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WOSdrummer99 last won the day on December 1 2023

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  1. H didn't have a choice to let them stay. They left on their own.
  2. Offense changing too. Without consistency nobody ever knows what they doing. But it won't be the same spread or pro style whatever they called it.
  3. I'll have to listen again. I don't think it was the WOS staff that he met with. Doubt that would happen at all at this point Edit... I hear "the staff". Not specified
  4. Nice to see all the support for Coach T at the book signing today. They have plenty left and may not be finished by 2pm. They're also planning another signing in Kirbyville TBA later. Anyone else interested having a copy shipped can PM me for the details. WOS 112%
  5. We do. I was referring to all the schools that will soon break ground after the recommendation becomes mandatory
  6. ... ours. We all have to claim him. This is what we've brought upon ourselves.
  7. Things like this don't just happen by chance
  8. @wo-s#1 Got it. PM me for details.
  9. Who's page? Edit. Nevermind it's been confirmed
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