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  1. Let’s talk about next year. I see someone discuss on China Spring vs. WOS thread so I thought why not to discuss this relate about next year. I am not sure how many that they lost and return. my big question is QB issue. I know #19 is more likely play at QB but my opinion that he should stay where he have been and best option. Does anyone know that they have a good QB? Next several years still good reload or not? Since I cannot see there how they doing cause I don’t live there. I would love to hear your opinion and start discuss.
  2. No need to act like that Greezy...? I was hoping Tenaha would blow Chilton out 185-0 (just for the actions/attitudes from a couple Chilton players). EC has a point, Chilton is really good in the trenches. And no amount of smack-talk will change that. I will also agree that losing a 2 way starter hurts every team at our level...DV suited up without our Sr. halfback/noseguard last week and while he would've definitely been a key component...it wasn't why we lost. Yes, Cushing's #4 was a bruiser but he only had 67yds. against DV in our first game, when we were down 4 O/D linemen, 5 days after Hurricane Laura. I disagree that Cushing's option offense was "centered" around their fullback.. Every game is different and I truly feel like the stage might've been a little too big for us to overcome last week. Oh well, we lost. Congratulations on a great season Tenaha, I haven't seen any games/film of that Thunder & Lightning offense but I'll be there to see it on Saturday. Supporting and promoting your team is awesome but don't resort to name calling if someone has a different opinion than you do. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving.
  3. To an extent yes. Depends who you talk to lol.
  4. Funny how the American Bar Association, state bars, civil liberties groups, and, of course, the media, say nothing and do nothing about all the threats and intimidation efforts unleashed against law firms and individual lawyers representing the Trump campaign. I have never seen anything like this. Yet, not a word. Nothing. This is more shocking evidence of the Left's totalitarian mindset in action. And I am not aware of a single Republican official (current or former), including those blowhards on the Sunday's liberal talk shows such as Christie, Hogan, and Bolton, saying a thing about it. Truly pathetic.
  5. Isn’t it precious watching the Sunday hosts demand “evidence” from Sidney Powell yet they promoted the Russian collusion lie for years without any evidence? Did they demand evidence from Schiff or their own colleagues they hired from the FBI and intel agencies? Of course not. They happily promoted And actively participated in a Democrat conspiracy. And let’s talk about evidence. Notice how they all covered up the mounds of evidence implicating the Biden family in corruption and dealings with foreign companies dats prior to the election? Laptop, emails, texts, witnesses, etc. You know, evidence! But they censored it. All hacks.
  6. I don't know who you think you are, but we don't have any room to talk sh*t about anybody right now. We don't act like clowns on this forum. Understand?
  7. ^^^^^^^^Impeachment talk BEFORE he was elected, Hillary crying and saying Trump cheated, Russian collusion/Mueller investigation that cost taxpayers $gazillions, his presidency was illegitimate.....I could go on. Seriously, this is how people think, and you have the audacity to call us UNINFORMED AND UNEDUCATED? WOW!!!!!
  8. Don't take it wrong way. I thought we called a great game.i just don't kno why they don't have any backups this time of year.every team bring there jv up.and so on. And few oline doing the regular season. I can't figure out how ur starting LBS had to start on the line and they haven't played there at all.and they were so confused.w.o special teams put them in that whole not the coaches. Lol,never thought I would ever talk abt no backups on the line.
  9. You have nothing better to do in your life than get on a forum and talk about someone. Instead of being man, and saying it to there face. Oh wait... I forgot. You have lil man syndrome!!
  10. Y’all Silsbee fans are downright pathetic. Now y’all openly calling this kid out when there was no stupid talk the last two years. I’ve given examples how over the years, some of y’all just show horrible class and support for the kids. On and off this forum. That kid is a great young man that will do great I’m getting his adult life started.
  11. He was asked to talk about other games in the bracket. And he answered. He also said that "if we are fortunate enough to win against Silsbee.." when asked about potential matchups on next week. The Carthage program (athletes and coaches) never looks past their current opponent.
  12. If any one wants to hear carthage coach talk bout this weeks game
  13. Really hard to believe this game talk is still going on. The result was much as expected. The outcome later in the year if it happens will likely be the same. It’s been said all along take your best shot at the Tigers this year and maybe next but hold on after that....
  14. No excuses the truth is the truth Silsbee is no where at full strength we can except a down year or two but our tigers know what they have coming down the pipe coach sig is doing a great job with what he has now I’m not taking away the fact the HJ has a good team because they do and Silsbee doesn’t have any problems seeing HJ in the playoffs there were all underclass kids except for 1 on the floor last night you can talk about excuses all you want but truth is facts Silsbee will be a totally different team when football is over.
  15. You have a great thing going over here. The people on here talk football. I am a Dawg homer and get carried away sometimes, but I like the way y’all talk about your teams. Not a lot of smoke blowing but facts.
  16. I hear a lot of talk about a coach who can "change" the culture and pin their hopes on that. As a graduate of a school that has that culture, I can tell you that it not the way it works, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, culture requires the commitment of the players and the coach.....it also requires the commitment of the community. Yes, it requires discipline in the program coming down from the coach and learned by the player....it also requires that the individual parent refrain from going to school officials when their particular son is subjected to that discipline. Yes, it takes a strong defense, but it also takes a parent who doesn't question why his or her son is at safety or linebacker instead of quarterback or running back. The point is a big part of culture is getting off of the coaches back and letting him do his job. A history lesson. Dan Hooks took over the West Orange-Stark head coaching job from Steve McCarty in 1981. He took over a team that was 9-1 in 1980 and subsequently coached the Mustangs to 7-3, 6-4 and 3-7 (the first ever losing season in WO-S history) records over the next 3 seasons. At the end of his seventh season, the Mustangs had 2 state championship trophies in their trophy case. A second history lesson, Hooks' successor, a guy some of y'all might know, lost 3 of his first 4 games as Mustang head coach after he surmised the offense would be better off from the I formation rather than the spread. And that was after his first coaching stint where he went 1-9 and was known around East Texas as the "guy who kept Adrian Peterson on the junior varsity." Despite all that, the Mustangs have never been less than 4 rounds deep in the playoffs with Cornel Thompson as head coach, have made 4 more trips to the state finals' made and put 2 more state championships trophies in the trophy case over on Newton Street in West Orange. Not every decision of Hooks or Thompson did not pan out. But the community as a whole let these guys coach their team. Sure, like any community, the Greater Orange area had their share on village idiots who made their feelings known........they still do. But these guys were given the opportunity to coach their teams. The Lumberton ISD could hire a coach who has a resume of accolades to span goal line to goal line at Raider Stadium to replace Chris Babin. First, they will not find anybody who cares for his kids as much as Coach Babin. Second, even if the resume is better, they will fare no better if the community doesn't get off of his back.
  17. Money does talk. However, your facilities is a completely different pool of money than your salaries. I'm not sure the case with Lumberton, but last time I checked the pay scale was pretty embarrassing. Even though I doubt it, administrator salaries are normally negotiable. Lumberton probably has an admin pay range or so like a lot of SeTx schools. But say I'm wrong... lets assume Lumberton opens up the checkbook for a big name coach. You think assistant coaches will be lining up to make whatever Lumberton pays (probably not much) on a probable undersized staff? There more that goes into it than just paying one person 100K to be your football coach.
  18. You talk like a man with a wooden neck. Where'd you spend this season? Neptune? You must be from that blowinsmoke.com palace of wisdom. Go back, we'll let you know when you're missed. If I'm wrong, go back anyway.
  19. [Hidden Content] "Baytown Sun" November 13th Goose Creek Memorial High School volleyball coach Michael Williams has been on administrative leave since Nov. 3. The first-year coach has not attended any practices or matches since then. Goose Creek director of communications Susan Passmore said this week that an investigation continues into an allegation that he made a student feel uncomfortable. “An allegation was brought forth by a student that Coach Williams engaged in behavior that made the student uncomfortable,” Passmore said. “There is no allegation of an inappropriate student-teacher relationship.” On his Facebook page, Williams posted at 9:07 p.m. the same day as his suspension began, “I could use a lot of prayer for something I can’t talk about right now. Prayer Warriors I need y’all right now.” Passmore noted the situation has been reported to the Goose Creek police department as per district protocol. Assistant varsity coach Alicia Nava has led the playoff-bound team after Williams was put on leave. GCM is 12-7 overall and 9-6 in district action, tied for third with Texas City with one match left to play Friday night against Galveston Ball.
  20. You've always been more level-headed than some of your Tiger fans also. Tonight was tough and I hope you guys play Carthage tougher than we did. We'll never be fans of each other's teams, but I'd have a cold one and talk some football with you any day...
  21. Good lawd son! I’m waiting for the follow up that starts off with “Psyche!”. I had the same epiphany 3 years ago. I only talk bad about posters now... Cuz it’s fun! 🤩
  22. Me and a guy I work with could hold off a small army. You’re right, come to the country with that crapola and it would be like stepping in an ant bed. Talk about hell to pay!
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