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    Bobcat1 reacted to DXTR in Silsbee vs Hardin Jefferson Round 2 Friday Night   
    That is a very big spoon you have there.
  2. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to PN-G bamatex in Cruz wins Iowa   
    Can you explain precisely what you mean by that?
  3. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to JustUs in Beaumont Ozen at Vidor/Post updates here!   
    We've been unable to locate a final score on this game.It's safe to say Ozen got the W otherwise it wouldve been breaking news......
    #20-5A Beaumont Ozen(23-4)(11-1) will face Beaumont Central(n/a)(11-1) friday at Ford Park for the district 22-5A title@ 6pm....  
  4. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to tvc184 in Cruz cheated?   
    I saw Trump on the television tonight say that Carson was a great guy and something like an honorable man and was cheated and blah blah blah.
    A couple of months ago he was calling Carson a liar because in his book (from several years ago) he was claiming to have a bad temper and had overcome it. Trump said that Carson cannot be trusted.
    Trump never tried to slam Cruz early when Trump was beating up on everyone else. He said that he might choose Cruz for his VP. Then Cruz came up in the polls and a couple of weeks ago Trump called him stupid. Now he thinks that the Iowa Republican caucus should take all of Cruz's votes away.... giving Trump the win.
    Anyone else see a pattern in this?
  5. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to Dick Vitale in Settling the "greatest SE Texas coach" debate   
    First off, Nederland's Brian English is an OUTSTANDING basketball coach, and probably an even better PERSON.  If you say that what he has done in Vidor and Nederland is anything less than amazing, you do not know anything about the game, and that is OK, because even those that THINK they do, DON'T.  He has single handedly taken a cellar dweller basketball program at Nederland and turned them into a LEGIT threat to beat everyone in the district, every year, no matter who he has...THATS coaching....NOW, with that said, you cannot take anything away from the coaches who have succeeded in the playoffs, and have won state championships, NO MATTER HOW MUCH TALENT you "THINK" they may have had.  Talented teams get outcoached and beaten ALL THE TIME in the playoffs, so please kill the "they have talent" excuses. Todd Sutherland is an OUTSTANDING basketball coach...You cannot take that away from him just because he happened to coach at talent rich, traditional basketball powerhouses like Kountze, EC, and HJ, so WHY is the first thing that comes out of guys mouths when it comes to Boutte, is "I'd like to see what he does with such and such team without talent"? That's CRAZY! Just give these coaches credit where its due...Head to head wins do not ALWAYS equate to one coach being better than the other either! Would you take Central's rookie head coach over Brian English? I don't think so...But you have to see the overall body of work of these coaches to properly evaluate them, and the majority of people on this board are not qualified to properly evaluate ANY coach.  Who is the GREATEST coach in SE Texas? I have my opinion, and everyone is entitled to that. But please remember to give proper credit where it is due no matter WHO you are pulling for, and you are likely to make a more accurate assessment of these guys abilities, even though it won't matter one bit at the end of the day what you think anyway! Just my two cents...
  6. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to PhatMack19 in Cruz wins Iowa   
    I just got Jack in the Box on the way home tonight.  They were out of lettuce for the tacos, but had lettuce for my Jumbo Jack.   The girl was dumbfounded when I asked the difference.
    Bernie wants to pay these people $15 an hour that can't figure out lettuce!!
  7. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to Team Game in Silsbee 72 Hardin-Jefferson 62/Final   
    BadSanta has so many personalities that he counts for 7.
  8. Like
    Bobcat1 got a reaction from Hagar in Bad Or Good Ones?   
    Muslims shield Christians when Al-Shabaab attacks bus in Kenya

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    Bobcat1 reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in Bad Or Good Ones?   
    @kfor: Kenyan Muslims shield Christians during bus attack
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    Bobcat1 got a reaction from smitty in Graham ends his 2016 campaign for the White House   

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  11. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to tvc184 in Mid-County masked man   
    I love the comments on Facebook from all the sidewalk lawyers and police officers. 
  12. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to thetragichippy in Age Of obama...   
    I agree they both are not qualified for President.....
    Obamacare hit my work provided insurance.....deductible went from $250.00 to $750.00 and paying 90% to paying 80%.......
    THAT is a fact......
  13. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to tvc184 in CNN GOP Debate Predictions   
    I think the vast majority love the reality tv aspect to Trump. 
    I don't buy the "he isn't a politician" angle. Neither was Reagan when he was an actor. Neither was Jimmy Carter when he was a peanut farmer. Neither was Mike Huckabee when he was a preacher. Neither was G H W Bush when he was an oil wildcatter. When they ran for office, they became politicians. So if Trump gets elected, he isn't a politician in the highest political office in the land? Sure he will be and sure he is now. In reality he is a politician that has not yet held political office. 
    You talk about unfulfilled promises. Okay, I'll buy that. Trump says "I'll do this and I'll do that, trust me!". Well how is he going to do it if Congress will not pass the law? If the Republicans hold both houses (which seems likely) me might have a more favorable Congress to work with however any of the Republicans will be in the same position. Trump reminds me a lot of Obama. "Trust me". Like, trust me, I will make the world love us and not make them all mad. How did that work out for us? 
    You talk about a fresh perspective yet Trump has no perspective other than, trust me because I am The Donald. 
    I do think that he would be a lot better than Obama but I think the same thing about my mother's Siamese Cat. 
  14. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to thetragichippy in Repub Debates   
    Heck yea.....
    Dodd-Frank is a cluster.....
  15. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to PhatMack19 in Repub Debates   
    Repeal Dodd-Frank!   Thank you Rubio for finally bringing that up.  
    Thoughts Hippy?
  16. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to whsalum in Orangefield Says Farewell   
    I just got word that Mrs. Myers passed away this week. The area lost one of it's biggest girls basketball fans. I can remember the Myers girls playing at Lamar and my mom and Mrs. Myers raising the roof at every game. Prayers to the Myers family and to the Orangefield community, you will be missed.
  17. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to gohornets23 in Garland Texas   
    Somebody enlighten me, why do you think is it so important to evangelicals that we label all Islam as evil? Or for that matter, why is it so important to those of that persuasion that somebody, anybody,be evil?
    For the longest time, the churches and conservative media railed about godless communism and how it was going to take over the world, if the god-loving peoples of west didn't take a stand. So we let fear mongering politicians and talk radio hosts and empty suits scare everybody in supporting action against the spread of this evil. This fear mongering let to the support by the American people of the wars in Korea and Vietnam, as well as countless other skirmishes and covert actions. All of which were completely pointless. The young men and women who gave their lives in those actions died for a principal that was wrong, trying to stop a threat the didn't exist. At the time, the people who spoke out against these wars were labeled as unpatriotic and discounted. Now we KNOW that they were right...but we are still fighting like hell to make the exact same mistakes.
    Communism fades out under its own weight (which it would have anyway) and now we have a new fear mongering tool. Islam! (queue foreboding music). Islam is RADICAL it is SPREADING it is SATANIC and if the good god fearing people's of the west don't do something, it will destroy the world as we know it. And the beat plays on....already two meaningless and never ending wars, undoubtedly more to come, and anybody who speaks up is unpatriotic.
    So now every time a Muslim commits a crime, we have morons wanting to wage a war against an entire religion that has billions of followers, hundreds of sects, and practitioners across the spectrum from the barely involved to the violently fanatical. 
    I know that you really really really really want to think of yourselves as "the good guys" and in order for that to happen..you need some "bad guys", but real life isn't a movie, as long as you mouth breathers keep pushing and voting for war mongering politicians who care more about being considered "tough" than the lives of Americans, people will continue to die for nothing.
    So please. Stop.  
  18. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in I Hope All 3 Runs...   
    @NBCNightlyNews: BREAKING: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) announces he is running for president http://nbcnews.to/1a1lTrl http://twitter.com/NBCNightlyNews/status/585436954357063680/photo/1
  19. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to shovel in I Hope All 3 Runs...   
    Buddy, if you run, I want a sign in my yard! Otherwise, I want someone not named Bush or Clinton.
    I'd like Rand Paul, but I don't see that happening.
  20. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to thetragichippy in Indiana's Religious Freedom Law   
    You know, I have my own beliefs that I sometimes care to share and sometimes not so much. It seems these days when people are passionate about something they go to the extreme. Religous folks will make the claim you are going to hell if you don't believe as they do (or as the Bible says - or as they interpret it, or both), Gay people will claim that people that don't support gays or gay marriage are "haters".
    I was always taught at a young age, you will get more people to listen to you if you talk TO them, not at them or down to them.
    I would think people would have  figured this out by now.....after all, Christians want everyone to confess their sins, live by their rules so everyone goes to Heaven.....and Gays want acceptance.......
    anyway, I'll call that thinking out loud.....
    I apologize for getting off topic.....
  21. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to BCbandit in BC @ OF   
    BC-3 OF-6. Great game! Two good teams trading shots.
  22. Like
    Bobcat1 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Indiana's Religious Freedom Law   
    Governor aims to curb religious freedom bill  
  23. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to Softball IQ in Orangefield is open   
    It all amounts to this......
    If the players are working hard during the off season and all year long on the skills they will need, OF
    will be back where they were years ago. In my opinion, Coaching helps but you cant build players in the 
    few short months during the HS Season. It is up to the players and parents to get the players in a position
    to make a run at State. True talent helps alot and a good coach will attract the talent to get kids to play
    and buy into the system but it is all about the off season.....PERIOD.
    You could get the best Coach in the world to Coach HS Basketball but if you have no players that have
    prepaired themselves for the long road to state, then OF basketball will continue to be what it is.
    Nothing against the OF team from this year. It had a bunch of kids with tons of heart and would never
    give up but that is only a PART of what  takes to WIN STATE!!
    Little Dribblers program and playing in a few off season tournaments help but it takes a HUGE
    OFF-SEASON 100% Commitment from the kids!!!
  24. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in Rand Paul Tops CPAC Poll   
    Are both of you done slap-boxing behind keyboards? I suggest both of you PM each other. 
  25. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to thetragichippy in Everyone Here Is An Atheist With Respect To 99% Of All Religions/Gods   
    I happen to work in a place that I see a lot of different professions on a daily bases. Today, a pastor walked in and I brought up our topics on religion.
    What stood out the most in our entire 45 minute conversation was something he said when I ask if Gay people would go to Hell or "Little Johnny", our Buddhist friend from the other thread would go to hell......His response was, "I don't know, I don't judge. It is not in my job description to judge. It is way above my pay grade, I will let the Man upstairs make those decisions. My job is to love my fellow man and let everyone know the word of God."
    Which brought up Luke 6:37:
    Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned. 38"Give, and it will be given to you.
    So, why are some of you condemning Little Johnny? Why are you judging Gays?
    Is that not above your pay grade?
    I think those are valid questions and worth a discussion......
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