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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2021 in all areas

  1. What the hell is wrong with just a good ol’ American flag? I saw one of the huge ones flapping in the wind today and thought what a beautiful sight. The freedom provided by that flag is what allows you to fly whatever flag you want to - ON YOUR OWN PROPERTY. I just do not get this at all and take it as a slap in the face!
    3 points
  2. CardinalBacker


    But I'll add to this... I think the Supreme Court taking up the abortion issue again is a mistake. The precedent has always been not to re-visit the decisions of previous courts. If anybody knows of anything that differentiates this new case from Roe v Wade, I'd like to hear it. Besides the first reason, I also disagree because this will push the Dems into trying to "pack" the supreme court. We really don't need situations where the Supreme Court becomes politicized and takes up previous decisions that were reached by a court with a different make-up. The obvious solution is to add members to the court. We're at 6-3 right now.... adding 4 Justices makes it a 7-6 split the other way. Then the Rs will turn right back around and add a few the next time that they are in power to grind old axes. That alone is reason enough to leave it be. Also, abortion has been legal since 1973. 48 years! It has literally been legal longer than most Americans have been alive. Young people don't feel as strongly about it being "wrong" for a lot of reasons. If you really want to be the party of old guys trying to take away freedoms that these young people have had their whole lives, go right ahead.... you'll pay for it at the polls. The simple answer is to draft a constitutional amendment to make it illegal. Have it ratified by the states and it will truly be outlawed. Except the pro-lifers don't have the necessary votes.... so it should just be left alone.
    2 points
  3. @TradenupBH called me bitter and a smart*** so I went back and pulled up some threads re. The TW hire. There are plenty of “Watch out, here comes BH!” posts out there. But not by @TradenupBH . He has been consistent and realistic throughout. I stand by my opinion. Quite a few people missed or were unrealistic. But he didn’t.
    2 points
  4. Totally unverifiable post, just information that was relayed by a football guy that lives in the BH district: Word in the back room is that TW left mainly because of the superintendent. Supt. would come into the office and question TW about some of the coaching decisions he was making. Undoubtedly the supt. used to coach in his pre-administrative days? The son left this past season after a discussion with the supt. that included something along the lines of "This isn't Dallas, you're not winning down here without athletes" from KW. Heard the Westerbergs were a little surprised with the personnel and the nonchalant attitude from the kids and parents towards winning in BH. Not sure exactly what part of the season/offseason it was but he gave an example of kids pulling into the parking lot for Saturday practice/workouts with boats hooked up to their trucks like, "We just have to hurry and get through this so we can go do X and not really focusing on the work that needed to be put in." Supposedly there are two things that happened that really rubbed TW the wrong way more than the supt.'s arrogance and questioning of his coaching. One was the hair situation that happened at BH. BH had several transfers lined up at the skill positions for the upcoming season and all pulled out after the news. Second, there was supposedly some school meeting where the supt. informed the staff that the district bought some land around I-10 and HWY 99 to keep an apartment complex that would've been zoned to BH from being built. Comment was along the lines of "We don't need that in our district". Sounds like the supt. just wore TW out and TW not really having to deal with it just chose to leave. Was also told the supt. has already reached out to Surratt who said he was good. The one sentiment I didn't get was that this was some sudden decision TW made, he had been on the fence for a while. I commented earlier about what TW would tell other coaches who asked him for advice about the BH job and now I think that's even more pertinent. *Unrelated - was told the supt. fired Price because he benched his son his senior year. Dick Olin had a lot to do with Murray ending up in Allen playing for his buddy TW after leaving Lewisville. TWs BASE salary was in the $160k range but had escalators pertaining to other sports that could've taken his salary to the $180k range.
    2 points
  5. I have a kid that plays. I am his biggest fan and very emotional in the stands. I try to distance myself from the emotional here. I attempt to be more analytical. And also remove biases from my thought process. Compile the following Crosby data points from spring 2019: - Superintendent ousted. (Leadership) - Financial scandal. (Uncertainty) - Significant reduction of force. (Resources and Uncertainty). - HC leaves (Leadership). - New HC has no HC experience (Uncertainty). Now, knowing all this and not what you know now, take yourself back to that summer. And tell people that Crosby will be playing for a state title in 2 seasons. That statement, while not impossible (obviously), would be considered highly unlikely by a majority of people. Compile the following BH data points- - BH has ample $$ (Resources). - BH has a tradition of success (culture). - New Coach has multiple state titles. (Leadership / Culture). - New Coach has coached amazing talent (Leadership / Culture). Now, knowing all this and not what you know now, take yourself back to that summer. And tell people that BH will win 3 playoff games in the next 5 years and TW will leave. Again, that statement, while not impossible (obviously), would be considered highly unlikely by a majority of people. Call it “beating the odds” or “bad/good luck” or whatever you want. BH underperformed based on the expectations that were reasonable as set forth in the points above. Crosby overperformed based on the expectations that were reasonable as set forth in the points above.
    2 points
  6. My popcorn is getting stale.
    2 points
  7. This is Coach Lance Dale and I appreciate the confidence or joking matter of y’all using my name for the Tarkington job which ever one it was but FYI I am very happy in Anahuac and have been promoted to OC next year and love working for Coach Greg Neece!!! Go Panthers. I have no interest in this job but I wish Tarkington the very best!!!! I hope this clears this matter up for everyone.
    2 points
  8. This one would again cause riots and more calls to defund the police if the roles were reversed.
    2 points
  9. It seemed odd his son would leave for Whitehouse, then this happened. Guessing either there are issues in BH they both wanted out of. Or BH didn't want the son taking over.
    2 points
  10. Thats right. I am sure TW is an decent coach but the powers that be at BH completely failed to realize he was not going to have a Kyler Murray & co. to coach when they made the hiring decision 5 years ago. When that hire was made, I had this very discussion with a co-worker from BH and I told him that very thing. TW without Murray & co. is just an ordinary coach, but got paid an extraordinary price simply due to the perception of being elite. An ideal candidate for BH would be someone similar to the late Jeff Walker from Liberty Hill. That was truly a great coach that over-performed with only average talent to work with. I hope BH has learned from this very expensive lesson, and will make a great, thoughtful hire.
    2 points
  11. KM was special. TW won 3 with him. Before and after that, not being able to get out of Reg 1. If it was Euless Trinity, it was SLC or somebody else knee capping Allen with all those kids, etc
    2 points
  12. I’ve been in this area for way longer than 10 years. Multiple kids, lots of sports, theatre, band, all the great stuff. Known kids and coaches all over. I’ve never questioned TWs pedigree or talent. There were plenty of people on this board and other forums/social media that talked about this hire being part of the plan to make BH a contender for titles. Nobody guaranteed it. But it was discussed. When Riordan left Crosby, the chatter was about how many years until Crosby was competitive again. Buncha wise guys will tell you “I knew they would come back fast and stronger than ever!” Yeah. Ok. (Well…except that one guy.) Crosby overperformed. TW was a splash hire for good money (that’s the market, he earned it). Nobody was talking about indoor facilities, S/C programs 5 years ago. It was about wins. Coaches don’t get hired for “moral victories”. I’m finding it difficult to generate any bitterness around the fact TW underperformed and left.
    2 points
  13. The locals (not you guys, uh...other locals) have changed their stories as the results came in. The hire was high profile when it happened. As it should be. Highly paid. TW had a resume of titles. TW had players of the highest caliber that played at Allen. If 5 years ago, somebody had said "3 playoff wins in 5 years", the locals would have disagreed and said you're crazy. He underperformed. I have a few other, too long, posts about this being all about the context of the hire. This wasn't just another hire. Wasn't supposed to be. The idea (from the locals) was that here was a guy getting paid state title money, coming from a state title school, going to a district that had the money and culture to bring home...state titles. That didn't happen. 39-17 in 5 years. 3 playoff wins. 2 District titles. (A district that has been dominated by 2-3 teams the last 10 years). About 3 years in, I asked when BH will say "Yeah, didn't work out and we need to move on." Looks like TW made the decision before that point. Someone posted a list of coaches that have put away some titles with other schools. What makes anybody think the results will be any different than the last 5 years? Just not so sure paying the most money for the most successful coach on the market makes a program more successful.
    2 points
  14. Jason Garrett, Wade Phillips, Jeff Fisher, Tom Herman, Rex Ryan and others have been rumored for this job.
    2 points
  15. And there’s a team a little closer to home than Vandy who is #2 😉
    1 point
  16. The bit about the buying land to avoid having apartments is something that has been going around from multiple people. Too many disparate sources that said the exact same thing, tend to believe that statement.
    1 point
  17. CardinalBacker


    The whole argument is faulty. Somebody gets knocked up, and the only question is "who else is gonna deal with this?" Is it gonna be tax-payer funded abortionist? Will it fall to somebody else to adopt the poor kid? Those appear to be the only two options, when the obvious option has no intentions of fulfilling their obligations as a human freakin' being.
    1 point
  18. CardinalBacker


    You suck it up and marry some broad you shouldn't, lol.
    1 point
  19. lol good one crosby fan. One of those "asking for a friend" posts.
    1 point
  20. Wouldn't surprise me in the least bit bout that hair situation/transfers thing, I actually expected it, me and @BMTSoulja1talked about it several times.
    1 point
  21. To be fair with the exception of the Kolek brothers on that Shepherd team the rest of the team was average at best….
    1 point
  22. 605 miles one way...Fort Worth to El Paso
    1 point
  23. And I know, incoming “You can’t measure heart!” Comment. I couldn’t agree more. It’s what makes this game so amazing. (Crosby over Manvel at the Jungle is the best HS football game I’ve ever seen. All heart.)
    1 point
  24. Well, Liberty Hill averaged 57ppg this year, including dogging out some 6As, and was one point away from the title game running the . . . (clears throat) . . . slot-T. Buda Hays made the semis against Katy running it this year and SA Wagner was in the 5A-D1 semis against Shadow Creek running it in 2019. So there's precedent for running it with success in the higher classifications. BH definitely has better overall athletes than LH does.
    1 point
  25. Thinking this was nothing but "smoke" and no fire.
    1 point
  26. Lawd no not again 🤦🏾‍♂️😂
    1 point
  27. Matthew328

    7 on 7

    Here's the list of 7on7 State Champs since 2015....seems like pretty all of them are also good at real football the following season...there are a few years when a team wins it that isn't great at real football but most of the time the teams that win the state tournament are also good at the real stuff 2015 Austin Westlake 14-2 Navasota 12-1 2016 The Woodlands 15-1 Kaufman 8-4 2017 Lake Travis 13-3 Graham 14-1 2018 College Station 9-3 Midlothian Heritage 11-2 Gunter 15-1 2019 A&M Consolidated 11-1 Sunnyvale 12-1 Poth 11-2
    1 point
  28. Keep in mind this is an open forum for all fans, not limited to any particular schools insiders. Expect anyone to talk about anything, don't take it personal, its just how these work. TW was a high profile hire that made news around the whole state, and his subsequent performance and eventual leaving is just as news worthy, too. As I said, I hope BH makes a wiser hire this time, and brings someone in who can develop the program to the max.
    1 point
  29. How many times did St Urban Mayer invoke his health, family, etc when he quit a major job. Like I said, BH barely made a dent in 5A D2 and their numbers at the lower levels suggest that 6A is that white dot in that tunnel heading their way fast
    1 point
  30. No Kyler Murry's et al for TW to coach up. And, maybe he left because BH will be 6A next go round and he had no shot competing with the likes of NS and Tascosita and he knew it.....
    1 point
  31. I'd be interested to see Barbers Hill with one of the coaches from Liberty Hill.
    1 point
  32. No more truer words could be written!! Funny how a certain crowd can’t/won’t see this.
    1 point
  33. Another Conspiracy Theory that was true. Seeing a lot of that lately. China Lab - Mask are little help - there are UFOs (UAPs). As I’ve always said, if it’s based on sound information, a Conspiracy Theory is just an alternative answer to questions. And good ones are based on some facts. Actually Occams Razor applies to the Chinese Lab. Of course there are some pretty goofy, but I’ve believed all three of the above from the get go.
    1 point
  34. CardinalBacker


    I'll agree with abortion under those limited reasons (rape, incest, life of the mother) if you'll agree that any other reasons should be illegal. Abortion Fans use those reasons to get a "foot in the door." They throw out the listed reasons while they actually believe that there should be no restrictions whatsoever. I personally feel that abortion is immoral, at least for me, anyways... but I really didn't have an opinion on legality. My opposition came when the D's made "abortion is a right regardless of a woman's ability to pay" a part of their platform. If I have no business in women's reproductive issues, then you don't need my tax dollars to fund them, either.
    1 point
  35. I really enjoyed watching it. I thought he might cave in on Sunday, but he hung in there. Makes old folks like me feel pretty good. When Lefty is on, there is not to many players that can keep up. I think he may have one more major in him.
    1 point
  36. To be fair, he did get you guys a run thru tunnel. That's why you ran off Coach Price, right?
    1 point
  37. I asked around and heard from a board member that Wilson has not said much. I do know Wilson don't need money he's retired military and does really good for himself. That's what make him special because he does it for the right reason and not money. He will be missed over here for sure and I am sad to see him go but over here in Mustang Country its next man up.
    1 point
  38. Randy Travis, IMO had one of, if not the best country voices ever. I was always a fan of his hits, but when I watched the video below with him and George Jones, it gave me a new respect for Travis. I mean, at his age, singing George songs in front of George had to be nerve racking, but he killed it. If you have never hear this, it's worth the time.....
    1 point
  39. Why did TW fire the company that ran the strength and conditioning camp this year?
    1 point
  40. I'm not sure I agree or disagree with the shooting. We don't know the use of force guidelines. What I do know, is if this was a city police officer and she was black, the media would be up in arms and the headlines would read "unarmed black woman shot by police during mostly peaceful protest"
    1 point
  41. Thats exactly right. He underperformed. I don't blame BH for swinging for the fences 5 years ago. BH wanted to make a "big splash" with the hire and they did. The Westerberg hire did put BH on the statewide football map for all of 15 minutes of fame, but it ended there. Their intention was good but their thought process was quite flawed. Apparently they did not comprehend Westerberg was basically an illusion, without Kyler Murray surrounded by other move in talent at Allen, Westerberg would not have had a prayer of winning state. On the other side of the equation, it has been a bonanza for Westerberg. He came for the money and wow did he rake it in. Someone said 2 million in total compensation for the Westerbergs, with $666,667 per playoff win. Tell that result to BH five years ago and they would have run from Westerberg. Its time to move on for BH. They can't un-spend the money or undo the hire, so all they can do is move on and make wiser choices in the future. BH should focus on "bang for the buck", and not let themselves be infatuated with overhyped candidates with glitzy resumes.
    1 point
  42. I was under the impression TW only went to BH for the money and AD position with no pressure to win a state title.....
    1 point
  43. With growth comes a higher enrollment and a move up in classes. BH is already a big school for 5A-D2, next comes 5A-D1 and in about six years they'll have a 6A enrollment and get to play schools like North Shore and Atascocita in district. BH definitely has more athletes now but Deer Park and BH are very similar schools and look how DP struggles even though their enrollment is the highest in the Houston area. I would be very interested to see what TW candidly tells other coaching applicants who reach out to him for information?
    1 point
  44. My opinion on it is this... you had a bunch of nutjobs storm the capitol. One of them got killed in a highly publicized shooting. Since the officer wasn't charged with a crime, I don't at all blame them for doing their best to protect his identity. I'd think there's a very real chance of some other nutjob trying to come after him (the kind of person that would storm the capitol, maybe?). He was cleared by a grand jury. Knowing his identity doesn't do anything for anyone. If he'd been charged with a crime it would be out there.
    1 point
  45. Hearing he's taking a Central Texas AD job. I wonder what BH's approach will be on this hire? They wanted coaches with championships under their belts and as such the last two coaches came to BH with six combined 6A titles(Gage's 2 at Lewisville would be considered 6A now). Over that eleven year span BH has won two district titles and has three playoff wins. Not to mention in the last five years they've compensated the Westerberg family right around $2M. Does BH back the Brinks truck up to a guy right down I-10 like John Kay at North Shore and pitch the idea that he can be the head football coach and the AD? Does the BH administration finally realize these guys they're hiring with multiple titles also have talent near the top of the class and hire a guy like Jeff Riordan, or do they go down the same route where they pay a bunch of money to a guy near the end of his career just to say they have a championship coach? I think Westerberg accomplished what he set out to do when he took the BH job. He made a bunch of money in a short span, got his son a head coaching job at Whitehouse and parlayed his time on The Hill into an even better retirement job. So much for great coaches being able to win anywhere.
    1 point
  46. Englebert

    Global Warming Update!

    Does regression ring a bell when thinking of Man Made Global Warming, Global Warming, Climate Change, or whatever the current hysteria driven name is? That is Scientific regression. We actually have people taking pot shots aimed at people that adhere to scientific methodology, by insinuating that we are "Neanderthals" (thanks for the analogy Biden) for asking for proof of a "theory" that has less evidential proof than the United States faking the moon landing. Or less evidence than the "theory" that Steven King was the one that actually shot John Lennon. Or that the Holocaust never happened. Or that Katy Perry is actually Jonbenet Ramsey. Or that Elvis is still alive. Or that women make 70 cents on the dollar for doing the same exact job with the same experience as a man. When do we start turning the tables by calling out the "Neanderthals" (thanks again Biden) for making such belittling statements. I guess I will start. If you believe what the media/politicians/fake climatologists have told you about Man Made Global Warming, and you are in favor of spending hard earned tax dollars to solve a problem that has never been proven to exist, then you are an Un-American deplorable (thanks Hillary) that has no business weighing in on a topic that is way beyond your comprehension. You are a detriment to the American (and the world) way of life. You need to learn your station and admit you are not capable of discussing issues with people of even moderate intellectual means. If you are offended...good. You deserve it. Put up or shut up. Show me the proof of your Climate Change religion. I bet none of you will. You've been challenged...and all I foresee is tails tucking between legs and running from the topic like a frightened schoolgirl. I have no doubt that the Al Gore disciples will be totally silent and will not dare respond to this challenge, but will reappear in a later topic to continually ridicule people that simply ask for the proof, pretending that this challenge never existed. Anyone care to take that bet?
    1 point
  47. waltersobchak

    2021 WO-S QB

    cool still racist though
    1 point
  48. I thought you were talking about a new Beaumont massage parlor until I opened the thread.
    1 point

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