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  1. We talk every four years about how bad our choices are and then the next election it’s as bad or worse. Tonight, for as long as I could stomach it, was an embarrassment for America. We read comment after comment, post after post, of people refusing to watch pro sports they’ve watched their entire lives, and criticizing those who continue to watch. Yet some of the same people have no problem watching (and even condoning), people making a mockery of our highest offices by their behavior. Call me crazy but I expect a little more from those interviewing to run our country than I do from the defensive tackle of the Colts or the middle inning reliever of the Marlins. We looked like a nation led by Neanderthals tonight and I don’t care who you think “won” the debate, I can tell you who lost. America. And best I can tell, the biggest qualification to be the “leader of the free world” is to be an old white dude who acts like a 2 year old. That’s come to be what we respect and admire. Lord help us all.
  2. Trump needs to let him talk and bury himself
  3. And this is what SW1966 and the other associates are voting for!!! Talk about the uninformed, low info voter! Guess they all really what Kamala Harris. I think Kamala the Ugandan Warrior would be better🤔
  4. Are these records correct? Now that I’ve already made a post about the 100th win milestone, I remember a celebration last year regarding wins for Coach Mathews. I think he already hit that mark because there would have been some kind of talk about him going for 100 Ws on the road at Jasper.
  5. It is funny that some of the Democrats will talk about hypocrisy in this case. Four years ago RBG basically said that it was the right thing to do to nominate and go to the Senate. When it was her seat on the line, her supposed last statement was to not go by her statement from 4 years ago.
  6. Good post. I must admit that Jasper posters, as a group, are some of the best. Not a lot of smack talk, just the facts. Game will be a great test for both teams. Exemplifies what HS Football is all about.
  7. Good point, there was a lot of talk about how good the Brazosport and Bay City running backs were going in to the Vidor game and rightfully so, they had great stats but the Pirates controlled the line of scrimmage and shut their backs down for the most part. Those teams got most of their ground yardage from the QB position and both had good athletic quarterbacks that could scramble. Hopefully we can force the Jasper QB to be a runner because if their RBs go off for big yardage it could spell trouble.
  8. Look Reagan, we agree on lots of things, but you’re getting out there on this one. Talk about apples and oranges. The mask mandate is a bad order - SO LEGALLY CHALLENGE IT! But don’t complain when you get lit up like a Christmas tree when you don’t follow the cops instructions. Do what the cop says and sort it out later!
  9. Watch an see how many entities get sued over this mask nonsense when this is all said and done. Has nothing to do with militia talk. Has everything to do with following the science and data like they are supposedly suppose to do. This is a big over reaction and power grab. Think about it people 0-19 years old have a 99.997% survival rate. Guess what the survival rate of an abortion is? Almost ZERO %. Although in rare occasions a baby will survive an abortion. Over 2000 babies a DAY! are aborted/murdered. If you can’t see the hypocrisy I can’t help you.
  10. Now that’s funny...... she s all talk.
  11. They didn't really talk about the game on that site. I saw 1 post after the game on there. Way more on here.
  12. We aren't playing basketball. This is real life and real talk. Straight outta @Realville
  13. Ok stop calling out Foster. No reason to talk down on him.
  14. Back then, SETXsports did a Friday Night Scoreboard show. Started around 10:30pm and lasted till 1am. That night, we did get some scores out but the vast majority of the talk that night was this tragedy. It was surreal. Also, I got the privilege of broadcasting the first WO-S game after this tragedy. It was a home game vs. Kirbyville. What I remembered the most about that game was when the Mustangs were on offense first, the players all kneeled and held up the numbers 1 and 2 with their fingers, then intentionally took a delay of game penalty to remember their fallen teammate. Kirbyville head coach Jack Alverez declined the penalty. Great class on both sides.
  15. Oh. Sorry. They way you talk I thought you didn’t know. Yes, I think if the warrant was issued (They didn’t issue it to themselves), they should be able to carry out their warrant as their job dictates. No-knock warrants are issued when a judge agrees that announcing law enforcement’s presence may allow suspects to destroy potential evidence or endanger police safety. Maybe you should be asking the judge these questions. He issued the warrant.
  16. I am making light of your logic or lack thereof. Precisely how do you know how many were completely innocent? How do you know what countries require more training for police officers? That sounds great but I think you have absolutely ZERO idea about how any country trains its peace officers. When an individual has been retained by police, tries to escape, and is tasered and because of the drugs in his system, the taser has no impact on him and he then tries to harm the officer, tell me what special training is there that solves that issue? I ask you once again, how about training for those who get in those situations? How about training them to avoid putting their own lives at risk? How about "training" your children to respect authority rather than have hatred and disrespect for it? They didnt get that hate and disrespect on their own, it was taught to them, most likely by example. Many are also "trained" that they have every right to resist arrest. Talk about poor training!!!
  17. I thought the little talk went well but now I've got a 'random' drug test tomorrow morning... lol what are the odds?
  18. I’m thinking you’re right buddy, can’t miss any live action at all this year. Time to have a little talk with the boss tomorrow and tell him I’m taking off early Friday.
  19. Silsbee only had 26 yds total passing? Now I understand the talk about replacing the QB.
  20. I wouldn’t say a change, but there needs to be a heart to heart talk. This the starting QB for TWO state simifinal teams. Can’t throw that to the wayside. The experience and talent is there somewhere...
  21. Credit to Liberty. Talk about a community of under achievers Madisonville will look the part but the community won't get out of it's own way. Note: there have been and area great coaches there so I'm not taking shots at the coaches.
  22. People are really griping and crying over rankings... lord lol I’ll take not being ranked all season long with a state championship than ranked number 1 with a 4th round visit. Y’all have this talk come December on who really is better when who is still alive come playoff time.
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