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UT alum

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UT alum last won the day on June 20

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About UT alum

  • Birthday 03/30/1954

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    Reading, fishing, gardening, politics

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  1. The only terrorist acts I’m aware of on American soil are either domestic (Oklahoma City), or committed by Islamic extremists who used northern ports of entry ( 1993 WTC bombing and 9/11). So what’s your fake news point? Border crossings are down. Trump shot down a bipartisan bill endorsed by INS by using puppet Mike Johnson to keep his border charade up.
  2. At least Trump pays “his black supporters” for their endorsement. Get 10 and talk like that means everyone. Typical Trump con.
  3. How is that different from a Christian hating Muslim? You go against the Christ’s teaching with statements like that. What’s wrong with you?
  4. THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE. HOMO SAPIENS. Get over it. Islam is a religion.
  5. I am not a scholar of Islam or the Koran, so I can’t tell you what their scriptures mean. Where do you get your information? You know, the Bible says to stone adulterers. So what’s your point?
  6. Rather have exaggerated numbers than outright denial.
  7. In the Democratic Party criticism doesn’t mean exclusion. When it comes time, they’ll be there. Breitbart lies won’t change anything.
  8. You accuse me of stereotyping? I have to laugh. The modern Republican Party was founded on stereotyping. And lies. And deception. Welfare queen, trickle down economics, immigrants are murderous. Shameful behavior by shameless people seems to be the order of the day for MAGA heads.
  9. An idol is an object (or person) of extreme devotion. To pounce on someone for an act your idol serially commits is pretty dang extreme devotion, i.e. the idol can do no wrong in your eyes. A god, in other words. Hypocrite is too light a term for the excuses his devoted make to justify his behavior.
  10. That’s rich,pal, coming from someone who supports a serial sex abuser. It reeks of idol worship.
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