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  1. As i expedted, trash talk. One of the posters stated that it is about winning . I agree winning is important. The most important part of football is "what the youth take with them after graduation, Correct, and complete life lessons to help them when they get out on their own. " Another poster wants to know where I am from , Who I support, and stated that I must be new on this site. I am new on this site. Although, the important stuff is not about me. And i did post on another public sports site for 7 years. ITS ABOUT THE YOUTH . AND WHAT LIFE SKILLS THEY TAKE WITH THEM WHEN THEY GRADUATE. THUMP THUMP THUMP.
  2. I have said it from the beginning on various forums, it is political. When the news media started asking very pointed questions that they did not have answers to, they should have simply shut up and said we don’t have the answer. But…. they wanted to look like they were in control It was an international news story. It took a long time for the officers to get in and instead of finding out what happened, competing Talking Heads from law-enforcement and the government such as the governor, started putting out what was essentially rumors. I said it in this forum, I don’t remember a situation where so many people who are commanders were tripping over each other in order to get to the front of the line to point at the other guy. Like the video I just posted said, they still need to get the facts And the officer steel might have made a terrible mistake. From what those two officers understand and have talk to some people inside, it does not appear to be nearly the critical mistakes that were claimed. The claimed information that the door could have been easily entered or that there were 19 cowardly police officers that huddled together in the hallway not knowing what to do, appears to be complete nonsense.
  3. From the article, Musk says he might die under mysterious circumstances. Lmbo, talk about getting your name added to a long and distinguished list. The number of folks that have died under mysterious circumstances, after confronting/challenging the Dem Party exceeds the total population of some smaller countries. Hillary is ground zero for the suicide epidemic, many with the most amazing ideas of how to end one’s life - shooting themselves in the back of the head three times - jumping from a high-speed UFO - dying from massive intravenous overdoses of double stuffed Oreos. This story will make a great movie.
  4. With all this "gun control" talk, I haven't heard one politician say how they plan to take guns from criminals, just law abiding citizens.
  5. Yes, that is why I specifically stick with murders. Gun control arguments always talk about suicides but usually forget to mention it. ABOUT 25,000 PEOPLE A YEAR ARE KILLED BY GUNS!!!!! … and 9,000 of them are murders. And I am not negating the tragic nature of the 9000 or all of the suicides but with the gun control argument from the anti-gun people, it’s almost certainly disingenuous.
  6. Dumb and Dumber - I need a sociologist to explain that one to me. I’ve to many (younger) friends talk about how good it was, and I like a good comedy. One guy loaned me the DVD & I sit down ready for some belly laughs. I suffered through a little over half way before I cut it off. Never laughed. Has to be a generational thing since so many liked it. Made me feel old & out of touch. Why didn’t I find it funny? Last good funny movie I saw, We’re the Millers. That one got Hagar’s belly shaking, lol.
  7. Sadly, no one wants to talk about this, especially democrats.
  8. talk about longevity! Calallen now has the winningest baseball and football coach.
  9. In another thread in this forum they talk about the woman who stopped the possible mass murder by shooting a man with her pistol when he brought out an A.R. 15 and started firing rounds. At the time there were two parties going on in an apartment complex and a fairly large crowd. Gun opponents will surely say, that man was evidence that people should not have firearms or AR 15 or whatever. He apparently was angry because he was told to leave the complex and he wanted to take revenge. So here is the question for those people. If he did not have access to a firearm and he was angry and wanted to kill and injure a bunch of people with what he had available, could he have? It was a crowd of people with two parties going on outside. What if he had been going approximately 100 miles an hour and driven into the crowd? Would it make us feel better if there were 15 dead people and 20 injured but it’s OK because it was not a gun?
  10. Perfect candidate doesn't exist, but I'd start by saying not cheat on his pregnant wife with porn stars etc and then get praised by the supposedly Christian side of the aisle pshh yeah right, or talk about #### hole countries or say he doesn't want blacks counting his money, yeah I know I know fake news... the list keeps going but that'll give you a hint I guess we could say that's the past repent and move on, same can be said for every accusation towards others.... got to be consistent
  11. JoeBama Was Supposed to Meet Uvalde Residents, But Fled When They Booed and Chanted “Do Something!” Talk about being COWARD! [Hidden Content]
  12. You keep missing exactly what I’m saying…but you’re agreeing partially without even realizing it. New gun laws aren’t the answer. Gun owners, dealers, and lobbyists need to take the lead in policing themselves or whatever you want to call it. That’s what I’ve been trying to say all along. Lock up your guns. Yes, your little is Johnny is no different than Ramos…. I don’t care if you have taught him all about firearm safety. Don’t sell your personal guns to anyone you don’t already trust with your life. Dealers and manufacturers need to be responsible. The problem is that whenever you try to talk common sense with a gun nut, all he can say is some regurgitated mess about the second amendment and those darned democrats. This weekend we’re remembering those brave service men/women that gave their lives protecting our freedom. We should also be remembering all of the kids who’ve died (and will continue to die) so we can keep sticking our head in the sand and pretending that this isn’t a gun issue. The liberals all argue that we don’t have a drug problem in America… we have an addiction/mental health problem. In fact, drugs should be readily available to anyone that wants them. You know, even open stores where you can buy them without an ID. And we all agree that those politicians are stupid and cause the issues that we have in major cities… homelessness, crime, etc. What happens if you mix up that narrative a little bit? The gun guys all argue that we don’t have a gun problem in America… we have an addiction/mental health problem. In fact, guns should be readily available to anyone that wants them. You know, even open stores where you can buy them without even registering them. It sounds trite, but guns ARE a huge part of the problem. Could this have happened with one man and a musket? One man with a sword? 21 people murdered with a pocketknife? The fact that it’s so easy for a whacko to get his hands on a weapon that is capable of doing this much damage should cause concern for even the most die-hard gun enthusiast.
  13. Talk about going off the deep end! Wow If this is what you buy into I'm not even sure how to go bout this
  14. For about 30 years when people talk about or laugh about people who might be caring a .32 or .22 for self-defense, it sure a beats pointing your finger and going Bang!!
  15. A bartender breaks the law when he sells to intoxicated person. A licensed dealer such as this case, broke no law unless he knew the purchaser’s intent. Talk about a slippery slope. Sorry sir, you complied with all of the laws that we gave you but we’re going to have to charge you with a crime anyway. What crime? Well, you should have been a pre-cog and know that the guy intended to kill children at a school. If you can’t read a mind, you are a criminal.
  16. Your TDS is showing again. The only one screaming is you. What’s more stupid and delusional is that you think you can legislate this from happening again. Talk about STUPID! Mentally Deranged Evil people do not follow laws. Stop pawning this off on law abiding gun owners. Move to the UK or Australia with Bobcat if it bothers you so much. Tighten entry points at schools and give teachers the freedom to carry. Make it known to the community that teachers are packing.
  17. If this guy had committed this heinous crime in LA, he would be out on bond with an ankle bracelet. A segment of society wants less police presence and defund whoever is left. Then, they are the first to question why the police did not stop this from happening. Talk about a”Catch 22”.
  18. It is completely a gun issue or absolutely not a gun issue at all. It is according to your take on the weapon possession. If you ban all firearms in the United States and confiscate or attempt to confiscate them all and ban any further manufacture, yes it can make a difference. You’ll just have to trim a little fat off of the Constitution. But if you uphold the 2A at all, any firearms laws will likely be useless. I have already mentioned, the deadliest school attack with a firearm in United States history is it Virginia Tech and it was with the small 9mm and .22 pistols. At classroom ranges they are just as deadly as rifles and in some respects, more so. If the same guy got into the same classroom in Uvalde with almost any modern handgun which carries about 20 rounds and had five or six magazines in his front pocket, could he have killed the same number of people? In fact he might have killed more. If you restricted the magazines to 10 rounds, would it have changed anything? No I was a young police officer in 1984 when a man went into a McDonald’s in San Ysidro, California and murdered 21 people. It was the largest firearms mass murder in US history up to that point. About six years later I was working a regular off-duty security job on my day off at a bank. I got to know the bank president fairly well. He asked if I would give a presentation at one of the service organization, maybe the Lions Club. He said at their monthly meeting they always had a guest speaker. It would only be for 10 or 15 minutes. I could eat with them since they always had a meal during this time and after the talks and meal, they conduct their business and I could leave. To say that I hated the idea would be an understatement. I had no public speaking skills at that time and I would be in front of probably several businessman from the area. Even the thought of it rattled me pretty good. I hated to tell the guy no however and finally accepted. I asked what I should talk about since they were about 1 million police topics that could last for 10 minutes and he said I had to pick. I absolutely hated that even worse and would rather him just given me a topic. I had no self-confidence whatsoever and was afraid I would look like an idiot. I decided to talk about drunk drivers since I was a certified Intoxilyzer operator. I could easily get a 10 minute talk on that. So I wrote up an outline and practiced my delivery. What did not bother me in most public speaking was me answering questions. I even tried to get it where I would just answer any questions about police work but no, I had to give a talk. After I was introduced at the meeting and scared to death, some business guy in the audience gave me the break that I needed. He said that before I spoke could I answer a question. YES YES YES!!! He said they have been discussing it and what about the mass shooting a few years ago in San Ysidro and should they ban “assault weapons”? In that shooting I think the perpetrator was armed with a couple of handguns but also an Uzi and a shotgun. I think that is he was the big story weapon…. the dreaded 9mm Uzi. Being totally unprepared for that question, I felt perfectly comfortable answering. I said that the weapon was not the issue. I said that I would make a prediction if somebody would take a Glock type weapon (they were extremely new) and kill more people and likely quicker. How? Well a combat rifle or submachinegun like an Uzi is relatively heavy and reasonably hard to lug around when compared to handguns. Also the magazines and ammo are huge in comparison and they are slower to reload unless you’re an expert. On the other hand a guy could have a Glock 9mm with 19 rounds in the magazine and have about four magazines in each front pocket for a total of almost 200 rounds. At typical mass murder shooting distances, a guy with that GLOCK could get off 100 rounds in about 45 seconds. A very short time later like maybe weeks, the Luby’s mass murder in Killeen Texas happened. That guy killed 23 people with……. a Glock and Ruger pistols. He wounded 27 others, all with 9mm handgun bullets. I so wished that I could go back just for 30 second, I told you so comment. So it is a rare instance where a rifle is really a better choice for a mass murder. One of the extremely rare examples is Las Vegas where the guy was a quarter of a mile away and hammered away at a crowd of several thousand people. Much was made about Adam Landsa and Sandy Hook and him having an AR15. He got into the classroom and walked up and shot the kids in the head. Would it really have mattered what firearm heused to shoot kids in the head or even in the heart? So are firearms the problem? If your idea is to take all of them away, then yes. If you’re going to allow people to have semi-automatic handguns however, banning rifles might stop a Mandalay Bay shooting like in Las Vegas but that’s about it.
  19. And let’s talk money. Drives a relatively nice truck. Has enough money to buy an AR-15 (or reasonable facsimile), a pistol and buku ammunition. Evidently someone was subsidizing his expenditures. More puzzle pieces.
  20. I just thought of another one of my war stories. This was about 25 years ago when I was a patrol officer. One of our officers shot and killed a man after a traffic stop. The officer tried to make a traffic stop but the man drove to his house and that is where the incident took place. I was not on duty at time but was working the next shift and spoke with some of the officers and supervisors who gave us the details as best they could. The chief at that time was fairly new in our department and did not like giving information to the media. I was just the opposite and wanted to give them as much as we could give them without jeopardizing the investigation but, I was not the chief. I happen to be working the desk the next day and did not actually go out on patrol. I was given specific orders by the chief of police, do not give any information to the media. Any information will come through his office. Sure enough he local television station called me that evening and ask some follow-up questions. I said that I could not answer and that any information would be coming from the Chiefs office. That is when it got interesting. The reporter told me that they had spoken with a neighbor on camera who said that it was thought that the shooting resulted from a family disturbance and did I wish to simply confirm or deny that. I again said that I could not answer any questions however let me call the chief and I will call you right back. So I called Chief and said this is what they want to know, one question. Was it a family disturbance or not and I would like to tell them no. The Chief said I appreciate you being helpful but don’t tell them anything. I told the Chief the news media going to run with a lie and his comment was something like, that’s on them not me. True…. I called the reporter back and said the Chief will not authorize me to release any information. The reporter said that they were going to run with that story then and say that the police department refused comment. I told the reporter that is fine but I will tell you, I would try and talk to some other people that claimed to be witnesses or get some detailed information as to why they think it was a disturbance. I really don’t remember if that popular news station ran with that false information or not. I figured out long ago how rumors start… except the ones that are intentional. It starts at usually with something like “I think” or “I heard that maybe”. A person or two repeats it but they drop the words “think” or “maybe”. The rumor or speculation then becomes fact. I used to say all the time at the police department, say it once and it’s a rumor, say it twice and it’s a fact. I could just about guarantee that some other topic will come up in this forum and if somebody says, well I heard that blah blah blah said blah blah blah…. a person will read it and will make a comment to someone on a text message or in another forum on what was said. When the person who received the message tells the story again, it will be, well I have a friend that I trust and he said….. ANNNDDD….. we are off to the races.
  21. The problem that I'm worried about is that the guys on the far right will see the reversal as a sign that we're ready for a Taliban-like religious state. Now there's talk of criminalizing abortions and even banning all contraceptives. That's the kind of extreme talk that will move a lot of people right back over to the left side of the ticket. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] I'm sure that a lot of the reporting is a knee-jerk reaction to the possible overturn of Roe, but the fact that some in the R party are tossing those views around unchecked is a little unsettling.
  22. Lets talk about who might be the next head coach at Kelly. Who do we think it’s going to be? What coach would want to take this job without a QB and two receivers. (All three with D1 offers?) when was the last time Kelly even had 3 kids with D1 offers? Sounds like someone could be stepping in to a very bad situation over there! When is Kelly going to open the job up? Almost two months out from august 1 with summer workouts approaching! They better get on it. Not looking good for the Kelly Catholic Dogs!
  23. That’s the whole problem. If Beaumont really is a place where the majority prefers to heap honors upon men like Dr Thomas, then it’s not the place for decent families. Don’t get me wrong, but it’s the same thought process I have when people talk about Donald Trump being the greatest president of our lifetime. In fact, that’s probably a good comparison. If once or twice a year the board was moving to name the stadium after Donald Trump, I’m guessing you’d feel a lot less supportive of your board. These clowns will hate the truth, but while I disagreed with practically all of President Obama’s political beliefs, he was a much more honorable President and worthy of having something like a stadium named after him. My opposition to renaming the stadium after Dr Thomas is based on the fact that his legacy is basically that his tenure at the helm was marked by rampant corruption that led to a state takeover. But if you add to the fact that despite being one of the absolute worst administrators in history as evidenced by all of the convictions and takeover, he was also the highest paid administrator in the state at the time. It’s obvious corruption and criminality, yet a certain segment of the community still lauds him as their hero. It’s baffling to reasonable people.
  24. This is what happened when a lawyer asks a yes or no question and the person does not only answer yes or no. I got lucky because I did not anticipate the question but I pretty much destroyed a defense attorney’s case when he ask me a yes or no question and I blurted out a short answer. His defense was that I made an arrest because a person filed a complaint against me. That was notwithstanding the fact that they were about 10 people civilian witnesses but the defense attorney was going to try to sway the jury that it was all because of me. I guess I had magical power over 10 witnesses that did not know me. His question was, aren’t you familiar with my client because she filed a complaint against you? I said, “Yes, that and other things”. He passed the questioning back to the district attorney who asked me, can you name those other things. I had arrested three of her sons for felonies which prompted the complaint in one instance. Of course the defense attorney quickly objected the moment I mentioned an arrest and normally that would be correct. I cannot talk about her or her family’s history as it is not relevant to the crime at hand. EXCEPT!!….. under the rules of evidence, if the defense opens with a line of questioning, it opens the door for the district attorney to follow up. When the defense attorney objected, the district attorney in response said, Your Honor the defense opened with “are you familiar with my client” and the officer said yes that and other things. I believe we are entitled to those other things. The judge looked at me and said, officer you can testify about anything you wish relating to the defendant. The defense attorney literally put his face in his hands and sat there. When I finished the defense attorney asked me one more question, but you have never arrested the defendant for a felony? I gave a one-word answer, no. The witness is excused.
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