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  1. We might as well forfeit the game and stay home. Bellville might be good but they’re not North Shore, Ducanville, Desoto or even Carthage. We will be there and ready to play. Yall can talk all you want but bellville is going to have to show me they can hang with the Tigers!!!
  2. Tell me how y’all feel about Lcm next season
  3. I personally know a couple of coaches who were very successful under Nueman that are there. One in particular who is there and has been there his entire career. In the past I begged him to come to PNG but he refused. I know many local coaches that are not head coaches. Several from PNG, one at LCM, one at Vidor, one who used to coach at Orangefield. I also know a few HC's. One SC winner and a few others I talk to from time to time. My point is with a mixture of a new HC and a OC and DC you could fill out the rest of the staff with some who are good coaches and able to adapt. I am not calling for Monte to be let go. I do not live in Nederland and its not my right to make that call. However I am a big Nederland fan as my family and many friends and now their kiddos play there. Nederland is my second favorite team on SETX. When PNG plays out of town I go watch Nederland. PN-G hired a great young HC then a pair of great OC and DC. The rest is mostly the same coaches. The thing about the new PNG coaches is they all three played in SC games and won atleast one. They all coached on teams that made it to our won state. No game is to big for them because they lived it. This is something I learned after they arrived. The ability to make the kids believe that they can win each game. BUT only one game at a time. Can Nederland do this. YES THEY CAN. As someone posted above these kids play junior sports together. They play travelling sports together, Babe Ruth, travelling 7 on 7 together. Their is zero difference between the kids from the two schools. Mark my words, Nederland will be back. The problems for teams like the Indians and the Bulldogs is the building of new schools then making it a magnet schools and putting athletes from 12 different high schools into one school. This and the new so called transfer portal. The UIL needs to get a grip on this or we will turn into California and Florida were anything goes in high school football. I have a family member who lives in one of the schools who have won many SC's in the last say 5-10 years. I asked how a school like them kept it going. Her answer. We have 6 kids starting this year who just transferred in and were not on the team last year at all. Thats the real struggle for most single schools. We dont have transfers for the most part, we dont have 12 schools to pull all the best athletes from. They will put the top players in one school. The next best in another school and the third group in a third school. Then the other schools in the district are just the cellar dwellers of the district. Then the three better schools sweep the district of course because all the best players are in one place. The Dallas schools figured this out and thats how you end up with 15 D 1 players on a single team. PNG and Nederland are lucky to have a single player who is D1 much less power 5. The Indians have 3 D1 players on our team this year and 2 power 5 players. This maybe the most ever on a single team. Whatever happens in Nederland I wish you the very best. Whether its with Monte or someone else. Good luck Dogs. Id love to see Nederland, Dayton, WOS all back were they belong winning games. It makes SETX better.
  4. Been to many of Silsbee games over the years, Silsbee will take the field with one thing in mind, to win. This game first, then talk about the next one.
  5. Mayb all this is just talk, and not gonna happen.
  6. I've moved over to the Bellville/Madisonville thread to quit polluting this one. Only gonna talk about the future and present in that one
  7. He would rather talk about the good old days of gutting the military by clinton rather than address a question about biden posed to him.
  8. People love to talk about “last year”. Everyone was talking about “last year” before WOS game as well. New teams playing this year.
  9. Regardless?. Yes you were using hearsay to refute an argument. Just because it’s over doesn’t mean I can’t talk about things. He definitely would had made a difference, not fact I guess, but LCM may have won more regular season games. And a teenager that works really hard could played more his Sr. Year. But I guess the fact is like you said it water under the bridge. Twist the words the way you want to prove yourself right. The fact is you weren’t using facts to refute an argument so it’s not true. And that’s the fact.
  10. I have to go back and look myself... The starting RB for Huntsville we work together on my weekend job and I talk to him very often. I didn't get to talk to him today because he wasn't at work but I will soon. And since I used to play he always ask advice from me. Most of the time at work we would look at film together.
  11. What happened to all the crazy talk? "The top 4 of WOS district is MUCH stronger then the top 4 of Bellville district. I think Jasper could win the district and so would HF." "WOS has the much tougher district and schedule" "If I were a Belville fan, I'd be scared to death of this game. All five WOS losses could've gone either way." "Their offense is still outdated" "Bellville schedule is very weak as well." 'Bellville did not play a time with a record above 500. West Orange played 6." "I think you could swap these two team's schedules and Bellville would be 5-5 (maybe 6-4) and WOS would be 10-0."
  12. Want to win some more state championships? WCCISD open up your wallet and try to talk Todd Dodge into coming out of retirement. If you can’t talk him out of retirement then Hire him as a consultant and let him pick the next head coach for WOS. Watch how fast our program comes back to life. I know it will never happen but it would absolutely work. Talk about bringing excitement and energy back to the program. A bold move like this would reinvigorate the program and get us back to Mustang football. Right now we are dying on the vine with the current coaching staff. In the old days if you didn’t win the district championship you did not go to the playoffs. It is very apparent after last nights butt whipping that we had no business being in the playoffs. What is it going to take in our community to pressure RH and the school board to admit they have made a mistake and correct it. We have athletes that are just as good and probably better than Bellville and look at the results. Straight coaching issue. The time for change is now!
  13. The Hill proved to be about that life!! Congratulations on moving on. The only team that talked the talk and still walking the walk
  14. I got to talk to some Brenham fans after the game. They might be the nicest people in Texas. I wish we played them every year.
  15. Was at the game in the rain last night. Silsbee wins that game by a big margin on a dry track. Sealy’s offense isn’t going to break any speed limits or put up a bunch of points on a good team. I was surprised by the trouble Silsbee had coming out of halftime with the additional tackle on the line by Sealy for a while. The refs did a pretty good job of trying to keep the kids in check. Lots of warnings before starting to throw flags. Then offsetting penalties, and then finally catching the blatant stuff. Sadly, neither team put on a great display of sportsmanship. Sealy has a few hot heads that will get involved in the trash and has largely played undisciplined all year under this new head coach. But besides LaMarque, Silsbee certainly did the most trash talk, standing over players after the hit and talking, and getting into players’ faces that I have seen this season. It was very close to a fight when 3 Silsbee defenders went into the Sealy sideline at the end of a play with a late hit called in the 4th quarter. I have always told my son to let your play speak for itself. My point in saying that is Silsbee is a good enough team to go far in these playoffs but as others have said, that type of extra stuff could cost them in a tight game. Good luck to Silsbee moving forward and hopefully the players injured last night are able to go next week
  16. We can make excuses for them all day long but at the end of the day they are just as bad as every other team about late hits and trash talk. Obviously Silsbee is a greatly coached team but clearly the coaches don’t enforce any type of discipline. That has shown all season. and you were 100% right about the refs having to control the game. I think that’s why it got so bad towards the later part of the game. In the first half the refs weren’t calling anything and it eventually started to partially blow up.
  17. Trash talk is bad enough and one thing but late hits that you will never know it it is intentional to really hurt someone or a frustration late hit is totally different it’s really hard to hold your emotions back if it happens once keep playing harder if it keeps happening the refs need to really control things much better discipline is a major part of trying to win a championship it’s almost like you are being bullied and can’t do anything about it but regardless it seems to follow Silsbee and really gives them a bad Reputation Basketball too their should have been a lot more penalty flags thrown and maybe someone getting tossed out of the game that will get a lot of things under control quick and hopefully teach these teams a lesson.
  18. Silsbee does talk alot and they fall for the okie doke every time when other teams start to talk as well. The best trash talk is the scoreboard! Play hard and play smart!! On to the next round Tigers.
  19. IMO, some Silsbee players talk too much. But, from what I have seen the last few games it seems it's part of the other teams game plan to get Silsbee to talk too much. Bottom line, Silsbee is good enough to let their play talk for itself and this other stuff is completely unnecessary. I get having your teammates back but do it smartly. The rep has been established and the opponent will try to exploit it to their advantage.
  20. speaking of Athens, the stadium they play their home games, is one my favorites! talk about feeling like your on the field during the game. if ys ever been there you know what I mean. Having said all that, wish you Raiders the best of luck in the post season.
  21. Rumor has it that the freshman, that was center of lots of talk earlier this year, is released to play for first time. I don’t know his position or who but I remember the talk. maybe he will be a difference Go Dogs, No injuries !!
  22. I don't have a 4A dog in this hunt, but I do not support banning opt ups at all. Think statewide, what if El Paso had five 6A teams, and one more 5A team. It would make a ton of common sense to opt up that one 5A to fill out their district. There could be / would be collateral damage with a statewide opt up ban. Maybe Stepp just posted that to start up talk and get clicks. I dunno.
  23. Here's my thing: what does HJ lose here besides a little gas money? The FOURTH worst team in this district is WOS, who, for all the talk of being dead and gone, lost by 4 to newton, OT to HF, OT to PNG, and by 3 to Jasper. They're a coaching change away from being a top-10 4A-D2 school again next year. Football is the only sport with divisions, so it doesn't mess anything up for the other sports. I don't really see any disadvantage to doing this, although I also don't really see a whole ton of upside, other than maybe picking up an extra win or two, and not getting blown out quite as bad every game.
  24. So you're saying Little Sister Mauriceville is the MECCA? Talk about low expectations...
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