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Posts posted by myrecordwashorrible

  1. Just random thoughts.  Wouldn't cutting off water be a punishment?  If so, wouldn't that be a punishment without a day in court?  Also, wouldn't cutting off of water at a correctional facility be considered cruel and unusual?  Wouldn’t this also mean that any minors in the house are subject to this even if not involved in the "alleged" crime?  

  2. Often wondered with such a large Christian population among African American voters, when will there be backlash against Democrats that constantly harass religious people.  Many African Americans live conservative and vote Democrat. Things like this should change that to at least some degree. 

  3. Example, I am not part of a party and vote Republican.  I can vote in the Democrat primary in our beloved state if I so choose to do so.  

    I truly do suggest you look at Operation Chaos set up by Limbaugh.  Whether it worked or not is debatable.  However, it reveals that "the party" doesn't always set its candidate.   Well, at least until Hillary was beaten by Obama.....

  4. Their pandering to the supposed social justice warriors is actually costing those owners money. Be the NFL owner that opposes this and be prepared for the weight of the liberal media to pound you while other that agree with your stance will sit silently.  

    Many feel they have no choice but to take it. Each is scared to be the one to stand up to it. 

    Example of fear for me. I would feel very safe driving in Houston with a Biden sticker, but not a Trump.  Damn shame, but true. 


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