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Vidor students suspended over racist videos and "KKK Jr" groupchat


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2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Okay, so with which intent am I allowed to say that word?  And by "allowed," I mean "for which I will not be accused of a hate crime and lose everything that I've worked for, both tangible and intangible (such as my good name and reputation)."  Be specific. 

If you think that word doesn't have any power, start throwing it around in conversation and see what happens to your world. Unless, of course, you're black. 

If someone is singing a rap song (whether they be white, black, brown, yellow...) and they repeat the lyric "N" as they're singing it, I don't consider them to be a racist...by definition or otherwise.

When I read it out loud in a Mark Twain book in the 3rd grade, I don't consider that to make me a racist.

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Blacks use the N word toward other blacks, and it’s acceptable.  Why?  Based on what I hear, because it’s used it lieu of “guy-man-etc”.  So let me enlighten those who want to point the racist finger at others.  Most of older generation, coming out of the depression, used it not in a derogatory intent, but merely to identify one race from another.  In lieu of “black-colored-etc”.  In other words (no pun intended) much like it’s used today by blacks.  So the meaning of words change.  Take crap for instance.  When I was young, we used it in lieu of the “bad” words.  First time I used it in front of my G’kids, my daughter told me not to cuss in front of them.  What?  Cuss?  That’s a safe word - Nope, not any more.  So labeling all old white people racist who used the N word, Nope!  Wrong!  My generation was, for the most part, taught, NO N-word.  I never used it in front of my G’kids, and have never heard them use it.  But initially since no N-word, whites used colored.  Nope, blacks didn’t like that.  How about negro?  Nope.  What then?  How about African-Americans?  That was okay for a short while, then Nope.  Go to word, black.  That’s working so far, but tomorrow, who knows.  Words mean things.  We should all try to respect others unless they’ve done something to deserve our disrespect.  So @wbfan make an effort.  Don’t condemn everyone from Vidor over what a few knucklehead loons have done.  Yes, there are racist in Vidor, as there is in every single town.  Feel free to name a town/city that has no racist.  Don’t judge a whole town over some 🐂💩 that happened 70 years ago.  I could post stories of Beaumont that are just as racist and disgusting as Vidor.

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5 minutes ago, Hagar said:

Blacks use the N word toward other blacks, and it’s acceptable.  Why?  Based on what I hear, because it’s used it lieu of “guy-man-etc”.  So let me enlighten those who want to point the racist finger at others.  Most of older generation, coming out of the depression, used it not in a derogatory intent, but merely to identify one race from another.  In lieu of “black-colored-etc”.  In other words (no pun intended) much like it’s used today by blacks.  So the meaning of words change.  Take crap for instance.  When I was young, we used it in lieu of the “bad” words.  First time I used it in front of my G’kids, my daughter told me not to cuss in front of them.  What?  Cuss?  That’s a safe word - Nope, not any more.  So labeling all old white people racist who used the N word, Nope!  Wrong!  My generation was, for the most part, taught, NO N-word.  I never used it in front of my G’kids, and have never heard them use it.  But initially since no N-word, whites used colored.  Nope, blacks didn’t like that.  How about negro?  Nope.  What then?  How about African-Americans?  That was okay for a short while, then Nope.  Go to word, black.  That’s working so far, but tomorrow, who knows.  Words mean things.  We should all try to respect others unless they’ve done something to deserve our disrespect.  So @wbfan make an effort.  Don’t condemn everyone from Vidor over what a few knucklehead loons have done.  Yes, there are racist in Vidor, as there is in every single town.  Feel free to name a town/city that has no racist.  Don’t judge a whole town over some 🐂💩 that happened 70 years ago.  I could post stories of Beaumont that are just as racist and disgusting as Vidor.

It’s like saying Aphrodisiac, which should really be said Aphro-Americandisiac. 

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5 hours ago, SmashMouth said:

If someone is singing a rap song (whether they be white, black, brown, yellow...) and they repeat the lyric "N" as they're singing it, I don't consider them to be a racist...by definition or otherwise.

When I read it out loud in a Mark Twain book in the 3rd grade, I don't consider that to make me a racist.

That’s where you’re mistaken. It’s widely accepted by black people that whites should buy and play their music, and even go to concerts. But the white person is not allowed to sing the n-word. I’m not even kidding. 

This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please


My point remains… if you believe that this group can but that group can’t… you’re a racist. 

It’s like me dropping F bombs all over the place but being violently angry if I hear a Virgin say it because they have no idea what it means to me. The argument is literally that stupid. Eff bombs are offensive… it doesn’t matter if the speaker has ever had sex. The n-word is either offensive or it’s not. The truth is that black people clearly aren’t bothered by the word… they just hate white people because that’s what they’ve been told to do… in the exact same way that racist white people taught their kids to hate others.

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Blacks, women, whites , Mexicans any group you can think of uses a word or a phrase that was once used for hate amongst themselves. N word, b word,R neck, etc..  It’s just what it is. … I’ll use the n word around a specific group. Will never use any other word for other races. And I’m just fine not being able to say those words.

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7 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Blacks, women, whites , Mexicans any group you can think of uses a word or a phrase that was once used for hate amongst themselves. N word, b word,R neck, etc..  It’s just what it is. … I’ll use the n word around a specific group. Will never use any other word for other races. And I’m just fine not being able to say those words.

So you don't have a problem with the word, you just have a problem with white people. 


It's just that simple. 

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22 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

True story.... I was going to Lamar in the mid nineties and the OJ trial was ongoing.  I was watching the news one evening and Marcia Clark was questioning that cop Mark Furman(sp) about if he'd ever used "the n-word."  My dumb____ was over there like "N-word?  I know the A-word, a couple of B-words, that C-word that women HATE... but I can't think of an "n-word."" I had honestly never heard it called "the n-word" before that.  It just was what it was.  When I grew up it was an insult as far as I was concerned.  Probably worse than dummy but nowhere near an actual swear word.  And before anybody starts throwing accusations around, of course I used it back then... just like everybody else.  Or at least everybody else from this part of the world.  

Somewhere along the way I just decided that it's not acceptable for me to use... behind closed doors, in jest, or any other way.  It's just not okay.  I also try to spread that message and let people know how I feel.  Don't say it around me, either, please... you're gonna hear about it. 

This applies to me as well.  It was just a word.  You weren't supposed to say it to black people, but a lot of white people would  use it when black people weren't around, and most of the time there didn't really seem to be any hatred in it.  I can vividly remember a story my grandfather told me when I was 7 or 8 years old about a black guy who was working on his car and stood up and hit the back of his head on the side view mirror so hard it cracked the mirror.  My grandfather said something like "man that n- had a hard head!" and then went on to talking about something else.  He didn't hate that guy, and he wasn't trying to disrespect him either, that was just a word he'd always used to talk about black people.  I honestly can't say how old I was when I really figured out the true harm of the word.  I know it was a gradual change from not really paying attention to the word, to being a little uncomfortable hearing it, to not wanting to be around people who used the word.  What amazes me to this day is how many people are stupid enough to say it.  I mean, if it's a white supremacist at a rally, sure, I expect to hear it.  But the fact that there are any white people out there that think it's a good idea to say the word, and think that their world isn't going to fall apart if someone finds out about it is baffling to me.  You hear things like "no, I used the soft A on the end".  How about you use both of your brain cells at the same time and just shut your mouth?

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1 hour ago, PAMFAM10 said:

It’s that simple to you I have no issues with white people.

Coming from a place of respect....  If the word doesn't bother, as evidenced by your usage of it, BUT it bothers you when a white person says it- you don't have a problem with the word, you have a problem with white people saying the word... that's textbook racial animus, my man.   

You have to see it for what it is... the word has been "taken" by the black community as their own for the sole purpose of bludgeoning white people with it.  Personally, I don't care... but the fact that one person can be invited to the white house after making millions by slinging that word around in rap tunes (Jay-z), while at the same time another person is losing their job, marketing opportunities, etc because they admit that they did use that word back in the '80's (Paula Deen) tells you that you should re-examine every lie that you've ever been told about bias in the United States. 

Like I said... I think the word is repugnant and the idea that someone would laughingly joke around with it and claim that it was a term of endearment while it was probably the last hateful word heard by people like Emmitt Till is so stupid that it's hard to come up with comparisons.  

Do Jews laughingly throw up "Heil Hitlers" at each other as a term of endearment?  Of course not.  

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30 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Coming from a place of respect....  If the word doesn't bother, as evidenced by your usage of it, BUT it bothers you when a white person says it- you don't have a problem with the word, you have a problem with white people saying the word... that's textbook racial animus, my man.   

You have to see it for what it is... the word has been "taken" by the black community as their own for the sole purpose of bludgeoning white people with it.  Personally, I don't care... but the fact that one person can be invited to the white house after making millions by slinging that word around in rap tunes (Jay-z), while at the same time another person is losing their job, marketing opportunities, etc because they admit that they did use that word back in the '80's (Paula Deen) tells you that you should re-examine every lie that you've ever been told about bias in the United States. 

Like I said... I think the word is repugnant and the idea that someone would laughingly joke around with it and claim that it was a term of endearment while it was probably the last hateful word heard by people like Emmitt Till is so stupid that it's hard to come up with comparisons.  

Do Jews laughingly throw up "Heil Hitlers" at each other as a term of endearment?  Of course not.  

Never once have PAMFAM said anything about whites and the use of the n word. I know whites who use the word freely around blacks in tough neighborhoods . With no repercussions. Like I said many groups uses slurs amongst themselves as a form of endearment you can’t understand that, that’s you. I can walk into a beauty salon and hear the b word tossed around non stop. I never thought well that’s Unfair to me or women are the true sexist.

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2 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

 With no repercussions. Like I said many groups uses slurs amongst themselves as a form of endearment you can’t understand that, that’s you.

Then why can't ANYONE just claim the N-WORD is a "term of endearment"? 

Once again this mentality SEPARATES people and races. Exactly what MLK didn't want to happen in a colorblind society.

Why not just stay completely away from ALL racial slurs? Racists want to have it both ways.


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Surely these fine intellectuals from VIDOR TX we’re using it as a term of endearment. I’ve repeatedly heard racism isn’t an issue in this country anymore, from other intellectuals on this website. I’m sure these VIDOR TX citizens definitely did not learn this from their parents and grandparents, not a chance. 

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21 minutes ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

Surely these fine intellectuals from VIDOR TX we’re using it as a term of endearment. I’ve repeatedly heard racism isn’t an issue in this country anymore, from other intellectuals on this website. I’m sure these VIDOR TX citizens definitely did not learn this from their parents and grandparents, not a chance. 




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1 hour ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

Surely these fine intellectuals from VIDOR TX we’re using it as a term of endearment. I’ve repeatedly heard racism isn’t an issue in this country anymore, from other intellectuals on this website. I’m sure these VIDOR TX citizens definitely did not learn this from their parents and grandparents, not a chance. 

Are you trying to help?

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1 hour ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

Surely these fine intellectuals from VIDOR TX we’re using it as a term of endearment. I’ve repeatedly heard racism isn’t an issue in this country anymore, from other intellectuals on this website. I’m sure these VIDOR TX citizens definitely did not learn this from their parents and grandparents, not a chance. 

And I’m certain they black kids didn’t learn to hate white people from their parents, leaders, teachers, and “pastors” either. 

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Just saw on Channel 6 a big fight in a Beaumont West Brook classroom.

But let’s be honest about this, NOBODY and I mean NOBODY is surprised about this.


Sound familiar to anyone?  Anytime anything happens somewhere let’s just not blame the guilty parties, blame the whole town.  Everyone in Beaumont is a hooligan and everyone in Vidor is a racist.  Heck, why stop there - everyone in Jefferson County - Everyone in Orange County.  Everyone in Texas.


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On 4/27/2022 at 5:54 PM, InMAGAWeTrust said:

Surely these fine intellectuals from VIDOR TX we’re using it as a term of endearment. I’ve repeatedly heard racism isn’t an issue in this country anymore, from other intellectuals on this website. I’m sure these VIDOR TX citizens definitely did not learn this from their parents and grandparents, not a chance. 

Since wbfan wants to correct grammar mistakes for others, he might have overlooked yours.  I’ll help you out.


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On 4/29/2022 at 11:03 AM, Hagar said:

Just saw on Channel 6 a big fight in a Beaumont West Brook classroom.

But let’s be honest about this, NOBODY and I mean NOBODY is surprised about this.


Sound familiar to anyone?  Anytime anything happens somewhere let’s just not blame the guilty parties, blame the whole town.  Everyone in Beaumont is a hooligan and everyone in Vidor is a racist.  Heck, why stop there - everyone in Jefferson County - Everyone in Orange County.  Everyone in Texas.


I notice you didn’t mention Lumberton or Hardin County…. 😎

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