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  1. The early seventies were hard times for Vidor, but during the mid- and late-seventies and continuing into the mid-eighties, Vidor had strong teams. The problem was only one team went to the playoffs and Vidor was in a district with PN-G, Port Arthur Thomas Jefferson, Beaumont French, and Beaumont West Brook. All of those teams won a state championship or made the state finals during 1975-1985. SE TX had its fair share of champions back then. Vidor made a run in 1978 under HC Philip Brown. They won the DC and played a good Aldine team in the Astrodome that was probably twice their size in enrollment. People in Vidor must have forgotten the strong Pirate teams coached by Ronnie Thompson (1975 and 1977) and Philip Brown (1978-1983). Under Ronnie Thompson, the Pirates threw the ball all over the yard when most teams were running 3-yards and a cloud of dust. And, he had a bag of trick plays for every game. Add to that some strong defenses, and the Pirates won some games. Under Philip Brown, the Pirates loaded up on the line of scrimmage and hit people in the mouth. They had big OL kids and usually a big RB to pound people into submission. That's what they did in 1978. All of that to say, Coach Matthews would be third in my pecking order. He's had some good teams. He uses his personnel and finds a way to max out wins. He runs a clean program and high school coaches from Orange to El Paso love the guy. If he ever left Vidor, he could have another job within hours. Several HC would hire the guy just to have him on their staff. He is a known commodity and a well-liked man. Go Indians. Peace.
    5 points
  2. Stattrax

    PNG v. Fort Bend Marshall

    Nederland get back to your own thread. We are not that good, but we beat y’all!! Cry till next year. Larry is gone!!! Back to the game in hand. PNG has 3 ways of winning. 1. Is COVID. 2. Is IPad scandal for a forfeit from other team. Or 3. The world gets shut down. My prediction is 74-6 FB. This will not be much of a contest. Track meet one way, disaster the other. As I have posted all year. We played for the 4th spot and got it. One and done. Don’t be mad at me for the truth. I do not have our defensive stats, but I can only imagine what we give up per game... Sorry Rah Rahs....
    4 points
  3. Belichick, Saban, and Surratt are still weighing their options for 2021.
    3 points
  4. Coincidentally, I have some coaching friends that coach some "really good kids". The argument I've made (even on this site) for quite some time is that a team has to have a decent coaching STAFF that's capable of getting maximum potential effort from the players, a group of good players, and favorable competition in order to make any considerable noise in the W column. More times than not you have to have at least 2 of those 3. I'm not defending this guy.. I don't even know him. Just reiterating that there's much more involved than whoever the head coach is. Wanna make a change? Make a change.. but there is no quick fix. Often it's just the opposite.
    2 points
  5. BHFAN

    BH Vs GP

    Ahh that’s the crap BH ran during the Gage years. I hated that offense.
    2 points
  6. tvc184

    BH Vs. Nederland

    Yes, the one trick pony hung about 450 yards of offense in the league’s number one defense. I guess the rest of the district better hope that next year they don’t find another trick... 😂
    2 points
  7. I’ll take this one, you see my opinion on this is... nah, on second thought I ain’t touching that one with a 10 ft pole lol.
    2 points
  8. I anticipate that they WILL get a lot better. They will play their best basketball at the end of the year. And they will win their district based on competition. In the old district, it would have been a three way dogfight.
    2 points
  9. I'll be at the next game. I have a good idea of how this one played out though. Got ate alive all night long trying to trap and press and gave up a million easy baskets. BU could have probably scored 100 by halftime if they had wanted to. I know we're young and inexperienced and nothing we could have done would have resulted in a W, but man 🤮
    2 points
  10. Sounds like knife through butter...elite guards see back court pressure and their eyes light up like a fat kid eyeing a Big Mac. Run the clock for Pete’s sake.
    2 points
  11. I'll take that bet. Blind squirrels do find nuts. The Indians will fall ass backwards into at least two or three first downs. They may get one or two first downs due to penalties. The Purple Pride band will fire-up Cherokee for that. The defense does not make many stops, but FBM will fumble, throw an INT, or the ball will bounce our way at least once during the game. That's another Cherokee moment. The band kids may need to stretch in the 3rd and 4th Q. Well, if you have to stand and stretch, that's a Cherokee moment. Someone in the student section or a giddy band parent will yell out that PN-G beat Nederland this season. Well, that's another Cherokee moment. The band director will sit through the game thinking about his pay check and then, poof, he will suddenly remember that he gets paid to play Cherokee. So, there's another opportunity to fire up the song. Pho Rizzle, you should change your prediction. The score may be 70-24 in favor of the Buffs, but PN-G will fire-up Cherokee at least 20-25 times. It's in the DNA. Honor, Pride and Tradition...long live Cherokee. Go Indians. Peace.
    2 points
  12. How many PN-G games you been to? It will be played 3 times before the coin toss.
    2 points
  13. The Bulldogs will be too much for the Texans. Was no surprise China Spring was no contest for Carthage, they should have never been there , but in the year of Covid strange things have happened. A healthy WOS would have given Carthage a decent game, but Carthage is just to well put together for 4A.
    2 points
  14. Lol. Unfortunately our inept leaders won’t connect the dots. It’s appeasement at best. They’re just throwing us a bone.
    1 point
  15. By The Way!!! Since we are on this thread about playoff games THIS year!!! FBM 75 PNG 13 Somewhere in that range.
    1 point
  16. Lol I mean... probably still would’ve lost to Carthage... or at least been a super high scoring game. Our defense was too soft
    1 point
  17. But they can vote😂
    1 point
  18. Wrong again mama. I say it’s ours not yours.
    1 point
  19. Can’t say I disagree with that, Vidor had some guys that could go on the Dline, Linebacker and Secondary. They could have really helped the offense get going but didn’t mix them in until it was too late in the season, even then didn’t use them enough both ways.
    1 point
  20. Byrdiug

    Interesting Pirate facts

    The folks over in PNG beg to differ.
    1 point
  21. So true, but to think you can put all your best football players on defense and think you are going to win is asinine. Yes, you have to get stops on defense to win, but you put great effort kids on defense, you put kids that are always going to be in the right spot, you put kids on defense that are always going to do what they are told and do it with intensity and aggressiveness. You put your best athletes on offense. Regardless of the scheme or system that you run.
    1 point
  22. Maybe. There are five names on that list with either a 1 win or a 0 win season... Matthews isn't one of them. So.. Just saying.
    1 point
  23. To heck with a new head coach. Don’t make the same mistake Nederland did in the mid-90’s. After a few years of not much success, someone came up with the wild idea to go outside to an untested long time assistant coach. They hired some guy named Larry Neumann. I could have told them that it would never work but they didn’t ask me. Stay inside and keep the paperwork in order. That is the way to move forward!!
    1 point
  24. The day ole scary Larry retired was a national holiday for all png residents. I hear they still celebrate every year to this day
    1 point
  25. And why is Lancaster #1 with a losing record...Do wins and losses not matter anymore??
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Current state ranking. Nederland IS state ranked this year...
    1 point
  28. Final 69-65 Newton
    1 point
  29. You get these kind of years. Keep playing and getting better like last year’s team did and then see what happens. I hope this inexperienced Tiger team puts up a better showing vs BU when they play at home...
    1 point
  30. La Porte 61 - Goose Creek Memorial 55
    1 point
  31. FINAL: Westbrook-46 Nederland-48 Good game to watch
    1 point
  32. They almost hung a hundred through three quarters. I remember going and seeing Silsbee play Concordia a few years ago, and I stayed for the Houston Christian - Yates game. Sahvir Wheeler (now starting PG at Georgia) was breaking that JY press by himself (that was the Mitchell Serialle/Jock Hughes Yates’ team). Miller Kopp had more dunks in that game than he had in his career up to that point probably. Moral is, when you play elite guards, you do a lot more dying than living by the press.
    1 point
  33. Woodville 68 Anahuac 28 District Opener at The Eagle Summit for both. Lady Eagles were up 41-13 at half and were able to really get into their bench in the 2nd half.
    1 point
  34. The lockdowns will end when you choose to defy them. And not before. Politicians do not willingly give back power. Ever. It’s never happened.
    1 point
  35. BHFAN

    BH Vs GP

    They look like Texas City to me running out of the pistol. They run 90% of the time, but we will have them throwing😁
    1 point
  36. Can we borrow the RB #10 and perhaps two or three from the defense? Promise to give them back. Go Indians. Peace.
    1 point
  37. Yep those are the ones.....getting cash handed to them as they pass by. And those cages OH how can we forget about the cages full of kids that’s been blamed on Trump but we’re being used for the same thing years before Trump took office......I’m trying to remember who was in office then....
    1 point
  38. I think if you look at Larry’s total record as a head coach there are more losses than wins. I agree that he is a good offensive coach, but defenses were always horrible and probably one of the most arrogant people I have ever talked with
    1 point
  39. Indians4life


    Yeah no doubt, my buddy said Pasadena has a 6ft8 kid so will be good test I’m sure
    1 point
  40. Crazy how little respect faircloth gets. Nederland is 87-41 in the same time span and the first 5 years of the last decade Nederland was one of the best teams In the area. It ain’t football season in PNG if for sale signs don’t go up mid October though
    1 point
  41. But they can beat Port Arthur Memorial, lol, pipe dreams. 😂
    1 point
  42. LBJ is finally hitting their stride and living up the the expectations that were set for this team this year. They got a much later start than other 4A schools because Austin ISD would not let them start practicing or playing games until the 5A/6A schools within the district started practice in mid September. I'm going with LBJ in this one.
    1 point
  43. Cal prep has Carthage by 35 points
    1 point
  44. Eventually, someone's gonna give the Bulldogs a decent game. This might be the week that happens, but I doubt it. Carthage is a machine.
    1 point
  45. I am floored, thought for sure you would pick the Timberpups to win by double digits.
    1 point
  46. I'm surprised by nothing that happens in Florida.
    1 point
  47. When will it ever end... I'm an African-American man myself but I may be one of the few that believe all lives matter no matter how the media portrays some people doing senseless acts we can only pray about it now
    1 point

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