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  1. Past hour
  2. North Carlina ties and then walks it off in the 9th. Great game. Former SLC player out of HCU, Reed Chumley, homered for West Virginia in the game.
  3. I’m voting for the candidate competent enough to stand trial.
  4. Yesterday
  5. The Global War on Terror occurred because of 9/11
  6. Did Nederland season tickets sell out?
  7. Evansville v. Tennessee was a decent game. Tennessee offense is impressive.
  8. It was not a pretty game. UConn had walked 9 and hit 3 batters before recording an out in the 7th inning.
  9. FSU is destroying Uconn currently. 24-1 in the 8th.
  10. The point that nobody wants to acknowledge is that Dems are crossing over to vote Trump in the primaries. They know he’s an easy out.
  11. With this post coming from a Kountze alum. I would say its Hancock.
  12. First game of the day in mere minutes!
  13. Unfortunately for Mr. Berry, it seems that every candidate he latches onto and endorses ends up losing their race. There was a long period of time where he wouldn't endorse at all, and still doesn't in many races, but he has latched onto a few candidates here recently. As much as I enjoy his show, it's clear often that he is operating off of pure opinion and rumor with no real basis for the things he says. As far as Phelan goes, I was not a supporter, but lots of folks were. Lots of influential BMT local politicians were pushing Phelan and that was probably enough to get him over the finish line. Roy West in particular had a huge hand in him winning Jefferson County by the margin he won. To me, it's as simple as that and not as underhanded as Berry would have you believe.
  14. There's speculation that I've heard that Trump might get 18%, or more, of the black vote. If this happens -- the Demoncratic party is done!
  15. Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs has found herself embroiled in yet another controversy, as new evidence has emerged showing a potential bribe of $400,000 was paid to her for state contracts. This shocking revelation has caused outrage among GOP state legislators and raised serious questions about the governor’s ethics. The scandal centers around donations made to a dark money group that organized Hobbs’ inaugural events last year. According to reports, one of the donors was a state contractor who contributed six figures to the 501(c)(4) nonprofit group. Just months later, this same contractor received millions in state funds. [Hidden Content]
  16. @Big girl @UT alum @Boyz N Da Hood Folks -- you cannot make this stuff up!!
  17. From the article: "President Trump alleges that Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment of Mr. Smith is illegal because he was not working for the federal government when the appointment was made. “The Appointments Clause does not permit the attorney general to appoint, without Senate confirmation, a private citizen and like-minded political ally to wield the prosecutorial power of the United States. As such, Jack Smith lacks the authority to prosecute this action,” Christopher Kise, one of the former president’s attorneys, wrote in a motion to the court." If Judge Cannon does rule, and I believe she will, that Jack Smith's appointment is illegal, will Trump sue the DOJ and Jack Smith personally for wrongful prosecution? I think he should. Then when Trump becomes President he should go after Smith, and others, for election interference! I think he'll do that also. [Hidden Content]
  18. Last week
  19. Besides all that it’s terrible for you. stick to water people
  20. lol, do what you gotta do, sure glad no nonsense occurs on the sports side. smh
  21. Talk about Chicken Little. Do I need to rename the forum again? This forum is becoming a joke and an embarrassment to the site.
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