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  1. Mine lived on a commune in Oregon. That should tell you all you need to know about her. I love her to death but we don’t talk politics. It’s useless...kinda like on this board. Drove to Houston to pick her up from the airport. Complained that I picked her up in a gas hog. Told her she was welcome to walk. Guess what? She was willing to overlook it this time. I didn’t even mention the jet fuel hog she just flew in on. lol
  2. Peanut brain, and you want to talk low IQ. That would be something a pre-schooler could come up with!!🙄
  3. Funny, the right were the ones who were supposed to be scarce after the election, you know, afraid to face the truth. All I ask is that someone explain how Biden’s policies benefit Americans. He puts anyone in the world ahead of his own citizens. His foreign policy sucks big time. I guess all they could talk about is how Trump was rude and crude. Trump was hated because he exposed the deep state and the manipulating media......stepped in an ant bed, so to speak.
  4. Just to add some fact instead of talk. CJones. 27 years coaching football, 8 years DC Pleasant Grove, personal coach and mentor of linebacker Lucas Wacha NFL. Played strong safety at UAM one the defense that still holds the record for the most interceptions and best defense in school history. I believe that is the only football team in UAM to advance to national playoffs in their history. Coached linebackers at WOS and they went to the state title game. His strongest reference for AD and head FB coach was Cornell Thompson. Kirbyville has placed in the bottom 2 in team track every year for the last 3. So much for speed. The author of Purple Pride Never Dies commented "Kirbyville is playing harder than ever, they are on the verge of coming back". These are undisputed facts.
  5. Anyone here any good rumors on transfers?
  6. Pirates dribble it out 57-49 Vidor final More talk from the fans in the stands lol nobody likes us...
  7. Just another lie. But, what one needs to understand is the unity they talk about is only to unify their radical base. Silly you! Did you think he was actually reaching out to everyone?!
  8. The truth of the matter is that no one wants unity. The left, the right, the “center”...their success hinges on dissension. In their minds, that’s how they keep their jobs. And it forces us into choosing sides, thus keeping the two headed monster alive. Furthermore, the media has taken the same approach. Without all the rhetoric, I have good friends on both ends of the spectrum, and I don’t agree with either side wholeheartedly on everything. But we can talk and discuss and even argue AND still be friends when it’s over (most of the time). Unity means BOTH sides of the aisle have to work on something other than making themselves rich. And that ain’t gonna happen sports fans. The media and our beloved politicians will make damn sure of that.
  9. 🤦 Nah, this stuff isn’t being forced on us, that’s crazy talk.
  10. I guess that fools America Last Policies has them speechless. All that Bull💩 talk about Trump looks pretty damn stupid about now. Just imagine how stupid it will look a year from now if we still have a freakin country left. Can’t say you weren’t warned.
  11. Reagan


    What I have to say about the electric situation in general is: When a battery can lift a 787 off the ground then we'll talk!
  12. Dims like to talk out of both sides of their mouths!
  13. Maybe not being able to go to games has slowed the chatter down. Maybe the haters for some teams have gotten a soft heart because of the pandemic. Maybe teams are not dominant as years past. Maybe there just not that much to talk about. Maybe it’s just a small trend. Ok, I’m running out of maybes.
  14. Talk about something and then there it is the next day. I don't use google, but I've had it happen several times. Pandora plays new ads based on conversations I've had. Not a search. "That's too coincidental to be a coincidence." Yogi Berra
  15. Wow, he flat out LIED!!!!!!! We even have video proof. What a worm. To those who kiss Biden’s lily-white arse, kiss it some more. He loves it. Talk about failing on a campaign promise. This was his main objective and supposedly why Trump lost because of his handling of the pandemic. You two-faced leftys. Where is your outrage? In the least, come up with a fake one.
  16. Oh, no doubt. My biggest gripe with Trump is that I feel like his behavior led to him not being re-elected. And that's a loss that we're all going to have to live with. No luck on that first female Pres thing.... I just don't see Biden finishing his first term. But you're right on the "women power" thing. Just yesterday ESPN was celebrating that Kelly Loeffler (that just lost the Senate Race in Georgia) was being forced to sell her WNBA Team. I guess all of that "we need women and minority owners" talk wasn't geared towards conservative white women, lol. [Hidden Content]
  17. I was way off on this one... Stupid Philip Klein. I was glad to see that the issue is at rest for now. There's talk of putting the issue on the ballot for the next election (which I think is a joke), but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  18. I don’t think we are on the same page here. I’m not talking about people who voted for Trump or president biden. I’m talking about the politicians who did absolutely nothing to stop the violence that was taking place. People lost everything, sometimes even their lives. Historical artifacts were destroyed. People were being attacked in their vehicles. Parts of cities were being taken over and the politicians did nothing to stop these actions. Why, because it didn’t affect them. They didn’t care. Some politicians actually urged for the violence to continue and helped bail people out of jail. Then when the capitol building was breached the politicians felt threatened. The same way citizens felt for much of the last 9 months. So, since the politicians feel threatened they must do something. We must stop this behavior, this cannot take place. What a bunch of crap!!! Now president biden kills 50,000 jobs. Why, because he doesn’t care about those people. It’s not hitting close enough to home for him and his people so no big deal. And yes, conservatives have every right to talk about antifa and blm. The conservatives saw what was allowed, took a page out the liberal playbook and are now being punished for it. Like I said earlier, why did the politicians allow so much violence from antifa and blm but do nothing until someone returned the favor on them?
  19. Trump would still be president if he knew how to act. But instead of holding Trump to task whenever he insulted, ridiculed, threatened, etc... his loyalists would say "but look at the economy." Newsflash. There's more to life than the economy. A lot of people don't care... but they DO care about voting for someone who insults their gender, race, culture, etc.... And they won't vote for that person. I think the fact that "good Christian" people would refuse to condemn Trump's behavior was a huge turnoff to a lot of people. People didn't vote for Biden.... they voted against Trump. That's a complete fact. If Trump was so repugnant with his behavior that he DROVE a majority of Americans to vote against him, that's saying something bad about him... not about the people who refused to support him. Honesty, conservatives don't get to talk about Antifa or BLM after exhibiting the same exact behavior (or worse) at the Capitol on 1/6.
  20. Unicorn Boy’s Uncle Joe’s America Last Policies. Kills off an estimated 52,000 jobs on the first day. But he’s not hurting anyone’s feelings with his talk just killing the American families livelihoods across America. Congratulations to the Left on this forum. [Hidden Content]
  21. I don’t think the guy is a racist, but he has no problem exciting racists with his talk about immigrants and all.
  22. I see kids all the time across the state that end up at a major D-1 school that don't make all team first district. If you put Bost on Crosby with the athletes they have he likely throws for 4,000 yards. You want to talk D-1. Look at what some of these kids did with not even a JUCO level talent around them.
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