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  1. .... and these communists think a toilet paper shortage is high on the list. Wait till the grocery shelves are empty. What then? At least I can shoot some game but it won’t last long either. Talk to some people who lived through the Great Depression. Those were some tough old buzzards and we are gonna have to get that tough again. Just watch it happen.
  2. Recounts mean little. You recount counterfeit money, the counts the same but the money is still counterfeit. I agree, no one wants to investigate. That’s the problem. We spent 3 years Investigating fake Russian Collusion, but no one wants to take two weeks to throughly investigate our election in one State. Even though you hate Trump, doesn’t that picture look a little out of whack? If Ga or Pa pass a complete Audit, I’ll be calling for the unfair election talk to stop myself. But no one has the nads to do it.
  3. Imagine if Bridge City managed to beat Port Arthur and Silsbee in basketball in the same year. Talk about throwing the natural order of things into chaos. They'd probably have a really big parade before the world ended. They'll get one more crack at Silsbee. We`ll see how that goes. I think some of our kids need to understand that, despite not being a championship team anymore, they're still gonna get everyone's absolute best. Can't just show up and win any game.
  4. Talk to the Governor. Not like UIL is doing this all on their own.
  5. At first I was critical of the hire but after hearing his interview I can gurantee you it was alot better then Toms lol *at least the ones ive heard He said all the right things, but Until the rubber meets the road its all talk...His staff hires will be very important for success to be obtained at Texas
  6. Post is gone. Can talk about the firing and new tu hire now. Carry on.
  7. You talk like your schools program is comparable to Aledo’s. Lol. You keep grasping that Crosby is the Mecca of High School Football. Y’all have the same amount of State Championships as Vidor.....which is ZERO. Lol
  8. Too much talk about the slot-T. The Liberty Hill defense is probably freaking out as well. It will be a case of Liberty Hill not being able to stop the Crosby offense. Crosby will force a few fumbles and get enough stops to win.
  9. It’s the dislike factor. Every time Trump opened his mouth, more people decided to vote Biden. People talk about the Nixon/Kennedy debate in 1960 as pivotal... I think Trump’s first debate performance combined with skipping the second debate probably sunk his chances with undecideds who voted early (before the third debate). It was just so offensive. I wasn’t the only conservative saying “JUST SHUT UP!!!!” He needed a good performance and be pooped his bed.
  10. Talk all you want..... your team does what you stated above grants you the right to say what you want!!!!
  11. Ok, I give. The band director will be placed as acting AD and Head Football coach until further notice. They may not win many games, but their new formations will be the talk of the district!
  12. 49 carries. Talk about riding a horse. 😜
  13. Yep! Not condoning murder, if you don’t understand. She was a total disgrace at last year’s State of the Union address. You want to talk about dividing the country, look no further than those actions. She is another in a long line of lifers in Congress that need to get the hell out. They are only interested in lining their wallets.
  14. It's hilarious that you try to attribute your TDS to Trump supporters. It's really making you look stupid. You used to have some pretty good posts on this forum, but apparently your true intellectual capabilities are shining through. Revisionist history doesn't serve you well. Trump didn't say he was gonna "Lock her up". That was a chant started at his rallies. He never said he would even go after her. Who is the liar? He wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare. Couldn't get it done through Congress. Happens to every president. Every economist I heard talk about trade has said his tariffs were working until Covid hit. Revisionist history again? You fail to mention any of Trumps accomplishments. You are so laser focused on his "perceived" failures that you assign all weight to those (again, perceived) failures when you evaluate the man. This is textbook behavior, so much so, that rational people gave it name...TDS. And again, hilariously, you pathetically attempt to alter the meaning, even reverse it to apply to people that are not inflicted with the mental disorder. How childish. Do you remember Operation Warp Speed? Do you remember the Covid task force? Do you remember procuring PPE? Do you remember the new hospitals, floating hospitals, ventilators, masks, so many other things that were accomplished by his leadership when Covid broke out? Do you remember the governors of New York, California, and plenty more thanking Trump for his actions? Of course you don't. Your hatred won't allow you to evaluate the accomplishments, much less even acknowledge them. Rational people can. What would Biden have done? We all know, hide in the basement. If one of Trump's kid would have been photographed sleeping with a crack pipe in their mouth, thrown out of the military, then scored a high paying job with a foreign company (of which they have no experience in the field), do you think Biden might have mentioned this during his campaign, especially if the media squashed it and social media forbid even discussing it? Do you? Really? Again, TDS is really making you look stupid. How about you open that closed mind and do a little research on what Trump has accomplished in his four years. Compare that to what other presidents have accomplished. It will be difficult because the media likes to hide that info from its sheeple (you to a tee). But it's probably hopeless now. TDS has rendered you so blinded that you even feel the need to spew your hatred in public, not even realizing how stupid your arguments make you look. I wouldn't count on Biden finding a cure for you. Does the Whitehouse have a basement?
  15. Here’s one for you... do you remember all through 2016 when he was going to “lock her up?” I don’t remember her even being questioned. Do you remember how he was going to “repeal and replace” Obamacare? That didn’t happen. Do you remember how he was going to fix our trade imbalances and put America first? Our trade deficit is worse than ever. Remember that wall that Mexico was going to pay for? Where is it? I’d like to go visit. “Oh, but Covid happened” you all cry. Covid is just the excuse that you use to justify Trump’s failures. This is what all of his blind supporters like yourself can’t understand. The guy isn’t a leader. Whenever the opportunity comes to be a leader, he doesn’t know what to do but pass blame. What has he done on Covid? Blame China. That’s about it. Even today, do you hear any plans, any updates? Nope...just blame China. When the nation was in great turmoil during the George Floyd protests, he was nowhere to be found. There were an unlimited number of things he could have said and done, but he chose to talk up a special prosecutor to investigate Joe Scarborough instead. Some leader. I mean, he DID have the photo op at the church in DC... the one where he held the borrowed Bible upside down. When it was time to talk about his plans for 2020 and beyond, all he wanted to do was talk about his opponent’s kid. Think about it. Zena Stephens ran for sheriff in Jefferson County. Can you imagine if the key point she made during her campaign was to attack her opponent’s child? People would be appalled and offended-much like most people were appalled and offended by Trump’s attacks on Biden’s son.... who (like Hillary) has never been charged with anything. But explaining rationale to people with TDS (people who are delusional to the point that they believe Trump was a good President and that he was robbed of a second term) is a complete waste of time and oxygen. I think Trump himself said it best: Y’all are proof that he wasn’t lying about this, anyways.
  16. Heck no..... talk about disgracing the flag
  17. Montgomery had a better offense than Nederland and just lost by 20. They were right at 5,000 total yards through 12 games split evenly at 2,500 passing and rushing. Take into consideration they had FBM and Huntsville’s defenses on their schedule, also dropped 52 on Crosby’s defense. Looks like Montgomery had 391 total yards on 60 plays, 196 passing and 195 rushing. Don’t see any turnovers unless they were on special teams? Montgomery’s defense was about a TD worse than Nederland’s on the year though. Kind of surprised FBM was about to still beat Montgomery by as much as they did with Montgomery playing so well. The talk of FBM fading may have been premature. Good luck though, I’m looking forward to a rematch after we take out Huntsville.
  18. I believe Carthage beats WO-S but not by 40, more like 28-14. They're not 3 deep at every position like some folks but the ones they send out can scrap. Congrats to the Bulldogs on another title, great season, great team. And for you spatula head, you talk like a man with a wooden neck, lay off the brake fluid. Enjoy the moment, try some humility or somebody might take you where the fart was left. Sounds like the Dogs gonna be a handful again next year, we'll see.
  19. You should talk to you Dr before taking it. It has caused a serious allergic reaction in 2 nurses, I believe. Do you have a epi-pen. I have bad allergies, too
  20. Thanks for supporting communism. Talk about bowing down, you might as well bend on over and kiss it goodbye.
  21. Talk about winning a state title and making it look easy. Really wish we could have seen a healthy West Orange take on this bunch.
  22. "The thing that bothers me most about the accusations being flung from the left is that they are done out of pure hatred. If Trump were on trial, these people wouldn’t even make the jury pool. Gee, I wonder why that is? Now, an impeachment proceeding is nothing but the haters flinging unsubstantiated claims against one person. Funny how that works." That's what I took as your defense.... "so what if those claims are unsubstantiated? They impeached my Lord and Savior Donald J Trump on unsubstantiated claims, now it's our turn." When the President continues to claim that the election was rigged, that Biden is an illegitimate president, that the courts are going to overturn this thing, attacks state politicians, local politicians, and even judges/justices for not overturning the election.... Yes, Donald J Trump is absolutely pushing us towards a civil war with his rhetoric and his actions. This is coming from somebody that voted for him twice. And if you ask me, the only people who shouldn't "make the jury pool" are the ones with their head stuck so far up Trump's, errrr...... in the sand that they can't admit that their guy lost. Because the next step will be some jerk killing innocent people because he (like all of you) refuse to accept the fact that Trump lost. We're not talking about 537 votes in Florida like in 2000. We're talking AZ, NV, MI, WI, PA, GA, etc... He got trounced in all of them by thousands upon thousands of votes. People sometimes ask "I wonder why the Germans went along with Hitler?" From now on I'll talk about the Trump voters in 2020.
  23. Rumor is someone has videos of a payoff. I have friends at Lindale and in Austin ISD. Getting the talk on both sides. I don't pretend to understand legal merit, I'm not a lawyer and I don't think you are either. The argument from the Austin side is the game was relatively evenly called in first half, then a mass change happened, if a video of a payoff exist then TASO might be dealing with a pretty interesting lawsuit. Lots of Ifs, ands and buts. I don't have the answers just giving you info I'm getting from up there.
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