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I will resolve to be impressed you know idioms, even if the concept of modified idioms was a bit foreign to you.  I will post a funny video below on the subject with a language warning.  In the meantime, I have emailed NASA and various members of congress to let them know they needn't worry anymore.  I have been informed by Billy Bob from Lumberville that it is all a hoax and that science shouldn't been researched by the academia.  (But I will have to get back to them as to who should do the research.  Still a little unclear there.)



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This exchange hurt my brain.


WARNING - Back ontopic please 

fair enough.  It hurt mine too since it's like banging your head against the wall.  And by the way, let it be known hippy is a very bright guy from Lumberton who is also a conservative. So no stereotypes by me.  I don't assume anything until it's proven to me!  Now back on topic!

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fair enough.  It hurt mine too since it's like banging your head against the wall.  And by the way, let it be known hippy is a very bright guy from Lumberton who is also a conservative. So no stereotypes by me.  I don't assume anything until it's proven to me!  Now back on topic!

Billy Bob from Lumberville...

At least be consistent.:)

NOW...back on topic.

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I think it is sad that blacks in Beaumont Texas are outraged with the white cop subduing the black girl but the black kids at the school where this happened, walked out in support of the cop. What the Heck does that tell everyone? It tells me that any video can show something wrong when in actuality, the people who really know the persons involved can rectify the situation and those not involved should distance themselves, hold their opinions until they have all the facts, and let justice take its course.

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The student earned her arrest, but it looks to me that the force the cop used exceeded what was necessary for the situation.  I'll be curious to see what TVC says 

the cop did use excessive force when he threw her across the room. The method he used to get her out of the desk was per protocol. She had to have been very disruptive if the officier was involved. I teach Health Science, Principles of Health science, medical law and ethics and medical terminology. (Yes, i am still a RN) at a high school. Most of the kids are great, but there are some trouble makers. First we have to call a parent to let them know their kid is acting up (at that time, the kid is still acting a fool). 2nd offense-an assistant principal is called to escort a kid out of class, if that doesnt work then an officier is called. Officiers take down the desk with the kid in it to get them out. Every day this is occuring in some class. Maybe he officier ws agitated, but that doesnt excuse his behavior. A student charged me in class and starting yeling in my face. Officers had to remove her. 99% of the kids'reactions occur when a teacher asks them to put their cell phons away and threatens to take it. It feels like a warzone sometimes.

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It appears to me that when there is video that offers a different view and shoots holes in the racism theories, the ones who originally post this crap run and hide.

or pretend the new evidence didn't come out. Look at Mike Brown.  A mountain of evidence has come out that's proven that not only was he an all-around terrible person, but also proved that his shooting was unquestionably justified.  His name is still used anytime a conversation about perceived police brutality comes up, even though everything that happened to him was by the book and a result of his own criminal actions.  There are also still a lot of people out there still pretending that Eric Gardner was choked to death.

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Ridiculous That:   (1) We have to have Officers/Security in schools, except to defend the kids from potential danger From outside.    (2) That sometime they overreact.  Wonder if they get any special training on how to handle typical situations?  If not, they should!  (3) That this and similar actions by students is disrupting class/education in what should be a learning environment. 

Neat how I've manage to bring the two subjects discussed above together, what happened looked bad, and environment,  Speaking of which, it snowed in Evadale yesterday hehehehe (sorry Hippy and Hoops, the devil made me do it).

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It is pathetic that there are police officers in school to "keep the peace". They are not there for security from outside but for security from within. 

I can't imagine anyone over 45 years old having been to school where uniformed police officers roamed the halls when they were in school.

School districts have lost control over their own campus. It comes from everyone being a victim, everyone gets a trophy, no one is responsible for behavior, no discipline allowed, etc. 

When I went to school, we didn't need standardized testing. If you failed to make the required grades, you didn't move on. There were no social promotions. If you didn't graduate high school... then you didn't graduate. There was no call for, "My child has gone to school for 12 years so you cannot deny me the chance to blow an air horn and shout when he crosses the stage to get an empty folder!! I don't care if he missed 40 days a year, can't spell his own name, can't read at over a 4th grade level and can only do simply math if you give him a calculator, he deserves to be counted as a high school graduate!". 

Therein lies the reason for standardized testing. Therein lies the reason for armed police officers roaming the halls and being called in to class room disturbances that teachers used to handle. Therein lies the reason that police officers are coming into conflict with students and treating them like criminals (which they are) when it should be school districts handling their own problems. It should be that the district issues discipline and if that does not work it should end up in kicking children out of school.  Of course then, he won't get to walk across the stage and let momma blow an air horn and stand up and dance because her baby is now a high school graduate. 

I find it a massive failure in school districts and repulsive that police officers that are carrying steel batons, Tasers, firearms, wearing body armor and learn tactics meant to take out violent armed criminals are now coming into direct contact with children. What do they expect will happen from time to time from such an environment? The officers that overreact are responsible for their own actions but we probably should look at the cause in the first place. What next, the US Army or US Marine Corp in schools? 

Don't hold your breath waiting for any improvement or the schools and all of their employees being held responsible. 

Edited by tvc184
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fair enough.  It hurt mine too since it's like banging your head against the wall.  And by the way, let it be known hippy is a very bright guy from Lumberton who is also a conservative. So no stereotypes by me.  I don't assume anything until it's proven to me!  Now back on topic!

Thank you.  I try to stay fair and treat everyone the same. 

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I think sometimes we all need to look at the way we post and make sure we are communicating like we want it to be received. I remember my first few months on this site I upset a bunch of people. You have a better chance of getting your point across if they are not on the defensive. 

I agree...that's why I think it's always a bad idea to demean anyone just because you don't agree with them.

But, hey, it does make for entertaining debate. :)


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I know - off topic, but as I've said once before, most people with the slightest intelligence, have already made their decision on Global Warming and no amount of debate on this Forum is going to change their minds.  Only time will tell who is right. (Of course I am, but who knew lol). 

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@cnnbrk: 2 cops charged with murder in shooting death of boy, 6, have hearing today.

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This is the hidden content, please


Haven't read up on this but this Looks Bad. Prayers up for that kid and families involved. 

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