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  1. Dad gum... You guys talk basketball year round over there huh? Do the basketball kids play football too in Silsbee?
  2. Wrong. HD turned in 155 which is what the UIL has them down for in realignment. Cutoff to drop to 1A is 104. [Hidden Content] Also, Hardin enrollment is 367. 4A cutoff is 515. Talk about your exaggerations. But that is pretty normal with you.
  3. Ruled a no contest. Talk about the game itself which IMO Jasper looked to be the better team. But the result is a no contest. Have to wait till next year.
  4. Nah. I just told myself that I don’t respond to weak instigating trolls that throw rocks and hide their hands. I talk sports to sports guys, not trolls. Consider this the last time I respond to anything you put out.
  5. Exactly! Why haven’t we locked them all up yet? We could have a giant teen only city, they could all get sick, become immune (mostly) and become non-spreaders and return to regular life in about 6 months to a year. Talk about Chicken Little, lol.
  6. Yes. I know the history. From your remarks, it doesn’t sound like you do. So you’re telling me that the church ruled the world and by putting the pope in prison the world reclaimed its sovereignty. So if history is repeating itself, what’s to stop the same fate for the pope, thus allowing the world to keep on trucking? Your silly Swiss cheese arguments are worse than conspiracy theory. It’s pathetic. Let’s talk on 9/16 after the big reveal. I’ll be waiting. Tag - you’re it.
  7. Dang! Talk about Rockie Mountain High! 😂
  8. How bout for the next 6 months or so you give up 70% of your income or your business that you’ve built up for the last 14 years for the collective good. Don’t talk to me about being selfish because that’s what I’ve lost due to these idiotic guidelines. Again the data DOES NOT support the idiotic guidelines. The CDC DATA HAS NOTHING to do with Trump so I don’t know why you keep bringing him up.
  9. Isn’t it amazing how the republicans talk about America and wanting her to succeed, while the democrats are anti-American and their only platform is anti-Trump? Please, tell me again what the Democrats told you that made you proud that wasn’t anti-Trump. You can’t. Lmao.
  10. He lied about a lot of things. Ironically, the Libs only talk about Trump lying. Many of Trumps are tongue in cheek, but Dems are to ate up with TDS to realize it. Obama’s lies were about important 💩.
  11. No this is different, these guys talk about themselves than playing as a team. the proof is in the pudding.
  12. Yep, Masters of Hypocrisy! Her and Juan Williams have constant diarrhea of the mouth. I literally Have to squint my eyes when I listen to them talk.
  13. Immediately, if not sooner. Talk about forcing your beliefs. Man, if she was FORCING Christianity, she would be tarred and feathered. Iowa State professor threatens to dismiss students who oppose abortion, Black Lives Matter [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  14. I guess Mr. Rat will just have to wait for another opportunity to trash talk the Rebels. 😂😂😂
  15. You can’t talk about Cummings like that, he’s a hero!
  16. Glad he picked somebody who can talk for him. Now we can finally get rid of Trump! Biden 2020
  17. Man that team was good and the field looks awesome. Kinda makes me miss the old grass field and the bad ass paint schemes they would lay down every year. Talk about a butt kicking, PAM was able to make a game of it though.
  18. I've heard some talk about y'all sophomore QB, the hype is real?
  19. Honestly though, if you read the entire transcript, it seems little more than funny locker room talk. For instance, I have a good friend who I always tell him about wanting to do his mom. I still tell him that. She’s 78! I’m just talking junk to him. It’s all in fun. Regardless of all that, I don’t care about Trump or Kamala’s sexcapades. I just know she and Biden are bad for the country.
  20. I don’t think you understood me. I don’t have a problem with her being selected as a VP candidate. But spare me all of the “she’s the first empowered black female to ever be selected to run on a presidential ticket... what a fine role model for all of the young POCs here in America!!!” When in reality, she was laying down with men 30 years older than herself to get to her spot. She’s a much more successful Monica Lewinski. It’s not just nasty ol’ SETX redneck talk or some crazy insinuations (“Michelle Obama is a MAN”), it’s actually the truth, apparently. That’s all... no more, no less. Anybody that hold trump up as virtuous isn’t being honest when themselves, either.
  21. One for sure (married), in exchange for multiple jobs. You seem to have no problem with this but just couldn’t get past Trump’s dumb guy talk saying “grab um”. No need to explain, I get it. Biden 2020, no need to say it, did it for you.
  22. Whore , how many people she slept with. Boy that good ole setx talk. Biden2020
  23. If 4A, DII sleeper is what we are talking about, pencil in China Spring for me. Spent most its last few years butting up against La Vega. A lot of teams that moved to 4A, DII are getting talk, but not them. They return a good bit of starting experience on both sides of the ball and a load of lettermen.
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