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TxHoops last won the day on April 14

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  1. As we approach the season… [Hidden Content]
  2. Always liked him. Bobby Bowden had a lot of likable guys in his coaching green
  3. I would lay at least a stroke a hole on 45 vs 46. Trump can really play. His game reminds me a bit of an amateur’s version of our own, late great Bruce Lietzke. Anyway, I’m an only watch golf during majors guy but I found this pretty entertaining.
  4. The most common one I see is comparing Trump to Hitler (i.e., one of the worst human beings to ever walk the earth). Likewise, I remember seeing all kinds of posts, emails, etc. opining that Obama might be the anti-Christ when he was in office (hard to get worse than Hitler but this one certainly is). When a crazy person hears this craziness, it is not a leap for them to believe they are playing hero by ridding the earth of Hitler incarnate or the anti-Christ, etc. I would guess this is what people are talking about extreme rhetoric. At some point, words matter and people need to really be responsible when speaking or, as is often the case with social media, sharing. And both of these old guys running aren’t doing the best job of leading by example either.
  5. I can’t get away from something being off either. Bullets isn’t wrong about the polling numbers. Elections are won in the middle and the only person worse with the middle right now than Trump is Biden. Biden won’t voluntarily step aside despite the Dems trying to push him aside. You’re telling me a building across from the staging area wasn’t secured and a guy crawling around on a roof visible from the ground was missed by trained rooftop snipers? I’m about the furthest thing from a conspiracy theorist because the simplest explanation is often the correct one. But some young nut job pulling this off isn’t the simplest one here imo. Something stinks to high heaven.
  6. The first round pick was perfect. Didn’t know Watson was your kinfolk. Glad they drafted him now. I would have taken Bronny on a troll though and tell Rich Paul not to let the door hit him in arse on the way to Sydney.
  7. I’m pissed the Celtics didn’t draft hIm as an all time screw you to the Lakers. Not like they couldn’t have signed that older kid from Gonzaga as an undrafted free agent anyway. Wasn’t nobody else drafting him. Even if he pouted off to Australia, it would have been worth it just to stick it to the Lakers and Lebron. As sacrilegious as it seems, be better Brad Stevens.
  8. Indeed. There are several teams, including Kountze, who are good enough to win state sans Hitchcock. That school just has an unreal amount of size and athleticism for 3A.
  9. Silsbee would be favored but would definitely be a game I would drive to see. I couldn’t be more impressed with what Kountze did at TABC. Played far from a cupcake schedule and really handled business. I’ve said many times SETX basketball is at its best when certain teams (including Kountze) are good. They will be plenty good this year and have a chance to make a real run at it.
  10. I agree and I rarely disagree with AAW’s takes. It’s more the ones who love to throw around the term “t-shirt fans” (like they don’t have plenty of their own and who the heck cares anyway? Why can’t someone cheer of a college of their choice just like pro teams?). I have always been convinced that term is mostly utilized by aggy alums who couldn’t get into UT and therefore assume those who cheer for the Longhorns couldn’t either. Again, inferiority complex. And again, that’s not AAW but many “loud and proud” aggy faithful I see online.
  11. Well, they disagreed with me and went Sells over Miller on the first team. It was so close I really didn’t have an issue either way. I could be wrong up but it’s always seemed to me that Drelon was a bit undersold in hoops because he is so dang good in football. But that kid came up with some really big performances in huge games. He always seems to rise to the occasion. And he was a senior. But Zac was certainly more than deserving too.
  12. I get aggy being pissed off about the press conference comments, and the firing of Pierce on the day of the national championship (although schools and teams do that all the time). But in the end, I think the thing that they are most upset about is the fact that UT can come in and hire their most successful big 3 coach away, just because they want to. Reinforces every inferiority complex they have, that they won’t or are incapable of admitting.
  13. I think you hit the nail on the head. Apparently when Alberts let Chris Parks go, who was one of Schloss’s guys, he was pretty upset about it. Don’t know a ton of detail about it but it is rumored it definitely caused a rift between the two. I can’t imagine this came down to money because it’s not like A&M couldn’t afford to match what UT is paying him. And I’m sure that was offered when they made a last ditch effort to keep him.
  14. 100%. I don’t know that you could play the ball off the wall and get the relay home any better than the Aggies did. And the runner made as good a play at the plate as I’ve ever seen. Amazing it ended up being the difference in the game too. That game was an instant classic and will certainly be on the short list of greatest CWS championship games ever.
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