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  1. Get Woke, Go Broke? It’s Time To Talk About SVB’s Ties To The World Economic Forum! From the article: "Looking into SVB’s operational history, the company was a woke nightmare. Take a gander at their 66 page ESG report compiled in 2021 to get a sense of how far to the extreme political left the bank was. SVB is the pinnacle example of why “Get Woke, Go Broke” is more than a mantra, it’s a rule. Digging even deeper we then find that SVB’s leadership was highly involved in the WEF and their Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics (SCM), along with corporate governance. SVB was not only implementing every single policy the WEF outlines in its agenda, they were reporting back to the WEF on their progress. SVB’s capital exposure was heavily tied up in securities, but also venture capital for woke tech startups, climate change related projects and leftist activist groups which qualified for ESG loans; everything from BLM to Buzzfeed. In other words, they were investing aggressively into money-pit projects that devoured cash and gave nothing back. The real question is, how many US banks are involved in ESG and WEF operations at the same level as SVB? Dozens? Hundreds?" [Hidden Content]
  2. Bumping this up since there's Duncanville talk in the BU vs LH thread.
  3. Still lot's of talk about how it's a joke that Faith Family is allowed to play UIL 4A basketball. Well, here is the geographical boundries for this academy: Avalon ISD Cedar Hill ISD Dallas ISD DeSoto ISD Duncanville ISD Ennis ISD Ferris ISD Grand Prairie ISD Italy ISD Lancaster ISD Maypearl ISD Midlothian ISD Milford ISD Palmer ISD Red Oak ISD Waxahachie ISD Any student attending these school districts are eligible to attend Faith Family Academy. Thoughts?
  4. That was one of the most questionable mistakes. I would've never got in the police car. "Pops call the lawyer and we'll meet him down there if they show back up with a warrant. And while you wait, make sure to remove yourself from my property." Might not have worked out. But at least I wouldn't be a case study. BTW. As a youth during spring break, which is this week lol, some kids in the neighborhood decided to do a lil vandalism. We thought we were smart about it. But didn't know that one of the kids was already on juvenile probation. After people stated noticing things, the law was called out. They went straight to his house. His mom let them walk right in the house. Then they started searching his room. They found other things that had nothing to do with what we were doing that weekend. So after that, they come knock on my door. My dad kick my @.. outta bed and says the police need to talk to you. Get your But outside and tell the truth. Long story short, we faced charges for the other stuff they found as well. Funny thing is that guy is still 1 of my best friends.
  5. There is a legal doctrine of the Exclusionary Rule. That is, once the police violate a person’s rights, any evidence gained afterwards is lost. A violation of rights typically doesn’t include physical abuse but usually a mistake by an officer. Example scenarios. In both situations a guy stops to speak with an officer and is later arrested for a crime. 1. A guy is walking down the sidewalk and an offices says, “Come here a minute, I want to ask you something” 2. A guy is walking down the sidewalk and an officer says, “Do you mind if I talk to you for a minute, I want to ask you something. 1. would likely be seen as a detention requiring reasonable suspicion of a specific crime. If none exists, any evidence is thrown out. 2. would likely be seen as a voluntary encounter with consent of the person stopped. Reasonable suspicion is not likely to be an issue since the person agreed to talk with the officer after being asked if “he minded” talking with the officer. See the difference? In the first scenario the office says come here and in the second he says, do you mind talking. One is an order, the other is a question So….. What would a reasonable person believe under the same situation is what must be answered by the court (from the trial judge and potentially all the way up to the US Supreme Court). The case I described was an actual case from Harris County, Texas that made it all the way to the Supreme Court. The 17 year old was asked to come in and was told that he was not in custody but just to make sure they were doing the right thing, the officers read Miranda anyway and the 17 year old agreed to talk/confess. Even though he said, “Okay” when asked by the officers to go with them, the 17 year old, in the opinion of the Supreme Court, decided that under the circumstances he would feel that he was being arrested. Even though the officers said no he was not under arrest, the fact that they handcuffed him after suspecting him of a murder and put him in the back of the police car in handcuffs should be considered an arrest. Would a reasonable person believe that he is free to leave at that point? The Supreme Court said no, that is an arrest no matter what the officers call it The US Supreme Court in a UNANIMOUS decision said that the 17 year old should have be considered under arrest and therefore his confession not allowed into evidence. Even though the officers later, attempt to put a 17-year-old at ease and to comply with the Fourth Amendment and the Miranda rights, it was too late. Remember that in the Exclusionary Rule, once the officers make a mistake, even with the best intentions and thinking that they are doing the right thing, it doesn’t matter. All subsequent evidence is lost. Had the officers not handcuffed the kid or if they would have gotten the father to give the kid a ride to the police station, the confession likely would have been admissible as evidence. [Hidden Content]
  6. Case: Confession in a sexual assault and murder of a 14 year old girl. Notable points: A 17 is an adult in Texas under criminal law. There is no need to get certified as an adult. A person ceases to be a child on his 17th birthday. Also, if a person consents to talking with the police (not being detained), consents to a search, consents to give a statement, etc., the police are not required to have probable cause. A person can consent to any of that. Case: A 14 year old girl had been sexually assaulted by her 19 year old half brother. Apparently this was an ongoing relationship and what used to be called statutory rape or sex with an underage child whether with consent or not. One day the half brother stabbed his sister to death, I believe after having sex with her. Maybe to keep her from reporting the assaults but I am not sure. In any case he confessed after volunteering to take a polygraph and failing. The case is not about him however. In the confession the brother implicated another person who was a 17 year old adult. The police showed up at the 17 year old’s home at 3am. The homeowner, father of the 17 year old, consented to allow officers to enter the home and speak to the 17 year old. The officers (3?) went to the bedroom and woke the 17 year old up. They said, we need to talk and the 17 year old said “okay”. These facts do not appear to be in dispute. So it’s not like the police gave one version and the 17 year old (or family) another. The police led him to the police unit since he had consented to speak with the officers by saying “okay” when asked. He was only wearing the T-shirt and boxers that he was sleeping in. The officers told him that he was not in custody but had to be handcuffed if in the back of the unit. He would have the handcuffs removed at the police station. Once arriving at the police station, the police took off the handcuffs and asked if he wished to talk. Even though he was told that he was not in custody, he was given his rights under Miranda to make sure that he was volunteering to speak with officers. It was kind of like a safeguard just to make sure he agreed to talk. After being read Miranda, the 17-year-old agreed to talk. He was confronted about the 19 year old’s confession that implicated him. Being confronted with that fact, he confessed to taking part in the crime. He did not specifically admit to taking part in the actual killing however under Texas law, if you take any part in a crime, then you to be charged with a crime. After that confession, the trial judge admitted the statement as evidence at the trial. The 17 year old was convicted and I believe given 35 years in prison. He appealed to the district appeals court, and they agreed with the trial judge, the confession was with consent. He made his final appeal to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (supreme court for criminal law) and they simply refused to hear the case. The 17 year old then appealed to the federal system, saying that his Fourth Amendment rights were violated. So even though the police were allowed with consent to another home and to speak with a 17-year-old, asked him to go speak to the officers and he said okay, was told that he was not in custody, was put in handcuffs just for the trip but then they were removed immediately after arriving at the station, was read the Miranda warning, just to make sure he understood that he was consenting to giving a statement and after being confronted with the fact that the 19-year-old had already confessed, his lawyer claimed that his rights were violated. Good confession or a violation of rights? In the Police Academy I would ask the cadets, if you say it was a lawful confession with consent, why? If you say it was an unlawful confession, why?
  7. An officer sees a guy standing on a corner. He is met by another man. Alternately they casually walk down the block and look around near a store front. One would walk down the block and return, they would talk and then the other would walk down the block. After a few minutes a third guy came up and did the same. He then walked away from the first two and didn’t return. The officer said that it looked like they might be casing a store to be robbed. So when the first two guys walked to meet with the third guy, the officer had seen enough and approached and then grabbed onto one of the men. He physically spun the guy around and checked him for weapons. Finding a revolver the officer ordered the other two up against the wall and found another gun. The officer did not have probable cause to believe the men might be armed or about to commit a crime but he was suspicious of their behavior by his “experience”. The armed men were convicted of the weapons violation. There was no evidence to prove if the men were about to commit a crime. Lawful?
  8. talk about splitting hairs! I apologize @prepballfan I stand corrected it's not .613 it's .612(🤣) either way it's the 73rd spot.
  9. I wonder why the lefty’s aren’t commenting on these previously withheld videos? Talk about duped!!!!! They were ready to execute the MAGA militants. Lmao Pelosi is probably tying one on with her husband and his boyfriend. That’s story sure went away quickly.
  10. We (Silsbee) will determine if they good or not , this was the same talk last year not from you but from other folks .. and we sent Furr and Btw to the attic .. I expect the same tomorrow night … everybody talking bout inconsistency. First round we gave up 72 ,second 61 , and 3rd 50 points .. looks to me our defense pepping at the right time .. and if these others teams don’t play they bench it’s most definitely gone be the same results ..
  11. I think you guys are severely underestimating Lake Highlands, here’s a few things to note: For starters basketball in the DFW is 10x better than in the Houston/SETX area. With that being said LH has played much stiffer competition than BU in the regular season & in the playoffs up until this point. Plano East finished the season ranked #11 & Arlington Martin finished the season ranked #5. Having watched both games neither team is a slouch. Compare these teams to region 3 (which is really weak this year) & you'll understand the disparity in the playoff game scores between LH & BU. Let’s put some context around the LH/Arlington Martin game shall we, this same Arlington Martin team put LH out the playoffs last year. Martin came out & executed a great game plan (one I think BU needs to steal) by running the 4 corners/stall ball offense the entire game which forced the 6’8 kid to come out & guard one of their better players and they abused that match up all game essentially forcing the coach to take him out the game. This strategy helped reduce the height advantage LH had on AM and shorten the game with them only having 5 varsity players. Brilliant coaching & game plan by AM’s staff, which ultimately gave them the best chance to win in-which they almost did. Also Martin is probably more talented than any team BU will face in Region 3 (they have a 4 star guard going to UH). Now let’s talk about how BU matches up with LH: LH has what BU hasn’t seen on its 3 year run & that’s a legit PRO! Tra Johnson is the #1 player in his class and will be a one and done college player. Kid is supremely skilled and can fill it up efficiently at all three levels. Couple that with a 6’8 big who's signed to Yale and wrecks havoc down low! He’s a force in the paint rebounding, blocking shots, catching lobs etc. LH definitely has the advantage in the size department. Also LH have some really good role players surrounding these two which makes them a very formidable opponent. I think BU has the advantage when it comes to defense, physicality & athleticism. Also you can limit Johnson if you get physical with him, I’ve seen him struggle with players that are physical with him because he isn’t very strong. But idk if this is a team BU should try to get up and down with simply because Johnson is just too dynamic for that, although slowing the game down isn’t really in Green’s nature I believe it gives BU the best chance to 3 peat if they see LH.
  12. Rupert Murdoch admits under oath his employees knowingly lied to FOX viewers about the big lie, and you talk about crickets! The walls are crumbling and you folks are using toothpicks to try and shore them up. So, when the jury decides against the liars, who will the liars be then? The whole thing will be rigged? I can’t wait to see the squirming spin dance you do for that one.
  13. So allow me to give some factual insight to what really happened. The Coach Breanda Nichols is a know racist and has been displaying racist actions towards minority kids dating back to her being fired at SHSU as the coach. She moves into this town, takes a team of girls who have been playing together since Lil dribblers and never had any problems with racism. She comes in at the directive and support of a Superintendent that supports her portion to get these black kids under control. Being that Coach Nichols have never won nor Huffman girls hoops,, she discovered quickly that she had the talent to be successful. She started her BS last year as the other poster stated but it didn't catch up to us until the Regional Tournament. 5 underclassmen, 5 starters return and she was to sorry to set a competitive schedule and play a full season to get the girls ready to compete for a chance to go to state. She tried to kick off one of the black players for asking her ,why are you treating us differently? A white parent on the team also admitted the coach was mistreating black players.the black players along with several non black team mates walked off the team to support their teammate. Now this is were you come in Falcon 26 or should I say Mr freshman dad (need I call your name DD?) Your kid finally got a chance to play because she should have been on the freshman c team. Your freshman shark gets an opportunity to play on the big stage and your happy and gay (literally) As the whole state can see, this team was lead by two players that were two of the best in the region and a racist coach who hated one player enough to try to put her off the team and make the other one so miserable she decided to quit slaving for that coach and let every see the truth. Look at the bright side 26.... your kid won't see 26 wins in her career and you should probably pull your Hood off and talk about what really took place and not your racist perspective. Furthermore, I'm sure those black dads your talking about would love to have a discussion with you about your differences but I'll bet your too big of a Coward to approach them. So keep hiding behind a chat group or say what you feel to the people that matter ! Coward
  14. So.... can you point me at any of these fabled "handouts to large corporations" that the left likes to talk about? All I ever hear is how unfair it is that oil companies are allowed to write off all of their losses on exploration in year one. I mean, that and all of those green energy expenditures. Conservatives don't want handouts to anybody. Republican lawmakers do some really dumb stuff, though.
  15. It's always funny when I read any of these threads and people talk about paying Surratt. He could have any open job in the state of Texas, but people think he's gonna come coach PNG or Vidor or Bridge City, or whatever. If he were to go anywhere, I'd imagine it would be to a 6A school in Dallas or Houston. He's certainly not coming to SETX just because some school is willing to pay him $25K more a year than he's making now.
  16. I just stopped laughing! I can you are still trying to perfect your silliness. I may need to start calling you the "Silly Perfecter!" First of all, my 7 year program is for teams to win State within their classifications. Therefore I never said anything like what you stated. No one has ever asked, say, Sabine Pass to compete with, say, Katy to win a Title. Not going to happen. So, if Surratt goes to Sabine Pass then yes, I can see him winning a Title in 7 years. Carthage never won a Title until he got there. Look, there are some here who blame the kids and there are some here that blame the coach. You talk about playoff runs, why is it that Carthage can and those in the same district can't. Sounds like coaching to me. It's always interested me why schools can never win a Title. But then a certain type of coach comes in and starts winning Titles. I not a firm believer in "the kids just started showing up when this coach did!" I just don't think the Vidor coach, if he was there, could have done the same thing as Dodge did at Southlake Carroll and Westlake. Then again, I think one poster actually said Dodge wasn't that good. He just had the right kids. But, it's all speculation anyway and my opinion!!
  17. First of all, Jasper did not play a great game Tuesday night. I was there. Hardly great. Had they played great, they would have won by 10 or more. What weak talk are you speaking of in regards to district 19?
  18. To some extent this game will tell us how good District 19 is. Jasper played a great game against 22nd ranked Hamshire with lead changes in the second half. Lumberton was simply overmatched against 15th ranked Hawks who seem to be getting better with each outing. But the Raiders did have a brave first quarter, good enough to make coach Davis fuss at his players. The starting 5 compared pretty well with Hawks. But they simply couldn't maintain the tempo that would have been needed to make a 4 quarter game of it. They just don't have enough help coming off the bench. LCM handled Hargrave with no serious trouble at all. Actually it's Silsbee was the one that didn't meet expectations. The Tigers scored plenty of points but led by only 13 midway through the 3rd against lowly 4th seed Liberty which didn't have a winning record in district. I predicted a 30 point game but I didn't foresee what would happen in the first 3 quarters, the amazing 1st and the lackluster 2nd and 3rd. So far so good. But this game to me is the tale of the tape so to speak. If LCM can make a good showing against 16th ranked Bullard, and I think they will, then we'll have no more talk about how weak 19 is. Sure, we don't compare to the richly endowed urban and suburban 4A districts but we are a good rural district. Remember, it was District losses that knocked LCM out of the top 25.
  19. Only because my mother used to talk about them. Was born and raised in Beaumont (graduating from Beaumont High School) and went to the games.
  20. Teachers in Florida right now are afraid to talk about it because of the crap DeSantis is slinging.
  21. It wasn't me!! Lol. I was just trying to clarify. No more girls basketball talk on this thread!!!
  22. I will be glad to talk about any sport topic you would like, but i am positive the forum peeps do not want to see our discussion anymore. Next time Nederland has a game i can talk with you about this. Matter of fact since you brought up "swing & miss" i will be at the Nederland baseball scrimmage this evening watching my nephew, it would be great meeting new people to talk Nederland, PNG or sports in general with to get new understandings & ideas. This way you do not have to tread lightly you can speak freely about anything you think you might know about including me or my kids. I'm just a non- disgruntled old short guy from North Houston that likes to conversate about all sports. 🧹🧹🧹🌊🌊🌊☔☔☔
  23. But once again you won’t talk about anything but 3 wins. That is my point. 😂. Thank you for proving it again. Just out their swinging and missing. It’s hard to call out a team for a 8 year playoff run with a program that is 2nd tier in their own school. What English has done is remarkable to say the least. My point was png didn’t have a great year they were in a terrible district. And as I said smith did what he had to do to get there. I’m treading lightly because this sounds like a disgruntled parent that wasn’t happy about a kids pt or outcome. But if that’s the case you probably know more than me. I’m just a fat guy that like high school basketball. Nederland is one of the teams I pull for but I have several these days.
  24. Kinda like certain politicians selling us out to China. The Republican Primaries will take care of Trump and Desantis. What’s funny is this imaginary cult you talk about. It’s not about Trump. It’s about what policies are good for this country. Wether it be Trumps policies or Desantis policies. You along with a few others on this forum are the only ones caught up in the cult of personalities being a prerequisite to be Commander in Chief. I heard there are going to be cuddlers at the voting polls for people like you and your other sensitive minions so they can cuddle you while you vote in 2024.
  25. Yeah….Majority of Americans can’t wait to have 4 more years of what we have in office. Talk about Clown World. Smh Yeah I don’t anyone that could beat Biden after the STELLAR JOB HE HAS DONE!😂
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