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  1. Today
  2. They way his party treated him, I could possibly see this happening!
  3. Try watching the whole video and see what the whole context was about. @Big girl @Boyz N Da Hood @CardinalBacker @AggiesAreWe
  4. If indeed Trump made the comment "do you want a black president or a white president" then yes, that's a racist comment. No getting around that. It's as racist as it gets.
  5. Donald is a racist I don’t care what no one on here says
  6. I would expect this. His non-endorse means absolutely nothing!
  7. That's my point, it doesn't matter. If Trump was black then that's the way I'd go. How about you?
  8. That's not a racist statement. That's a factual statement of what we have at hand. The better is Trump who just happens to be white. Nothing more nothing less!
  9. You can stop now. You are not going to get that audition for "The View" that you crave. I'm not sure why though. You can regurgitate all of the Liberal talking points and you can lie without shame. You would fit right in. Sorry about your luck.
  10. Well, seeing as to how Trump just asked a crowd “would you rather have the black President or the white president,” it’s safe to say that this whole charade is falling down around us. Trying to find a link that’s not tiktok.
  11. Yesterday
  12. Is that article from 4 years ago?
  13. But…. They chose Biden and Harris. If all 16 million of them don’t care, then why are Rs mad? Cause Kamala’s about to figuratively do to Don what he gave some Russian prostitute good money to actually do a few years back.
  14. Is not endorsing Trump [Hidden Content]
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