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  1. I’m just here to say that silsbee made it further than Jasper... that’s is all 😂
    3 points
  2. I would like to commend the Mustang players, band and fans, although outmanned, they gave it their all. They never gave up and fought to the very last play. The Mustangs and community are winners.
    3 points
  3. Wolves D holds... Wolves 29 Bulldogs 20 Final Wolves clinch a playoff spot.
    3 points
  4. Moment of clarity... Silsbee didn’t get consistently better until they brought in Coach Smith, who I don’t believe anybody is comparing to Surratt.... the consistent athletic talent level in Silsbee camouflaged some subpar coaching for years, in my opinion. I think Jasper is possibly in the same spot.
    3 points
  5. PF 379----476 PA 42----211 I'll let you figure which is which.
    2 points
  6. Ppl love to hate on WOS til that beating happens. Lol
    2 points
  7. One4All

    WOS vs China Spring

    It's not hard to contain or stop the run game when its known your pass game is Weak... CS did a great job at stopping the run..Jasper is a one damental team.
    2 points
  8. One4All

    WOS vs China Spring

    I'll take the same point spread as you give in your Silsbee game this wk
    2 points
  9. Ouch, how the hell did we lose to these guys... 🤦‍♂️
    2 points
  10. I think that is what was lost in Carthage moving down. It was "Oooh, Region III is so hard now that Carthage has dropped to DII!" And I certainly am not trying to discount Carthage's effect on Region III but they are not the only stout team that moved down. And, yes, one of them is China Spring.....the same China Spring that had some recent pitched battles with La Vega before moving down. I know there is at least one WO-S fan and alum that doesn't see the Mustangs' road to a date with Carthage being any easier due to what happened tonight in Crockett. In fact, with due respect to my Jasper friends, it may have just gotten harder.
    2 points
  11. Hooks never liked any coach. Respected them yes.
    2 points
  12. Love me some Jasper football. Wanted to see Jasper vs WOS.
    2 points
  13. WOSdrummer99

    Two big 3a upsets

    MV must have a great coach
    2 points
  14. China Spring has an excellent quarterback and tailback that we couldn't stop. They were up 3-0 after the first quarter and it looked like it was gonna be a good, low scoring game and then our wheels came off. They were faster than we are on both sides of the ball, no question. I'm looking forward to seeing how they measure up to WO-S. I love good football and that's gonna be a fantastic ball game.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. 2003- 11-3;04- 12-4; 05- 7-4;06- 2-8; 07- 7-5; 08- 4-6; 09- 8-3;10- 2-8; 11- 6-5: Barbay arrives: 9-3;8-4;9-4;7-5;10-3;8-3;12-1;9-3;8-2. got to get rid of them! Yeah you’re a smart one!
    2 points
  18. Must be same referees from Deweyville
    2 points
  19. This is bad. We look totally unprepared....again. We've been outcoached and outplayed.
    2 points
  20. These Laporte annoucers are more bias and full of more ish than @BMTSoulja1. Smh...
    2 points
  21. This news sucks! Coach Babin was a great coach and a better man. He did a lot of little things to keep the kids involved in the community and groom them into good young men. When I graduated high school I didn’t follow football at all anymore (mainly cause Lumberton sucked lol) but as soon as I heard the news of Babin being back I started going to games. And now I’m a High school football fanatic like the rest of you crazy people on here. I’ve followed Lumberton, Silsbee in the playoffs, seen WOS play in the state championship 3 times along with Newton. A love for high school football all started with simply hearing about a coach I loved playing for being back. While I saw this coming from several conversations I’ve had with him in the past, it still sucks. As a raider fan and former player I know what we are losing. My only hopes going forward are that we can make a good hire, and even more importantly that Coach Babin can land a good coaching spot near his son. Best believe I’ll still be keeping up with him!! oh, and Lumberton, please don’t screw this choice up and end up 0-10 like the old days!
    2 points
  22. You pegged it. That’s why he quit. 2 freshman. 😳
    2 points
  23. Rez Ipsa

    PNG v. Crosby 2020

    A test week for both teams. Crosby is favored. PNG's last chance to prove itself before the playoffs, and more than likely the last chance to control its playoff seeding. Bring on the iPad Bowl.
    1 point
  24. That may be one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever seen. From coach Frank Martin: “We’ve changed as adults. We demand less of kids. We make their lives easier instead of preparing them for what life is truly about. We’re the ones that have changed. To blame kids is a cop out.” If you want to blame the community or parents, the coaching or the district, I’m all in. Those kids’ lack of mental toughness is not the issue.
    1 point
  25. This has been a decision he has been contemplating for over a year now. I could have came on here and predicted it but I’m not going to put his personal business out there until he does. There doesn’t always have to be “more to the story”
    1 point
  26. He’s looking through rose colored glasses Spank Spank
    1 point
  27. Depth was a concern with those 5 wins... keep that ish in YALL pocket lol. If they were 1-5 and losing by 7 points or less, then I would agree.
    1 point
  28. good win huffman...hopefully livingston gets it done tonight also
    1 point
  29. There is the possibility of a 3 way tie for 1st. Png upsets Crosby next week and all three win out. Crosby spanked bh, bh spanked png, png plays mistake free game i think have a good shot beating Crosby in a shootout. Curious how those 3 seeds would be determined
    1 point
  30. Me too. I still remember the first time we played them in 1986 in Orange and came out on top 21-8. I was 13 and I thought that was the coolest thing ever. At the time, I had no idea that they would have our number for so long after that. Those first few years were INTENSE. Almost every game was a nail biter and you could literally feel the angst between Dan Hooks and Gene Walkoviak. I wonder if they still don't like each other. LOL
    1 point
  31. maybe, I'd love to believe it but who knows
    1 point
  32. I was a supportive observer tonight, but a district rival of HD's...The young men played hard, as always. In my own opinion...should've been 7-6 at Half. Why in the world do you take a shot on 3rd and long from your own 4 with 39 seconds left in the 2nd qtr. in a 7-6 game? Run the ball, roll the clock and go take a 28 minute break. I'm not sure how much they can chew...but the kids played hard and put themselves in a good position. WS definitely has some big play weapons and they definitely earned their victory tonight. Great season for both programs and good luck to WS!
    1 point
  33. Dayton is one of the better winless teams around. Games only get bigger from here. Hope to play a more complete game next week.
    1 point
  34. Hagar

    Voter Fraud

    The point is not for Trump to win, but to show the vulnerability of the mail in ballots. FYI, the States who’ve been using mail in ballots for years, said it takes at least a year to prepare your voting rolls. This election, there was only a few months, and States were totally unprepared. A lady in Texas signed up about 125 new voters who were in a Nursing Home for the mentally disabled. She just happened to get caught. In Pa, they received 25,000 voter registrations from Nursing Homes, all on the same day. Kind of for fetched. I don’t care if folks did it for Trump or Biden, we need to be confident our system is working. I want my vote to count, not be negated by cheats. You should really feel the same way. For instance, what would your reaction be if the inner city area of Philadelphia show 80% for Trump? Would you be content, or suspect voter fraud?
    1 point
  35. Columbus will play Woodville in Rd 2 site tbd
    1 point
  36. Looked forward to staying close to home next week. But we love top notch competition. Good season Dawgs
    1 point
  37. Go Diboll @Woodshed
    1 point
  38. @jag86 Lil Rivers balled out! He refused to let United lose. Congrats Timberwolves on making the playoffs.
    1 point
  39. Just for the record watching this is like watching a gas station CCTV. They should have let Texan Live carry this game
    1 point
  40. What makes you say that Nederland has no talent? They’re beating y’all, aren’t they?
    1 point
  41. Broncos hanging tuff with no talent-
    1 point
  42. #12 Thomas with a 55 yard QB keeper to get the Wolves in the redzone...
    1 point
  43. At the beginning of the season I will say, usually to myself, I am going to this game and that. When the date comes up for some reason or another I will miss that game. The LCM vs Yates games caught my eye for none baseball reasons. I've never actually been on to Little Cypresss Mauriceville much less stepped foot on their high school campus. I drove over that big bridge & I saw a sign that said this is Bridge City, and another that said this is LCM. That's about as close as I've been. I feel like I know them just the same. They were always district rivals even back when I was in school. The name LCM brings back memories of a simpler time, if that makes sense. Now I've been living in Houston, officially, for decades. I say officially cause I was always visiting Houston even when I lived in Silsbee. H town then was a 2nd home. We go to church off Scott St out in South Acres, which is further South from 3rd ward, almost in Pearland. On the way home we usually drive straight North on Scott. My wife loves Frenchy's chicken, so we stop there from time to time. Yates campus is right near there. I've only been in that school once. That was before they rebuilt it. So I had that game picked out more for sentimental reasons.
    1 point
  44. The most disgusting stadium bleachers. Bird poop everywhere on the visitors side. Good thing I brought my own chair...
    1 point
  45. You told the truth. She is the reason. 🍿
    1 point
  46. Lumberton as a district pay is bad. Not a chance for us
    1 point
  47. Build a Prouse statue now!
    1 point
  48. So is Gilder..!
    1 point

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