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Posts posted by myrecordwashorrible

  1. If the original post is related to having to possibly use other schools facilities for a "home" game or actually be the home team at the visitors stadium could be a frustrating situation.  I have no idea of the situation and if it could have been avoided. High school kids are resilient when they choose to be and it can be used as a motivation tool.  ROAD WARRIOR! t-shirts and a "cause" to rally around.  Silly? Maybe, but if it works..

    Heck some kids would love the after game meal that's often served for road games. 

    There are coaching staffs that get disappointed about certain games NOT being on the road because of the restaurants in that given town. 😀  

    Also, several times professional teams at the highest levels have used alternative venues for several seasons to build and/or refurbish.  Just a simple thought thrown in.  


  2. Her lead keeps growing.  She is approaching a 40,000 vote deferential. Interesting still that the "decision room" folks didn't have the data to know this was coming.  There were lesser known groups discussing the mathematical situation for Karrin Taylor Robson and calling it. 

    Yes, I keep harping on this, but what Fox did on election night 2020 in Arizona was beyond unethical.  They chose the same state to snub someone and many feel its simply because she questions the legitimacy of 2020. 

    A certain gubernatorial candidate in Georgia still says SHE was cheated the last time she ran for governor. But, don't dare question that state either when it comes to 2020. 

    Feel free to slam me for this and say I'm living in the past.  The present situation is what keeps the past alive. 

  3. Aside from the occasional major city with a 4-A district, it would be real interesting at that level and below to know how many "travel" for a home game.  I know it would be low. 

    Imagine most would be a situation where a new high school was built and the old one became the junior high (hate the term middle school).  Thus, the stadium is now off site from the high school until and if ever a new stadium is/was built. 

  4. Interesting question.  In the 5A and 6A ranks there are many schools with no on-campus game day stadiums.  School districts with multiple schools often have no on-campus game day facilities or 1 at the oldest high school.  

    Totally different from your question, but it would be an interesting thing to know.  How many schools, by classification, do not play games on campus?

  5. Hoping crap like this will stop states from sending Manchin, Tester (D Montana), and other "good" guys to the Senate from states that have no business doing such.  Send Republicans only and replace them if they show they are RINO's.  

    I say this with "us" having Cornyn.  How the heck does Texas not have something better than that for a Republican Senator? 

  6. Although called, still tracking it. She is up over 30,000.  The people in the decision rooms for all MSM new this was coming and refused to call it.  Keep calling out anything and everything folks!

  7. Your civil discourse is to tell the rest of us how great your side is and how bad our side is in your eyes.  You are doing a great job tonight of trying to speak as though you are the voice of reason. 

    2 genders is the perfect discussion here. Your side wants multiple.  Let's have a discussion and meet in the middle would be your thoughts. Hell no!! There's 2!!!  We don't need discourse, we need your side defeated and defeated soundly!

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