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myrecordwashorrible last won the day on September 21 2023

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  1. Likely she is. However, she may have about a 2 week run of as much press and TV appearances as she can get. Then, the powers that be in the party check their own polling to see how she stands against Trump. If she doesn't show well, we may be witnessing one wild DNC in about a month.
  2. Wonder how Vance polls/connects/empathizes in/with Pennsylvania? There may be more strategy behind this than we initially realize.
  3. Elon has locked on to this exchange and could get very interesting. This may be the thread we look back at in November and wonder why there wasn't more dialogue. This has hit LinkedIn hard and I guarantee the CEO of LinkedIn doesn't like seeing it. Interesting to say the least.
  4. Your thoughts on Loperfido while valid has counter arguments. Can Loperfido bunt very well would be first and doing it well in BP is a world of difference from, as Espada stated, from bunting 90 plus fast balls. After the strike out though, I question why bunting Cabbage at all with an out on the board. With 2 outs it requires a hit to score, thus Cabbage should be swinging. As for Alvarez, if I recall the situation you mention, he likely did that on his own as the 3rd baseman was shifted way off the line. I simply do not recall the score or what inning which would play a huge role in that decision. Dubon seeing more playing time...agreed. Fire Espada for that decision would mean you call for most managers to be fired. Yes, I realize you have other reasons as well. Interesting thought on bunting I have heard from an old timer that has changed his bunt thoughts. He doesn't care for it much anymore because players strike out to expletive expletive much to justify it very often. His statement, "I would have had him bunt, but the next fatherless child would strike out, so forget it." Which is exactly what happened with Cabbage. Thus, to ALWAYS bunt, no for sure. Do it in the same situation with different players, absolutely...but like an adult diaper...it depends.
  5. Anderson Cooper is going after Kamala pretty hard about Biden's performance. She keeps doing the only thing she can, which is claim he is doing a great job as president. She simply will not engage the questions about his performance. The only thing she will say about the debate is he started slow. That's it.
  6. Trump may not have gained a single vote, but Biden may have lost many.
  7. The boys are measuring their length. Now we are getting to what the people care about.
  8. Greg Gutfeld on X about the debate, "I picked the wrong year to quit drinking."
  9. At this point, how your statement isn't correct would be shocking. This is uncomfortable to watch.
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