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Posts posted by myrecordwashorrible

  1. Love your passion Card, but Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin will likely flip.  81 million does not matter. 100 million does not matter.  The electoral college is all that matters. If you honestly believe I'm wrong, please explain how the Myra Flores victory doesn't support at least Arizona flipping. 

    Civiqs.com has Biden approval lower in Georgia than in Florida. Realize another candidate is likely for D's, but still an interesting one. 

    I ask for am explanation.  Not to be told I'm delusional. Unlike others here that I have read you go back and forth with, I have made no disparaging remarks.  Simply ask for sound rationale on your thoughts on my thoughts. 

  2. For those suggesting different number of teams make the playoffs based on the number in the district...how in the world do you set the playoff format?  Some 1st place teams get byes and others don't?   I realize it's more of a justified complaint about undeserving teams getting in, but there is no real way around it.  The 4A issue with small districts simply can't be fixed.  Not enough schools with enrollments in the range without "stealing" from 3A and 5A and thus causing problems for those classifications.   Just threw the last 2 sentences in so people can rip the UIL some more.  

  3. 18 went 4 deep with an overtime 2 pt conversion loss to Grandview (state champion) in the regional finals. The following season was a 2nd round loss, but again to the same eventual state champ with it being the closest match up aside from state title game.  Overrated? Possibly. However those 2 teams were extremely good for that level regardless of district placement. 

    Now, to say all EC programs are underrated....beyond a stretch.   Girls side has many struggles.  The baseball program has 2 playoff appearances in over a decades plus worth of time and that was the kids over coming poor coaching those 2 years.  😀  Not all are underrated. 

  4. That primary will be beyond interesting.  

    If Biden runs...does he have a primary opponent?   If he has just one person say yes to running, do several others then do so?  Does Harris sit out to stay on the ticket as VP candidate?  If not, who is Biden's running mate if he wins the primary?  

    Will Trump run is interesting on the R side at present and in the media. The D's situation will be very intriguing as time moves on. 

    Some many D's have interesting backgrounds/issues that make things so unsure about who would be the  candidate.  

    That poll has only 2 people from Harris up that I think would not have a shot in the end. Those 2 are Warren and Sanders.  Sanders may reach final 2 again, but don't see a self proclaimed independent getting the D nomination. 

  5. Asking you to answer this.  Not tell me I'm wrong.  Tell me how I'm wrong.    Name a state that flips blue in 2024 from 2020.  Then explain how Trump doesn't flip Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin.  

    That's the 40 000 you claim I'm mistaken about. Please enlighten. 

    This is the very question Democrat and Republican strategist are asking.  So, again, I ask anyone to try to answer this

    Also, Mayra Flores has shown Texas moving more red again. 

  6. Young people have lower approval rating for Biden than the oldest demographic in the latest Civiqs poll and its quite high.  Young people at college sporting events start the "Let's Go Brandon" chants. As people age many trend conservative that were once liberal.  In other words both groups get replaced in voting cycles. 

    Age with Trump understandable draw back.  Personality a drawback for some. Fully understand your argument. However, 81 million does not matter. 40,000 in 3 states do.  I am not saying Trump wins if he runs, but your done deal beliefs are statistically beyond inaccurate. 

    Suburban white women fighting school boards and the immigration issues moving Hispanic voters to the R's is why I keep mentioning 3 states. Will those flip? I don't know.  Can they, Yes!!  

    Also, enthusiasm polls for D's are likely to suffer.  Thus the anti-trump vote although still strong only has to drop a slight bit. 

    Just things to ponder.  

    Since this is a sports based website, I give you this as a thought. The Dems are on defense tryng to prevent the 2 previous groups from running a successful reverse. How do they do so? 

    If the answer is "if Trump runs, it doesn't matter."...I ask you not to run my defense or my campaign. 

  7. One more thought on the anti-Trump vote.  Presently there is a Democrat in office and most economist, including left leaning, saying we are in this present economic condition for the foreseeable future, does the "enthusiasm" to remove him from office show back up to keep him out?  Do independents that voted against him with a stagnant or falling 401k,  or recent college grads forced to move back home, or female athletes disguted with transgender opponents pull the Democrat lever just to keep Trump from being President again?  Or do they simply stay home?  Based on my previous post, I am thinking about the approximate 40,000 vote diferential between those 3 states COMBINED.   Done deal it is not. 

  8. Less than 1% change in Arizona. Less than .5% change in Georgia.  Lastly, 1.5% change in Wisconsin (whose Supreme Court just ruled ballot drop boxes were illigal in 2020).  Those small changes and Trump wins.  Appreciate opinions, but claiming it's a done deal Trump loses 2024 is hard for me to reconcile.  81 million does not an electoral college make.  Plus, 2 big issues, pissed off suburban moms at the DOE can change an election oulook real fast and Hispanic voting shift in Arizona flips that state with ease. Just things to ponder and unlike some, I know I may be wrong.  Done deals and guarantees are nonsense.

    If someone can see any state that went for Trump and flipping to the 2024 Democrat nominee, feel free to demonstrate how. 

    Will also state if DeSantis runs, despite trailing now in several straw polls, he could win the Republican nomination.  Long shot, but....others have earned their party's nomination with much less name recognition this far out. 


  9. I know that at least one moderator here has given out a name of a poster to a high school coach. Nothing that happens here surprises me. 

    Changing the name here, takes little to know that it was a shot at conservatives.

    As a conservative college professor (yes a few of us exist), I make this my last post.  May you enjoy your site. 

  10. Have cops at games due to masks?  Just what cops want to do.  I truly appreciate this site, but when that statement is made I question things. If cops are at games over masks concerns, we truly have a Caesar has spoken and all you subjects must submit.  

    Cops have enough issues right now without being asked that task.

    I appreciate your passion for sport, but a police state over masks???

  11. I know 2 former HS baseball coaches that refuse to watch it.  Like it or not, it is an endorsement of a Marxist organization.  How about an anti-gang violence protest?  How about a protest of NFL players that physically assault women?  Nope, let's protest cops because of a very very small few that are bad. 

    Media driven hysteria by the people that were once the most annoying students on campus. 

  12. Kountzer, believe as you wish.  I feel you are extremely wrong, misguided, and might I say gullible. May you someday open your eyes instead of accusing the right of the exact misdeeds made by the left. Feel free to quote me or respond how you wish.  It will take more than a forum to educate or persuade you.  God Bless. 

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