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  1. The JH Study that found that lockdowns were virtually ineffective. Talk about blatant bias. Heaven forbid they take that Power from the Democrats. This should make me angry, but it scares me. The Media, the watchdog of our Republic, is nothing but a Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Party. Sure, I knew it, but this type of a blatant move assures us the gloves are off. [Hidden Content]
  2. Texting for Seniors: BFF - Best Friend Fell BTW - Bring The Wheelchair TTYL - Talk To You Louder FWIW - Forgot Where I Was IMHAO - Is My Hearing Aid On? OMMR - On My Message Recliner ROFLACGU - Rolling On Floor Laughing And Can’t Get Up 😂😂😂😂🤣👽🤣😂😂😂😂
  3. Less than 10% of the money goes to "infrastructure." Just remember this. What they talk about here is that if any state wants to build or repair any highways, they go to the bottom of the list. But, if a state wants to to build a bicycle path then they go to the top of the list. Now, back to building highways: If a state wants to proceed with anything, then the EPA will come down on them with endless environmental studies. One of the posters stated that Texas Senator Cornyn actually voted for this. If so, this needs to be released throughout the State!!
  4. My observation the past several years. If your kid is lucky enough to play college ball, the overwhelming majority struggle at the D1 level. Meaning lack of playing time, as well as adjusting to the every day grind that they’re not use to. Most leave after first year and go to a Juco to see if they can find a spot somewhere to get more playing time. All of a sudden they find Juco ball is extremely tough as well. They don’t have as much practice restrictions as D1. It’s brutal and body gets beat up pretty good. If you follow local players, watch how many last past two years and I’m talking some really good players in HS. Right now, college ball at all levels is very strong. Also, last year D1 had unlimited rosters due to Covid. This year they can have 40 on roster, and next year it’s back to 35 on roster. It’s definitely an uphill battle, the kids that want to play at next level better bust his tail in class, weight room, and skill set. After that work extremely hard on the mental aspect of the game, because that’s where the majority struggle. I could talk all day😁, but this my opinion based on having a kid currently playing and our talks.
  5. Dang… started out discussing if a stud player was more valuable to a teams success, to now we’re racism at a completely different schools student section.. Talk about a DETOUR.
  6. now lets talk about Brock 6'6" player that can handle ball and shoot - that makes wins come easy. so lets look at before and during and after Brock so basically Lumberton only made playoffs one time before Brock and Mitchell was player on that team (so that gives him some skill in the game) so Lumberton without Brock and with Mitchell - no playoff appearances Lumberton with Brock and Mitchell - 3 playoff appearances First year without Brock and with Mitchell no playoff appearance quick assessment - Lumberton was only good because of Brock - not Mitchell - is this true, not accurate, unfair, only time can answer
  7. those coaches don't get on here and talk about how great they are, and how they're better than other coaches. oh wait, he "doesn't either". Kinda funny how @RaiderGirl2010 stated that he doesn't have an account on here because "she knows him", and then 15 minutes after she makes that statement a 15-year-old account with 6 total posts magically signs in, sees this thread and comments about how he turned the program around. One might presume she texted and asked him about having an account on here, might they? And coach green is taking those athletes deep into the playoffs in a higher classification against significantly better competition, not losing to the first team with a winning record he faces in the playoffs every year.
  8. Because y’all want to talk down on a great coach/guy I am getting off here till football season. I can not stand when things happen like injuries that y’all attack a coach.
  9. Trust me he doesn't know anything that goes on at w.o.s. just someone that wants to have something to talk abt. And to be honest a straight hater when it comes to w.o.s
  10. hear is the realization and then I'll stop. College ball is not what it is cracked up to be. D1 and down.. Workouts at 530am, day filled with school, 2pm meetings, practice till 730pm, and mandatory tutorials. Its a 530am-9pm a day job. No time for socializing and and enjoying the College experience... a player really has to enjoy the process to be happy. Hence why so many return after the 1st year. Here is the real truth that parents need to hear from ALL coaches.. high school-select(and be wary of anyone who is requiring money for services and tells you different..): College is only allowed 11.7 scholarships to give out to a 35-50 man roster. Most colleges will bring in 70+ (12 catchers) in the fall and let some go by start of spring.. Its a cut throat business.. Most kids, if they get any kind of athletic scholarship, are lucky to get 20%-30%. Very, very seldom does a player receive a full ride. If you are a parent or player and are spending all this money for travel ball, lessons, and exposure as a investment for school... then really just save that money and put into savings or investments for College costs... you will come out way ahead.. and your kid will be happier enjoying the college experience. If you are doing these and spending the money to: help you kid's skills to help him become a better player and teammate, for the kids enjoyment, better understanding of the game, to help him learn life lessons, family fun.. really anything other than the expectation that your child will receive a college athletic scholarship.. then by all means do it.. I would also stress the importance of GRADES to your child.. grades, class rank, SAT are EXTREEMLY important.. academic scholarships along with grants for low socioeconomic are the deciding factors in recruitment. Sorry, all this talk about baseball college recruitment has got me fired up.. so many do not understand the reality and there are many who take advantage of that situation and it is upsetting.
  11. After all of the talk about how great their coach is (including from him himself), there just always seems to be some reason when they lose apart from being the lesser team.
  12. Pretty wild stuff. I need to talk to my buddy and see if he had to respond to that one.
  13. What about Carthage, Stephenville, Celina, Brownwood? You think Austin Westlake is going to replicate what Dodge has done? Southlake Carrol hasn't replicated what Dodge has done. And probably not going to. So, at Aledo, Buchanan had NOTHING to do with it?! With all the growth you talk about about, they are in Div 2 5A. So, come the 3rd, they should zoom right on up to Div 1 6A. But, Buchanan must be the luckiest coach in the world to be there at the right time when all the athletes showed up. But, the ones I feel sorry for are the previous 14 coaches that never had Buchanan's great fortune. And the worst of the lot is the coach right before Buchcnan. If he would have just stayed on all the State Championships would have been his! Even you can't believe that! But, maybe you can!!
  14. I would seriously tell them to talk to Trinity and take a visit. He will not be disappointed at all.
  15. Dang, talk about hitting the nail on the head. Those 2 dudes spoke the truth. A truth that the liberal/DEMONcrat "World" doesn't want to hear right now. Not exactly the image that I agree with but they send a very REAL message. Would love to see them on the main stream media(FOX news).
  16. From the article: ""We've got 10 years to solve the climate crisis and we need to spend our money wisely," said John Noël, senior climate campaigner at Greenpeace." AlGore said the same thing, what, 20-30 years ago? What's interesting is they don't talk about the volcano that just erupted (Hunga Tonga Hunga) that spewed into the air more than anything man as ever put into the air. And in the history of the world -- how many volcanoes have erupted? Thousands, millions? And we still have a planet and air. Why don't they talk about this? It's because it's not about the planet. They found a way to control peoples lives! [Hidden Content]
  17. I’m just posting information on some names people I’ve heard talk about here and there.
  18. [Hidden Content] The way this article reads, they only intend to post the job for the minimum ten days. If that's the case, they probably know who they want and a hire will be made quickly.
  19. [Hidden Content] The way this article reads, they only intend to post the job for the minimum ten days. If that's the case, they probably know who they want and a hire will be made quickly.
  20. This is a sports page forum, not really social media but I get what you're trying say. I gave an observation based on facts of the game as did others. We disagreed on certain points which people do. Some where there to watch HJ win and focused on how HJ played, I focused on how HF performed and played. Two perspectives based on personal bias which brings good debate. Only betas get in their feelings about disagreements as real men know we not going to always agree especially in a rivalry games. I teach both my sons to set their own tone in all things. If you allow anyone's words to alter your state of mind then you have given power of your destiny over to them. I also teach them criticism of your worst is always valid and should be heard loud and clear in order to correct it. Your feelings mean absolutely nothing to the grind of this world as a man. But thank you for the talk. Blessing and peace unto you and yours 💯
  21. I'm definitely not him but I know special coaches when I see them. And, I just might know a small amount about football. Sometimes. In all seriousness, you can't take into consideration his records at EP or Rayburn. Not even remotely close to what we have at PNG or pretty much any other school in the state. Heck, it's heroic to even take those positions. Coming out of Clear Lake HS as the defensive coordinator, beating Katy in their heyday, he could have went anywhere he wants and he did. He brought positive influence to some less fortunate kids. The folks who know, know. Satcher would be a phenomenal coach. Talk about a treasure hiding amongst the weeds. Better get him here if you can. I'm telling you.
  22. If you need some TXHFSB talk in the off-season Tepper and I give you some with the January edition of TepAndStepp for DCTF subscribers only. We talk UIL Realignment and some of the coaching changes that have taken place thus far www.texasfootball.com/article/2022/01/25/tep-stepp-podcast-what-to-watch-for-in-uil-realignment?ref=article_preview_title
  23. Not me. Coaches talk among themselves. They know about situations at other schools. I mean if some in the town got a petition to get rid of a hall of fame legendary coach because he wasn’t doing things the way they wanted, what in the heck would they do to some new guy when he goes against them? No one wants to get into a toxic situation like that.
  24. All coaches talk to one another or thru one another. I reckon most got told WOS already had their guy.
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