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CardinalBacker last won the day on July 21

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  1. Well, seeing as to how Trump just asked a crowd “would you rather have the black President or the white president,” it’s safe to say that this whole charade is falling down around us. Trying to find a link that’s not tiktok.
  2. But…. They chose Biden and Harris. If all 16 million of them don’t care, then why are Rs mad? Cause Kamala’s about to figuratively do to Don what he gave some Russian prostitute good money to actually do a few years back.
  3. Yeah, buddy…. Looks like nobody bothered to vet JD Vance… it’s a non-stop parade of things that he’s said that don’t pass the sniff test. It looks like he’s going from being “no help” to an actual hinderance. There are actually articles being written questioning whether or not it would be wise to find a new VP candidate. I don’t think it’s possible. [Hidden Content]
  4. Reagan…. Wrong, as always. [Hidden Content] How does it feel to know that all of these takes you steal from other people always end up being wrong eventually, and how does that make you feel about the ones that haven’t gone wrong yet, but are certain to? Too big to rig!!!!
  5. I don’t worship any politician… you’re just mad that I won’t kneel down and worship Trump along side you.
  6. It’s like I always say… everybody that smokes isn’t trashy, but every single trashy person that you’ve ever met was a smoker. Same way with bigots and Rs. Not all Rs are bigots, but you can bet that any bigot out there supports Trump. It’s always the same thing. Everybody is all about prayer in schools until they hear it involves a prayer mat or wearing a yamaka. “Freedom of religion is only supposed to apply to US. Not THEM.”
  7. And to be quite honest, there were plenty of Southerners who believed whole-heartedly that slavery was right, ordained by God, and that the “better” candidates would fight to preserve slavery. And they were wrong.
  8. Here’s the thing… your “better” and everybody else’s “better” won’t be the same… or even close. 1 out of 6 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Do you think they’ll be likely to vote for a man who brags about sexually assaulting women because they prefer his tax policies? Their “better” and my “better” won’t be the same. If your mom and dad came here illegally in the 80s, had you, worked their tails off to provide for a family without taking handouts, and now you’re old enough to vote… are you going to vote for a guy who’s promising a mass deportation of people like your own parents? Probably not. For some people it’s about abortion… for others it’s the social safety net. Regardless of how strongly you feel, but at the end of the year nobody cares about stats, talent, or the playbook. The best team is the one hoisting the championship trophy… not the coulda/woulda/shouldas. The purpose of our type of government isn’t to win a one-vote majority and then force our beliefs on everybody else. The purpose of government is to negotiate out policies that we can all tolerate. Both sides have lost sight of that.
  9. 100000000% correct. Because the guy with less votes can’t do a thing-they never got to a position implement their plans. It’s a balance between finding a person who does the most things you like with being electable. Dick Cheney would have made an awesome President-he just couldn’t get elected. Betting all of your money on a slow horse because you like its name is just dumb. It can’t win. And I take back what I said about Trump not being able to beat Biden-after that first debate, through no help from himself, Trump had a chance to beat Biden-Biden just looked that bad. Once he stepped out and gave people an option that wasn’t Trump or Biden, it was over. All we have to do is count the votes. You can’t win the Kentucky Derby on a mule, and you can’t win the Presidency when over half of the voters will vote for ANYBODY but you. It’s a mathematical certainty.
  10. I read the article… where’s the part about the fake, errrrr “replacement” electors, calls to election officials to “just find her the votes,” etc? I guess if people attack the DNC at the convention next month to stop the counting of delegates, that won’t be considered cheating either…. You're gonna be burning your computer up in November again trying to find articles that PROVE, once and for all, that the Dems cheated again, lol. What are you gonna blame this time? You can’t blame the “scamdemic” that the most powerful man on the planet was too stupid to stop, lol.
  11. I hear what you’re saying, but some people just don’t want to understand. That’s the problem with the election fraud lie… some people still believe it. If someone believes that election fraud occurred, all they must do is stop the “cheating” and the rightful person will win. IF there was no election fraud (!) then the results will turn our exactly the same… an army of lawyers and poll watchers won’t matter if fraud didn’t occur.
  12. 81 million people voted for her in November of 2020… but now y’all expect them to pick the guy they voted against in 2020? Yall trippin’.
  13. [Hidden Content] Yeah… y’all better hope the youngsters don’t turn out on 2024.
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