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Separation Scientist

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Separation Scientist last won the day on September 10

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  1. Film somebody or use an I-pad and people have a stroke. Collect an all-star team from a metro area and its all good. No one blinks. Just depends who (and how big) you are.
  2. Yep. Bad behavior is rewarded in this world.
  3. It would probably need 1) BH to have nearly a full line up 2) play their vrey best with no laspes, finish drives, and 3) Ball to not have their best game on that particular night. I expect Ball to win comfortably but an upset is not beyond the realm of possibility.
  4. I remember HF as an average team in years past, but they got the thing rockin' right now. I thought it was sort of a fluke earlier but after trashing Silsbee and now Jasper I am starting to believe. If they beat WOS I will totally believe,
  5. [Hidden Content] science occurs within a,have been simply mixed together.
  6. I agree. I am not worried about 6A. Its WAY more important to some outsiders. BH, like anyone else will deal with whatever district it lands in when that time comes. By that time, the landscape will change some anyway. Will a 7A come and mix everything up? I don't know but thats possible. Half of the district is still left and then possibly playoffs. Then a whole another year is ahead. The focus is now.
  7. One thing I know is that EVERYBODY worries about all things BH. Outsiders worry about BHISD policies. Outsiders worry about whoever coaches BH. Outsiders worry about attaching some name to BH. Seems BH is in everyones head 24/7/365. Its just crazy, but thats quite a compliment to BH! We really matter to everyone!
  8. If you don't have turf and a state-of-the-art Jumbotron and an indoor practice facility, then remember you "just don't care about the kids or the program".
  9. They can't. They are paying Dak a quarter Billion Dollars. Dak is DeShawn Watson without the sexual assault charges. A quarter Billion dollar waste.
  10. This year went badly off track for BH on the opening drive of the 1st game. RB1 gone for the season, then later in that same game WR1 went down. (HATERS REJOICE!!!). Then it got worse from there. More injuries on offense, all the skill guys. Took all the speed off the field. So what can BH do at this point? BH can go out with whoever is left standing and play as hard as they can for the remainder of the season. That might get them 4th place. It is insane how injury prone BH has been the past two years. Lost most of our defense last year, and now our offense this year. I am the eternal optimist though. Maybe next year we have minimal injuries, and we do have a favorable schedule set up. Thats next year though. BH needs to dig in, man up and play as hard as they can with what they got as long as they can. If the team does that, thats all anyone can ask.
  11. Crazy how BH potentially being placed in 6A-23 in the future THRILLS so many!
  12. Greatest fears? I never, ever hear of anyone having a fear of anything here. I do know the BH fans want very much for BH to reach their full potential, but as for as having some "greatest fear", thats just something you as an outsider is making up. Its your hope much more than any BH fear. You fantasize about BH being in 6A-23 often.
  13. Seriously? What "UIL connections"? Please provide your source! I know everyone loves to critique BH, but do you really think BH manipulates the UIL? Come on man...LOL.
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