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  1. Thanks to yall beating Huntsville now I have to hear a lot of students with unnecessary trash talk now lol
  2. Howdy from Liberty Hill ! Come over to talk to you fine people from the East of our great state of Texas . Enjoyed the talks last yr . Reading on here this year looks like y'all done kicked the scat out of us before the young men have evern taken the field . I understand what LH is up against but the boys like to play football and win or lose that doesn't change from year to year . It's been a tuff yr for the Panthers injury wise but they got some players back just in time to run the table over here in region 4 . Yeah the defense is had to grow up a lot this yr . They getting better but having said that it's going to be a tuff row to hoe this week . But here's to a gd game for both teams with no injuries . For sure the winner of this game it's going to need all hands on deck for the big game and for sure I'll be pulling for the winner either way our game turns out . Sorry for the long post , I'll try to keep future post shorter .... LHFan80
  3. I want to share a story from last year. After the game, my folks and I went to the Whiskey Cake in Katy for a very late dinner. I had driven in from Leander that afternoon and they had left PN-G late due to work. Nobody’d had the time to eat beforehand. There was a family in the restaurant from Liberty Hill sitting a few tables down from us. They had a little girl with them, maybe seven or eight years old, and an older boy who appeared to be late middle school or early high school age. I figured he was a player on the freshman team. That little girl realized we were from PN-G and gave us the evil eye for the entire dinner. I’m talking a full hour of this girl glaring at us from across the dining area, non-stop. You could feel the heat coming off this girl’s gaze. I had to fight not to crack up all night because every time I’d look over to my left, I had the possessed girl’s hellish stare from the exorcism movie looking straight back at me. You could tell the PN-G crowd, the War Chant and Cherokee had driven this poor girl insane that night. Her parents picked up on what was going on and came over to talk to us after they finished their meal. Couldn’t have been nicer folks. Wished us luck in the championship, complimented the fan base - just nice, small town people. I told them I lived just down the road in Leander and drove in for the game. Even for a fan base like Liberty Hill’s that generally travels well, you could tell they were shocked that out-of-town alumni would make a drive like that to see the Indians play. This is the game where our fan base earned the “rabid” label online last year. Every time I think about that, I think about that ferocious glare from that little girl. I have a feeling I’m gonna feel it coming across the field at me again this year. Scalp ‘em!
  4. Let's talk about what improvements the Mustangs can make to their offense, if they are moving on from the current OC. IMO start with North Shore and those coaches over there who have a proven WINNING record. Maybe, shell out some money to get good season coaches who can help Coach H build up this program. I keep up with Kendall Cleveland who is doing good things as an asst. coach. His team is in the playoffs as of yesterday. Things NEED to get better period!!
  5. I think taking the quiet approach is pretty much the Jasper way. Oh, we poke fun a little bit sometimes, but rarely seriously. Jasper has had too many very good teams get sidelined over the years. One of the very best didn't even get out of the district. That Jasper team sent THREE players to the NFL. Two lasted long term. One was an uncle to the Jasper Defensive Coordinator. No, Jasper fans know to pretty much keep the trash talk down.
  6. First of all I'm not stating this as a Silsbee fan and second it's the complaint I receive the most from all coaches that come from the Houston area to play here. They talk to me because I'm a member of the YMBL that helps put on the tournament.
  7. Yeah Ohio state needs a lot to happen in order to get in. FSU and Texas both lose, and Georgia wins, they have a shot. Especially if Washington wins. They aren’t getting in over Oregon or Texas if they both win. Big 10 is hot garbage anyway. Talk about top heavy.
  8. You better stop talking up your own team and talk up your opponent or else 🤣
  9. You have to make a new one in February. 💪🏾 Hopefully we'll be back in Region 3, it'll be way more talk then.
  10. I'm proud that my thread has made it all the way to realignment talk. What a legacy thread we have kept going. I thank BH fans for overreacting to every Crosby post. PAM fans for keeping it alive in the offseason and ofc 14.3 for making people angry on a near weekly manner for nearly 18 months. I'll miss this thread.
  11. For a school that hasn't got this far in the playoffs for a long, long time, y'all talk a lot of crap! I guess Jasper and whoever wins Region 4 (Wimberly) might as well forfeit! Already talkin' about Carthage!? You better not overlook anyone in the playoffs or you'll be getting the basketball shoes out!
  12. Does anyone know if Huntsville fans have an online space similar to this one ? I’d love to see what they’re saying about this game. They certainly don’t talk here.
  13. Yeah just the Cleveland and NC aspect of it.. 21 there’s lots of talk and chatter about them on here. 22 only DP there’s small talk here and there
  14. Lol… Pleasant Grove won a couple of years ago, but they also threw the ball…. Bellville can’t. Liberty Hill does well until they run into a decent defense. That’s the problem with being a one-trick pony. A decent coaching staff with some talent on defense will shut a slot t team down. That wasn’t Silsbee, and I don’t think Jasper can do it either. I love the slot t. It allows mediocre athletes to compete. It just has its limitations. To hear y’all talk, Aledo, Carthage, and North Shore will be switching to the slot t now that they’ve finally seen it’s potential via Bellville, lol.
  15. Good game Silsbee… heard a lot of people talk about Silsbee’s sportsmanship throughout the season and questioning it… but I saw a clean game from the tigers as far as that is concerned best of luck to the seniors and the rest of the Tigers moving forward. Maybe we will see y’all again next season
  16. I don’t see it! Hard to talk crap and be chirpy when it’s this obvious! Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and admit what just happened!
  17. Are we getting to or at the point where we have to talk about Surratt for GOAT coach of high school football @Reagan? Seems like that should be a thing regardless of class or location.
  18. With all this trash talk has me wishing we played in this region in 4a 😆
  19. This man has paid millions in taxes for years with no audit. But the year he assumes a political talk show, bam he gets audited in 2021. And then they audit him in 2022 for $39.75. 86,000 more IRS agents was more pure evil purposes!
  20. being this is a family website, aa administrator I would think you would take any further adult talk to private.
  21. I don’t think #8 has that level of athleticism- but I could be wrong. If you talk to that momma- he pretty headstrong and is gonna do what he wanna do. They don’t like like they worried about how to pay for college.
  22. I see a lot of talk about how Silsbee will get destroyed by Bellville....I went back and looked at the game between Madisonville & Bellville.....Madisonville had too many mistakes early in the game and compounded that with a lot of missed tackles....I don't see Silsbee making those mistakes and i know for a fact they will tackle better than Madisonville...# 5 is a good back for Bellville but so was Rayshon Smith (Sealy).....
  23. And there’s context behind everything in life but of course you don’t want to talk about it because it doesn’t fit your narrative. Lol
  24. To Coach Rowe and the Brahmans, I suggest: 1. Talk about their mamas. 2. Use that P word that women hate. 3. Use “boy,” not that other word. Its 2023. 4. Flop. Always flop. But honestly, i can see this one being a higher-scoring affair with the last possession telling the tale. Silsbee might have problems with the Slot T, but I don’t expect Bellville to stop that a Silsbee O, either. Extracurriculars in this one have the potential to be devastating for Silsbee in this matchup. I think the Tigers get it done.
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