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  1. Coach Carter is a great man. I am very glad my son had the privilege to play for him. Those that talk bad about the man don’t truly know him. He is all about the kids he is coaching. He challenges them constantly makes them work, something some of these kids don’t know how. If you want it he will he will reward you. If you go half a__ and don’t put in the work and expect to play just because of who you are. Well, less just say you will need a pad for your butt because you will have a lot of pine time.
  2. Looking at the Facebook comments are either hilarious or sad according to how you look at it. Comments such as, the officer should have tried to talk her down. In the middle of a knife swing? Or, she called 911 so you can’t shoot her. I could list about 100 more examples but that is stupidity at its finest. But I know that people like to play the what if game. So what if it was a white female try to stab A black female? If the officer did nothing, what would the narrative be? Here is my opinion only going to Texas law. 1. it does not matter who called 911. 2. There is no way for the officer to know who made the call or any other circumstances such as bullying (which doesn’t justify stabbing) before his arrival. 3. Presented with these circumstances, there is simply no time for de-escalation or talking anyone down as has been suggested. The person is in the middle of an attack. 4. Under Texas law, any person could have shot and killed the girl with the knife in her hand. All that is required to protect another person, even a person that is not known to you, is a reasonable belief that had you been in the same situation, deadly force would have been justified. So a person can put themselves in the position of the girl against the car who is trying to fend off the knife attack. 5. Age has no relevance in the justified use of deadly force. 6. I see no way anyone can say the officer made a mistake looking at the facts that he saw however, even if the officer might have been technically wrong if some people‘s opinion, it would still be justified under the law. The Texas law on self-defense (for anyone) or the use of force by police officer, is a reasonable belief. 7. The United States Supreme Court in Graham v. Connor said that in viewing force by a police officer, you must place yourself in the position of that officer having to make a split second decision. In Graham the officers used force against a guy who they believe may have just committed an armed robbery and was resisting. As it turned out the person was completely innocent and was having a diabetic crisis. A UNANIMOUS Supreme Court found that the officers use of force was justified even against the innocent person because they had a reason to believe that he was resisting arrest from an armed robbery. They had no way of knowing that he was going into insulin shock and actually needed treatment. In that ruling the Supreme Court said that you have to look through the eyes of the officer who had to make a split second decision and not one made several months later in a judge’s chambers when there is time to look at all the facts. That is why if a person shoots a man in self defense coming at him with a gun and it later turns out that the gun was a toy, it is still justified. The facts are that the person using self-defense was in no danger but there was a reasonable belief of danger when presented with the situation. 8. Also under Texas law, if you claim self-defense or defense of another person, you do not have to prove that self-defense was needed. The state has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the self-defense or defense of another was not needed.
  3. This is terrible..... Take your feelings out of it the crime doesn’t fit 2nd or 3rd degree murder We ve allowed the mob to dictate and actually do the opposite of the law. talk about losing faith in the system. my prayers go to all law enforcement.....their job gets tougher each and every day for all you idiots out there.....just comply
  4. I mean they are clearly just letting her talk out of her behind these days. How does no one vet what she is planning to say? Heads up Nancy - I’m pretty sure my black friends (and family) would just prefer to remain alive....
  5. 6 grade will all be at Mauriceville. Mauriceville 7th and 8th going to LCJH. This isn’t finalized but is in the talk. Mauriceville folks hear about this and they will be in a uproar.
  6. Yep, and girls coaches too. I'm hearing King to United or Memorial OR could stay and teach only - that's the rumor at other Schools Field Houses. Some talk about Faircloth too. They have to honor King's contract less coaching stipends. Probably about $15,000 total. 6 for football, 2/3 for coordinator then 3 or so for 2 other sports $12-15. PNG get days for extra time put in at their day rate so around 300 a day for 15 or so days Time will tell
  7. Wow, and I’m constantly condemned for watching Fox. Ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Talk about sheeple.....ahhhh ha ha ha ha. Trump called them “Fake News” and he was right. Of course all of us Southeast Texans of a lesser mind knew this all along. Hey Maga, you still able to read but not post? I knew you were spoon-fed this gullible crap. What a moron (oops, I just insulted morons everywhere) YIKES!!!!! Reagan, I hope you splatter facebook with this video. All cnn reporters should have their press badges revoked. Propaganda is the work of the devil.......and liberals. One shouldn’t be able to work as a reporter after using propaganda on the public.
  8. I agree. When I first heard about it, I figured she was a relative newbie. But as I told someone else, in the heat of the moment, shot happens. Folks like to talk about root cause. If you look back at virtually every national incident of an officer killing a black person, they’re invariably not obeying the Police. Guess that’s the root cause.
  9. They have already been tracking us. Mention anything, let’s use AC units for an example. Talk about air conditioning around your phone. Tell me if you don’t start seeing AC ads in side bars on your phone, Facebook, etc. Heck, my phone “knows” when I am getting in my vehicle to leave work. It prompts me the mileage and time to reach destination to my house. I thought that was weird and info I don’t really need, but there it is.
  10. Can't argue with you.... He did cut taxes which spurred growth, but never came through with any spending cuts. But it's not just him... "Conservatives" have been doing that to us for years. It all changed after the Clinton years, when Newt Gingrich worked with Bill Clinton to provide the last deficit-free years that we've had. The modern way of thinking is that "we'll just borrow to spend whatever we want and just pay the interest. It's much cheaper this way than actually PAYING for things." Like borrowing 2 trillion for "Covid Relief" when 90% of the bill had nothing to do with the pandemic. But you can rest assured that every time the Covid bill was mentioned, all that the talking heads wanted to talk about was the "$1400 stimulus checks." Who doesn't want one of those, right? Now we're moving on to 4 trillion more for "infrastructure" and you can bet that precious little of that money will go towards our crumbling infrastructure.
  11. I have to talk a little smack. I’m new at rooting for the tigers
  12. 3-0 count, he’s not missing by much but a ball is a ball. Walk brings another run in, 2-1 OF bases loaded no outs. Coach calls time to have a talk with the starting pitcher.
  13. Actually, I think Trump chose nasty talk over policies that would have benefitted the country.
  14. With the help of a bunch of snowflakes that chose nice talk over policies that are destructive to the country.
  15. You couldn’t hear yourself talk after that second shot. The place erupted. It was fun. Arceneaux will have one of those academies lurking for him this off season, I’ll bet. I didn’t realize how impressive his highlights were til I saw the highlights. That dunk over their Big. 💰💰💰
  16. Backtracks to “hypothetical spill”. Talk about egg on the face, but you can’t tell with her. She always has egg on her face.
  17. Aaron was her for a very long time. He used to participate with Grad and AWA with the talk show that's were I met him. I later began working with him at Motiva. He was a wonderful man and coworker. He worked in the office right next door to mine. He loved K'ville football, but he had a passion for all small school football. Aaron also had a long history working in the law enforcement field handling some of the biggest cases in our area as an investigator. He worked on the James Byrd Junior case as well as many other distinct cases throughout the area. He was a leader in security for Motiva and an all around nice guy. He will be missed all around. Hats off to you brother.
  18. That could have been. That was 20 years ago. I remember Bosh was a little shaken. He didn't have his game together. He came back a season later and he was the talk of basketball.
  19. One of my buds at work, a Marine, used to talk about Blue Falcons. I believe the statement he’d always use applies here, “Semper I - Screw the other guy!” That might be the Democratic logo, get elected and get rich!
  20. Let's not Single out anybody Mike. With you being one of the Admins, lets do a better job with that. Just got a call from a parent, message me if you would like and we'll talk about it. He's just a freshman and we all have had bad nights. Stuff happens !! Be proud of this young group and we all know they will be in this situation again.
  21. We all know where the Adams lived while making the Silsbee basketball program relevant! And word on the street is that Harris was going to attend BU this year. But certain Silsbee parents were going to get the UIL involved. And lets not talk about all the records the Beaumont kid Lil Cee broke playing football for Silsbee. Lmao...
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