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  1. If I'm not mistaken. All 17 offensive points was in a short field. 5 turnovers, 17 points. Don't talk about if so and so is healthy. 2nd online and 3rd running back. If we had our first offense, yall may not have scored.
  2. it's a lot easier to talk on these issues with such certainty when you don't.
  3. The issue is that it’s kids having kids. And most of these people don’t have responsible parents and grow up in poverty. Cant give condoms out in school.. Conservatives will freak out and throw tantrums. Cant talk about sex Ed in school.. without conservatives going berserk. Etc etc.. one of the free sources of contraceptives, planned parenthood, is picketed and protested against literally non stop. Conservatives dont have an answer, besides telling kids not to have sex, which obliviously (to me, at least) isn’t working. Conservatives are effectively telling these poor kids to “get better parents”.
  4. I have volunteered to do the results and standings for the pickem contest this season. I will try and have them up ASAP each week and without error. There were 56 entries for week 1. FYI everyone gets a free win for the Lumberton game. Im sorry if I butcher anyone's screen name. 21 Chester86 (Week 1 winner) 20 uknowit2 dme1111 19 aTmfan06 Ty Cobb Eagleforever Longhorn63 18 Broncos2447 no-look One4All CocaColaCowboy 17 prepballfan Yeoj D3zil 2wedge Lightning/Eagle WOSdrummer AggiesAreWe 16 Bobcatfan4Life Pepper Brooks Mrtomcat LSU9 bleacher_Bum RETIREDFAN1 Walk-off RaiderGirl2010 Austin1985 Guitar Man Hook'em Fathead 5GallonBucket wo-s #1 raideroldtimer Stiger85 15 Mr. Buddy Garrity Coug talk PirateNole984 TX HORN_ET Rez lpsa Workbootz OldBuc77 PlayActionPass alphadog 86hawk 14 oldman refuse2lose pdawg119 Bigdaddy Topdawg navydawg 13 Ozens Fastest@1906 texaslonghorn14 12 Bullets13 Bulldogs92 PAPA Titans 94 11 Eagle Football281 (Week 1 picker of shame)
  5. Isn't the title of this thread "Manvel vs. Crosby?" You Carthage peeps give it a rest. Talk it up in the game thread of said game.
  6. "but let’s talk about Trump and his escapades." Trump was a "private" citizen during the time alleged. Kamel toe was an aspiring "public servant" and Jill was banging a "public servant" big difference, plus you have to enter the moral issue for some. My beautiful very Liberal Canadian wife still believes it was no big deal for Clinton to get a BJ in the Oval Office, by an intern, dropping a load on her dress and then lying on National TV to the American people. But hey the mind of the liberals, you see where that has lead us...
  7. Jill and Kamala are birds of a feather….drop their pants for political gain. Must be why Jill told Kamala to go freak herself. Jill had an affair with Joe while she was still married….but let’s talk about Trump and his escapades. The left has no conviction in their lives.
  8. I’ve pissed off some raiderettes already. If they can’t get on the website and talk some friendly smack they need to stay off because they are to sensitive
  9. Um your kid played for Silsbee, I remember an issue with Jasper, did you forget? I highly doubt Jasper is mediocre, certainly not world-beaters, but not mediocre. Now United's defense is mediocre minus Rivers, we can start the mediocre talk from there.
  10. No, do not need to email Jackson. He’s approachable. If I. Edd to talk to him, I’ll do it face time face…. 🤷🏾‍♂️
  11. You talk a lot of stuff when things sweet. We’re only down by a score. I want that same energy if this game turns around. Funny you don’t show up here when y’all face the North Shores or the Atascocita’s. Like I said, same energy.
  12. with all the speed talk before this game, ends up speed of carthage kick returner put nail in coffin.
  13. I know some people just love to talk to trash, I do too at times (Not the caveman "yall suck haha" type). But as a rule I NEVER talk trash too early. Lol.
  14. Go back and read all the talk. you are right though it was a heck of a ball game. Crosby is a very good football team.
  15. Covid or no covid, I think you can drop the Daingerfield "83 talk.
  16. Especially Dunn I watched that whole state game last season... I honestly hated y'all lost this one it gives my nephew something to talk about (btw my nephew next year will be playing for Longview definitely will catch some games up there)
  17. Did the cat get your tongue? You've ran your mouth plenty on here, calling everyone stupid childish names, but you run like a frightened schoolgirl when challenged to explain your post. Why is this? Is this characteristic of someone possessing superior intellect than other board members? You act like Biden...refuse to answer questions by running off the stage. It seems to be a pattern both of you rely on. How funny will it look when you spout off on another topic, calling everyone "stupid", when you have this post hanging over your head. And there are plenty of other posts in which when challenged, you ran away. Since this is your standard way of operating, should we challenge you to explain your next post (in which you will run)? Or should we resort to name calling (in which you are incompetent and in Biden fashion, try to deflect blame on someone else for ruining the topic)? Or should we ignore you and let you talk to yourself. The third option seems to be the best...but that's no fun. I'll choose the first, then dive down into the gutter when you choose the second. What do you think? Am I right? So...do you wish to explain your position on the Trump Taliban treaty? The questions I previously asked are quoted so you won't have to scroll back up. Here's your second chance to save face (I laughed at myself while typing that). I'm guessing you will respond with the second option. Since this response contains more than two sentences, will you continue to try the "I didn't read your post" defense? Let's see.
  18. Talk about insane: "Internal Numbers Show White House Poised To Leave Several Thousand Americans Behind Enemy Lines In Afghanistan" [Hidden Content]
  19. No need to waste your time using logic to explain anything to him. We all know North Shore would kill everybody around here, that's why they have three 6A-D1 titles the last six years. For whatever reason he gets butt hurt when you talk about BH.
  20. When I started as just a member on SETXSPORTS.COM my boys were both playing football and basketball for Evadale. I was the PA announcer as well, so I signed on as Rebel Yeller. I moved to the press box at Kirbyville after my wife started teaching there. After one season I responded to an invite to do the Wildcats play by play from SETXSPORTS.COM. it was then that I began to message and talk to Todd. He has assisted me and everyone else on the website and the broadcasts. Todd and I did an entire day on air from the Evadale basketball tournament in 2019 as he was beginning to consider doing games himself. We did a Jasper game last season as well. Todd did so much and he will be missed not just because of what he did for the website , but as a great guy and a true friend. We all lost a special guy today and the impact of his loss will be felt for a long time. To Todd's wife and family our thoughts and prayers are with you. And to Todd, I hope that they have high school sports in heaven, because we know how much the athletes and the schools of South East, Texas.
  21. If you want to talk about it talk talk but me what ever I want to post on here I can do it look whoever you is let me do what I want on here if I'm not talking about any these teams like everybody else do in here then u can talk crap to me until then stop with the negatively in here I'm tired of it
  22. As most of you know, I’m Conservative. Had a great childhood. My parents weren’t religious. Dad believed in a Supreme Being while Mom, had she attended, would’ve probably ended up as Assembly of God or possibly Pentacoastal. My only G’parent, Dads mother, was Catholic, having joined late in life. My sister,six years older than me, joined the Catholic Church. So why did I end up Conservative? I know Liberals with similar childhoods. One of my closest neighbor friends turned out Liberal, but I’m not sure his home was as happy as ours. His Dad was named Carroll and his mother Willie - talk about gender identity. Got my first (second hand) bike from him. No fenders, so riding it after a rainstorm was a mess, which I didn’t mind but brought my Mother to tears. So some of us became conservatives and some liberals - why? What makes some love tennis and some golf? Is it all some great algorithm that Mother Nature set up? Lol, I’m asking questions so far above my paid grade it’s not even funny 🤪.
  23. West Brook is dominating. They took it to PA last week 23-0. As good as the offense is, WB defense is what has impressed me in both scrimmages. Also Langston isn’t putting up with any smack talk or showboating. He shuts it down real fast.
  24. Since when does the Education Dept really have any power to dictate to local school districts anything??!! Jimma carter created this in the late 70's as a payoff to school unions for their support! This, along with the Energy Dept, also created by Jimma, should have been done away with a long time ago! Both colossal waste of taxpayer money! Why the mask talk and not much on the fiasco? Because the mask part is easy. The total fiasco in Afghanistan is to hard for the "not ready for prime time" players! We have seen the results of their incompetency!!
  25. Detroit, Baltimore, Austin, Portland, Seattle, Washington DC, Milwaukee all are deep blue cesspools of filth, crime and corruption. Theirs a real true hidden epidemic in this country but if I talk about it I'll get banned.
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