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This might be most sickening....


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..... thing that I've ever read.


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Our government is preparing to give $450,000 to each person "affected" by being apprehended and separated from their family at our border.


Those, my friends, are some very expensive votes you and I are purchasing.  God help us all. 

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1 hour ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

Time for me to fly to Mexico, lose my passport, then cross the border for my 450k 

I will never understand this administration or the people that vote for them.  Why does this admin want to reward criminals and why are their voters ok with paying taxes for this reward?  InMAGAWeTrust, I sure hope your plane is a two-seater because I'm going to fly to Mexico with you!!!  

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It's seldom that politicians do stuff that truly infuriates me.  I might strongly disagree with something, but understand that it's part of the other side's belief systems.  That said, this angers me almost to the point of speechlessness, and I can assure you that I have more liberal views when it comes to immigration that 90% of the posters in the politics forum.  We're going to give a family of 3 more money than most americans will earn in their entire adult careers for being separated when arrested while crossing the border?  This is literally the most insane thing I've ever heard come out of a president's mouth.  How about they pay the US for the cost of processing them and taking care of their children when they crossed over illegally?  The only positive here is that if this actually happens there will be a resounding majority for republicans in the house and senate at the midterms (probably will be, anyway), and a republican president in a couple of years.  

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11 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

In all seriousness we are gonna pay illegal immigrants (criminal) 

and yet our veterans and soldiers get pennies

ive got to get off here before I get kicked off

seriously BYE

The dems are legitimately trying to pay illegal aliens for hardships incurred while breaking our laws.  It would be like me paying someone a settlement for the trouble they went through after getting caught breaking into my house.  It's mind blowing.  

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Here’s my two cents worth.  The ACLU is pushing this.  It’s so ridiculous I can’t even begin to comprehend.  Big question, why is the Biden Administration even contemplating this absurdity?  Answer - because they’re blaming it on Trump.  It’s all Trumps fault.  They want to pay an obscene amount and blame it all on Trump.  Good grief.

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