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  1. This story will be bigger than anything that happens on a Friday night football field. Can’t wait to see it on the talk show circuit and see what happens. Good luck Friday night hopefully the kids on both sides stay healthy and the weather stays calm. Lord knows we need the rain but the lightening and stuff I hope it holds off.
  2. You didn't clarify your earlier statement with "elite" 5A. You just stated that a 6A program scheduling a 5A program DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. I stated that other successful 6A teams have 5A teams on their schedules. You want to make broad statements, you should expect some negative feedback. Also, there are a lot of 6A teams in the state (largest classification by number of teams). I guarantee you will find several of what most consider successful 6A teams with a one or more 5A teams on their schedules. Elite or not. If you want to talk about elite football programs and how they schedule, then you shouldn't be talking about United or West Brook. They are not elite. Maybe just fine tune your comments and not make such broad strokes. I believe you may have begun to do that with your last few posts. My point, saying PN-G is a below average 5A football team is inaccurate.
  3. And you’re the one who says history should be taught in context. You talk out both sides of your mouth.
  4. There has been alot of talk about that. Keeping Chas out of the game for a platoon being the most recent.
  5. Sterling couldn’t make the playoffs in Liberty’s district. Who made this thread?? Talk about something else!
  6. There is no elighting you if you have to ask, nor anyone else who says that no matter how many facts are presented and have been talked about here WoS was the better team last night let's let them enjoy this victory and talk about how good they played.
  7. If they’re going to talk the talk, then they need to walk the walk. Democrats are about as two-faced as they come. And that means all of them.
  8. Let me catch you up. It's MRS NDNation. I wear purple color glasses, I'm part of the rah rah section, and I burn food. Have you watched many BU, Central, or Ozen vs PNG games? Good competitive games. Lets talk about the Trenches of PNG after the game..lol
  9. Getting defensive, name calling... hmmmm?!?! That usually happens when you start to realize the water you're drinking is sewage water. Go start you a SETX or Texas 6A football site. Then you can talk about all the great and wonderful teams in 6A. You can marvel in all their greatness. You can laugh at all of us bottom feeders that are not in class 6A...
  10. I remember when we moved from PNG to BH, I let guys pick my name. That’s how I got TradenUpBH. Some fun times. Some of you guys have put some serious work into this site so we all can get on and smack talk, joke around, and chop it up. My hat off to you guys
  11. Don’t be scared now.. you want BISD to have that smoke!!! Go up and talk to that AD!
  12. Soulja you bring this up every time I talk to you & this how I know you don’t know anything about Galena Park or NS! Galena Park kids live in a totally different zone than the kids zoned to NS why would they split them up? 😂😂
  13. Benjamin Franklin: "Freedom of speech is a principle pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins." What you have here in these cases are two different things. One is the freedom of speech. And, with the Georgia case, the criminalization of the practice of law. Nothing in any of these cases have been illegal. In Georgia, they indicted Trump and all of his lawyers. It's not going anywhere. They just needed a photo op which is backfiring on them. Now I hear that the judge for the Washington, DC case has set the trial date for March 4, 2024. Guess what date Super Tuesday is???? March 5, 2024. Talk about more evidence of collusion on the other side!! @Big girl @UT alum @DonTheCon2024
  14. Who cares about your current district. Nobody cares, I’m talking about United and West Brook if they drop down to 5A. we got plenty of state championships my man. Open your eyes up past football and basketball. We can compare overall state championship in a number of sports if you want to go that route. Heck, we can even talk about education too if that tickles your fancy, but I don’t think you want that smoke.😂😎
  15. We’d make the playoffs in your 5a district. But BH would finish dead last in our district. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️. Don’t care how long you’ve been around. You’re still talking very foolish. BTW, I don’t know why y’all talk crap about basketball like it’s an insult. When we hoist state championship trophies and such, while BH…. Well, smh.
  16. By who United? That’s comical Soulja and you know it. I know it’s hard for you to think area 5A teams are just as good as the Beaumont schools, but it’s true. You try to talk about the district that your in as an excuse, but what was the excuse when you could (every now and then)barely beat mid county schools? I’ll wait……
  17. The pre season talk was that the DL and LB’ers were going to be better this season. The secondary has been a weak area since Spell retired I watched the entire game and the OL was not very good at all . The QB was having to bail out on most pass attempts, so the OL has a long way to go The defense was about as bad as you can get. There was absolutely no pressure on the WOS QB. The DL and LB’ers are slow and do not tackle well and the secondary is still an issue. The worst part was very poor tackling, being out of shape and they simply gave up the last 11 minutes of the 4th quarter. Tackling and being out of shape is mainly due to poor coaching. Totally shutting it down in the 4th quarter is mainly on the players. If they don’t fix those areas soon , they will most likely give up 40 plus a game This is my opinion from my observation of the game
  18. I actually got to attend this game. I have some thoughts. Let’s start with the bad. Our offense had issues tonight. Shea needs some more time with his receiver corps. Passes were close, but imprecise. I heard the announcer say the words “nearly intercepted” too many times. Ball security was an issue. Now, I don’t think that’s a reflection of Shea’s potential. I think that’s the result of a combination of early season jitters and a very tall, speedy, talented Memorial secondary. Likewise, Nguyen had an uncharacteristically rough night. Here again, early season jitters and a pretty stout Memorial defensive line. We know what Adams and Nguyen are capable of. We saw it last year. The good news here is, everything I’m listing off can be fixed in practice, and we’ve got a coach with a proven track record of fixing these issues in practice. None of this is a talent issue. Take away two fumbles and a bad snap and tonight would have seen a different ball game. Now let’s talk about the good. The Indian defense is a force to be reckoned with. They kept us in this game for three and a half quarters despite the offensive miscues and mistakes. They only started to yield to fatigue for about the last six minutes of play, and it was because they were spending too much time on the field. Our lines are big on both sides of the ball. I watched our offensive line open up some huge holes for Shea, and our defensive line found ways to get into the backfield all night. Richard is a ball player. I’m looking forward to watching this Sabanesque 3-4 defense mature at PN-G. I also want to note that this was mostly a clean game. Not a lot of penalties, what few were had mostly came toward the end of the game, and most importantly, no injuries. Despite the result, I really enjoyed this up until the end. The PN-G fan base was the most amped up I’ve seen it for a pre-district game in a long, long time. I’m glad to see the state title run have some staying power in terms of community support. The band, Indianettes, twirlers and cheerleaders all looked fantastic. Once we get everything firing on all cylinders (I think sooner rather than later), this will be a fun season to be a part of. I’m going to throw some props to Memorial. They have a talented, physical, well coached team. I was really pleased to see their fan support. After playing so many games last year where opposing teams brought so few fans, it’s nice to play another team that can fill the stands. I enjoyed their band - worlds of improvement over what I recall when I last attended a Memorial game six years ago. This is the first time I’ve seen the new field and scoreboard. They looked crisp. All in all, this was one of the more enjoyable atmospheres I’ve seen at a PN-G away game. The Titans have a good season ahead. Lastly, I really like seeing PN-G play talented teams like Memorial early in the season. They do a great job of exposing our weaknesses and telling us what we need to work on. I hope that continues into future seasons. In particular, I’d like to see us keep the series with Memorial alive. Lots of history between PN-G and Port Arthur. Given time, I believe this series will develop into a rivalry. (Revivalry?) Mid-County Madness would be complemented by a recurring South County Showdown.
  19. Steal from people and then rub it in their faces. You’re a real pip. Of course you have been that way with everything in your life. Funny how people don’t talk about interest rates on loans until after they have it secured. Is that the way you paid for your vehicle. Thought you had paid enough so you stopped payment?
  20. Seems like we don’t get near the small ball talk we did years back on the board. Dayton folks not near as much anymore either and I miss reading that. Would be fun to see more 21-6a talk but humble area is just out of range.
  21. If they don't abide by the PAPF policy, we would have kids jumping to the next school anytime their parents get mad at a coach, they don't get the playing time or position they want, or they want to be at a stronger program. There isn't a transfer portal in high school and for good reason. It's not usually a problem in small town USA but in the city when a different school is one block over, it's a huge issue. Now if a parent truly moves into the district, then by all means, let the kid play. We won't talk about those schools who hire mom or dad just so junior can come play. It happens.
  22. I find it disturbing that the biggest game in the area and the panews has not said anything yet, well nothing on the digital print anyways. The Enterprise talk more about PAM than the "port Arthur" news...but thats nothing new
  23. Some of you folks aren't actually here to talk volleyball. Stirring the pot is what y'all like to do. Yes, we have lost games. Are we upset about it? Not at all. It's all game experience to get better as a team. I don't know if anyone noticed but Vidor came into Hardin having won the Silsbee tournament and was 7-0, but lost in 3 sets. Like I said before, tournament/non-district games don't really matter. Those games are to get ready for district play. In my opinion, volleyball is down all across the board. Even Huffman, who is coming off a state volleyball run last year, is down. They are still good, but not the same as last year. I have not seen many dominant teams this season, with the exception of maybe Tatum and Jewett Leon. Edit: I want to say that the last paragraph is based on what I have seen. I am sure there are some really great teams out there and I just haven't seen them. I'm sure Barbers Hill is one of them. I've never seen them play, obviously due to my job. I'm sure y'all think it's funny I post on here but I actually do love volleyball and like to see the legit info that is posted here.
  24. Fixed it. Now let's talk about the game. Jasper by 21
  25. We just won't talk the two INTs that may have went to house for the Bears. Great competition regardless. Good luck to the Indians. Hope y'all can get back to AT&T!
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