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CardinalBacker last won the day on September 26

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  1. I thought his total vote count was lower this year than his total count in 2020? At least that’s what I read.
  2. I think the honest answer is this. Most Americans don’t care enough about posting their political views online. People on boards like this may be flat wrong (like most of you), but they’re INTERESTED. The average American isn’t interested enough to form opinions, much less vote. Most of y’all forget that we were in a really bad place as a country in the fall of 2020. Joblessness, shortages, masks, stock market crash, etc… people were motivated to get out and make a change. Contrary to what most people believe, America is in a much better place in November of 2024 than it was in November of 2020. You can infer whatever you want from that fact. How did so many minority voters switch over to vote Trump in 2024, but his vote total are LOWER than in 2020? Because people just weren’t motivated enough to vote… that’s all.
  3. Lawfare, to make sure lawfare never happens again?
  4. Rs can try to get their pound of flesh if they want. The voters just demonstrated what they thought about weaponizing the Justice department. They’ve had enough of it, and they’ll PUNISH the Rs in two years if they try to go after Ds. That’s not why we send people to Washington.
  5. No… but between them, the da in NYC, etc… it was too much. I believe that some crimes were committed, but I believe that a lot of the prosecution was flimsy at best. The NY fraud case re:property values, etc. Thats the problem with filing frivolous claims-it casts doubt on the legitimate claims. The scary thing is that trump affiliates like banning are vowing to “make ‘em pay” and a lot of citizens are pre-justifying it by saying “well, can you blame him if he does?” Yes. I can and I shall.
  6. Americans are fickle. They always believe that change is good. I'm old enough to remember when the Ds moaned that they'd be able to win another nationwide election after GW got re-elected. I can remember when the Rs thought they'd never win another presidency when Obama beat Romney. A lot of people said that the Rs would never win again after Trump got beaten in 2020. You'd best believe that the Republicans haven't found the magic key that leads to repeatedly electing R Presidents. The presidency is like a woman... it's not yours, it's just your turn. At some point, somebody is going to have to raise taxes back to "pre-trump giveaway" levels... kinda like the spot that HW Bush found himself in during the early 90s. People will hate him for it, but it's inevitable. And that person will lose their next election.
  7. No.... part of the reason that the Ds lost is their persecution of Trump, IMO... If the Rs start persecuting Ds, they'll lose whatever momentum that was gained yesterday. That's not why we send people to Washington, and the voters took care of things yesterday. There's no need for continuous hearings, investigations, impeachments, etc.... it's time to go to work, not settle scores.
  8. I think you are correct. But it's a pendulum.... the Ds will win in 4 years, eight tops.
  9. This.... I was really surprised by this. His vote totals aren't that far above his 2020 numbers, but the Dem voters disappeared. I expected him to lose the popular handily. It's going to be interesting to digest the data as it trickles in. I think that the Dem's plan to prosecute him EVERYWHERE did more to garner sympathy than it hurt. I also think that a lot of men (especially minority men) aren't willing to vote for a female president. The shift from 10% of black men to 25% of black men voting Trump is astounding. I think identity politics as a campaign strategy backfired for the Dems this time. Lets face it... she wasn't a good candidate. He wasn't, either, but she was worse. But I'm definitely surprised by the results. I just hope it doesn't turn into "Retribution 2025.... Make 'em pay!!!" We don't need that. I'm also curious if Trump will survive this term (healthwise) better than Biden. Biden deteriorated big-time during his term. I'm curious if Trump will fare any better.
  10. Okay... and how do you propose that we offset the loss of tax revenue from taxes on tips, SS, overtime, etc? You have a lot of noble ideas, but no solutions.
  11. The increase in the standard deduction has made it unnecessary for me to itemize... I come out worse without those other itemized deductions. I still pay less than I should, IMO. As do all of y'all.
  12. Honestly, I paid more under Trump’s tax plan than before-but I’m not complaining. I lost several tax deductions that totaled to be MORE than the increase in the standard deduction. For instance, I was able to write of miles traveled for work before that deduction was eliminated during Trump’s term.
  13. You’re BADLY mistaken. Trump added more debt in 4 years than anybody in hard dollars. He ranks as 3rd worst for adding to the debt of all time in dollars adjusted for inflation. His spending out inflation in motion and he got a pass on it by everybody in this election cycle.
  14. B-b-b-but…. No taxes on overtime!
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