football and understand exactly how talented the kids are out there. Everyone on those D3 fields was first team all district where they came from and can absolutely go. I just hate that we have watered down every thing in today's culture. Sheesh, select baseball players get rings for finishing second place in John's baseball tournament in BFE Texas. Sorry, rant over.
    1 point
  37. If I am Vidor, I am not sure I want this to be the first game back vs the L Town Boys
    1 point
  38. Chester86

    Voter Fraud

    >. Voter ID laws - (screams from the left ring out) - DISENFRANCHISED!!!! >. 2016 Hillary loses after allegedly winning the popular vote (screams from the left ring out) - DISENFRANCHISED >. 2020 Biden wins amidst a cloud of suspected and alleged impropriety - (Questions raised from over half the country) - DISENFR........(Screams from the left ring out mid-statement) - SHUT UP, NO ONE CARES!!!!! What is the phrase they use every time a hurricane is about to hit? Well that phrase applies for the next four years - “Hunker down!!!!” It’s going to be rough, but we’ll get through it - we always do.
    1 point
  39. Yea, that’s true about McCain...
    1 point
  40. He was 6'1, and slender. Now I think about it your were referring to Adams, but I had McCain on my mind.
    1 point
  41. Adams was not 6’1” as a fish.... maybe as an 8th grader....
    1 point
  42. Pretty sure he is referring to Adams
    1 point
  43. NDNation

    Crosby Vs Texas High!

    We aren't making friends on FootballFriday..lol Coogs better whip some tail.
    1 point
  44. I need to redo mine... going to be interesting season. Battle of the LA teams vs who emerges out the East for the ship.
    1 point
  45. Thanks for the top shelf updates......
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. Lindale first took a delay of game to get a better angle for FG attempt. Second FG attempt, LBJ blocked it but was negated by an offsides penalty which brought it to the 1 yard line and the rest was history. Crazy ending to say the least.
    1 point

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