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BS Wildcats

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BS Wildcats last won the day on July 20

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About BS Wildcats

  • Birthday 07/18/1971

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  1. Projecting what? That Trump torches Kamala. That is an example of projecting.
  2. But yet, Republicans are accused of wanting a dictatorship government.
  3. Who alive today had anything to do with slavery? So the reparations argument is a moot point. No one alive today owes you anything because your ancestors were slaves. Before you go there, I believe that slavery was a horrible thing.
  4. The Jews are no where near what Muslims are, they are good people, so I will never call them that. Now for Muslims, they are scum suckers. Call me what you want, if it makes you feel better!
  5. I wish we had it all figured out like you do
  6. There you go with your profiling. If you were as smart as you think you are, we’d all be better off. Maybe I should have said America hating Muslims. Would that have been ok with you?? Maybe I should get your approval before I make another post! Nah, I’ll pass on that one.
  7. To protect America from scum sucking Muslims
  8. Wonder how big girl feels about her family being slave owners? Maybe Kamala needs to pay reparations to big girl, since big girl longs for free money!
  9. Far more than Kamala. You need to listen to her passage of time speech and tell us what in the hell she was talking about with that word salad. After listening to that rambling, one would think she was in cognitive decline, not biden.
  10. No one has said there wasn’t a crime committed. Can’t figure out what rabbit hole he pulled that one from!
  11. I never said there wasn’t a crime committed. Not sure why would you would think that. I’m just saying that Trump did NOT tell people to storm and ransack the Capitol. And you will not find where he did.
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