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  • Birthday April 20

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  1. Only if he wants to win the election. Guys on here have been blaming them for 3.5 years for the last election. Forgive me for suggesting that maybe he try a different route this go round to swing them back. Night!
  2. Name calling, lying, being a jerk, insults, etc. so much of it is theatre, and it’s embarrassing. It certainly doesn’t reflect well on the Republican Party. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t a good president, or had bad policy, and it doesn’t mean I’m saying that being a good person is more important than being a good president. But I am saying that I hope the next guy who comes along can manage to be a good presidential candidate without me having to feel a little dirty for voting for him.
  3. I’ll address this before I go. I agree with you, but Trump is a terrible example of values and truth. But not a bad president, for whatever that’s worth. A lot in my estimation, but not in everyone’s
  4. Anywho, I’ve filled my participation allotment in the political forum for the next month or so. I’ll maybe come back if something else interesting happens.
  5. Nah, I don’t like any of it from either side.
  6. On that we can agree. It’s my sincere hope that whoever comes after Trump will get away from it and bring the Republican Party back to the party of values and truth. It’s unfortunate that the success he’s had with his antics has led to a few others in the party replicating his behavior.
  7. We’ll have to disagree on that. I said it was wrong. I didn’t say he deserved it. It’s not a lie that had he not done it in the first place they wouldn’t have been able to bring charges, politically motivated or not.
  8. I think the difference is you agreed with a lot of what Trump said so maybe it didn’t seem as bad
  9. How is my position disheartening? I said I don’t condone it. That doesn’t change the fact that he shouldn’t have been stupid enough to do it in the first place.
  10. If he does he’s winning. And it wouldn’t be the end of the world. He could at least get something done with a divided Congress maybe.
  11. I lived through all of those presidencies, and none of them came close to the relentless, never ending vitriol that has spewed out of trump’s mouth. Maybe it would’ve been different if Clinton had a Twitter to vent on, I don’t know.
  12. not sure what to tell you. I meant what I said, but that doesn’t mean you’ve read into my meaning correctly. I’ll try and clarify I guess: Trump’s questionable, and undoubtedly in some instances illegal behavior has opened him up to political railroading by the left. I don’t agree with this railroading, but would’ve preferred he not do these stupid things in the first place.
  13. What I mean is that he could do literally everything the same, without changing any of his policies. All he’d need to do (likely too late at this point) would be to shut up and be polite (and quit posting on social media). ONE democrat tried to assassinate him. And while I don’t agree with the actions the democrats have taken towards trump in the courts, his own bad behaviors opened him up to it. If he hadn’t done things like cheat on his wife with a porn star and then pay her off with hush money, the left couldn’t have brought charges based on it. And if he hadn’t been such a pompous and arrogant windbag for his entire presidency, people wouldn’t be so accepting of his treatment by the left. As it is, when the left calls him names and make accusations, and bring about dubious or even false charges against him, many people dislike him so much they either agree with it or go along with it. Him being unlikeable doesn’t justify those actions, but it does factor in to so many people accepting them.
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