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Posts posted by myrecordwashorrible

  1. Its going to be interesting to see if a true and full story comes out.  Also, interesting that the new superintendent makes this move when examining her resume online.  Massive movement with only 3 years of classroom experience.  May turn out to be great or could be a nightmare with faculty/coach retention for years to come.  This may be a sports forum, but you may see a much bigger issue in that district down the road.  Be careful faculty and staff and have updated resumes ready.  

  2. 20 hours ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

    I still ask the same question.  There are two high schools in that ISD.  You have one that’s a football powerhouse and the other one that’s horrible in almost everything I’m athletics.  How is that so?  And you mean to tell me all those really good players (now and over the years)  just so happen to be from that little small area east of Houston? 

    Demographics play a part.  Look up the difference online.  It's quite telling.  

  3. 18 hours ago, Separation Scientist said:

    I thought this was a basically open forum where THOUGHTS could be expressed? OMG its not like the guy dropped a bunch of F-bombs or called the coaches a bunch of nasty names. He said "Perspective and In my opinion". I have no idea if the guy is right or wrong, or somewhere in between, but shouldn't the guy get some latitude here?  

    Some hear are WAY too sensitive. Heck I just got cussed by a very well known poster here and I didn't even blink. 


    In most situations where someone is questioning strategy, tactics, etc...I would fully be on board with your thoughts.  However, this individual slammed people fairly hard including my biggest issue.  That issue is the claim on a public forum that 5 (o- limeman) that are teenagers have no pride in their task/job/themselves.  

    I may be wrong here, but sure has the appearance of a skill players parent possibly staring problems in a program that has historically struggled and has made strides to improve over the past decade or so.  Complete unnecessary and devisive.  I may be wrong, but it sure reads that way to me and apparently in some ways to others as well. 

    Could have been asked/stated in a much better manner, especially in a first post.  Again, I may be wrong, but this screams, "I'm a fecal matter stirring inividual."

  4. 15 minutes ago, PhatMack19 said:

    NCAA gets the gate on all other postseason tourneys and makes some stupid rules as far as home field PA, announcer, traditions etc.  

    You did bring up an interesting point.  The first round is hosted by the higher seed.  Is the NCAA going to allow San Diego St to host 30,000 people or rig the seeding to allow a team that can fit 100K in their stadium?  I have a feeling they will follow the money. 

    Odds are if it were to expand with more conference champions being part or all of the 4 additions, a Mountain West or Sunbelt or MAC school would be the bottom 3 seeds if it were based on actual quality of teams.   

    The NCAA is losing power over football and money will almost assuredly be finding its way to the schools in the new and any future system. 

    If they do go to 10 conference champions in the future that would be every present FBS conference champion.  Simply don't see it happening.....but really interesting comparison with other college sports post seasons.   Conference champion/tournament winners in baseball, basketball,  softball etc.  However, those tournaments are much larger in terms of numbers.  

    Fun thought would be an in state school playing a big boy tight at half time.  Tulane vs LSU, Ohio vs Ohio State, dare I say Texas State vs. Big 12 or SEC Texas based school.  Create some high drama with such a situation. 

    If the seedings were appropriate you really could see this.  

    This present 12 team set up will be interesting with regards to seeding.  Will conference opponents be disallowed in the first round?  


  5. 33 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    I think it should be 16 teams. No team receives a bye.

    That way you can include the 6 conference champs with the other 6 then add 4 more SEC teams. ;)

    Since money drives...16 isn't a bad thought.  Now, I know many will disagree (heck I may), but that could be done with 10 conference champions.  The 1 and 2 seeds would get a sold out home game against a 3 to 4 touchdown underdog and a massive pay day. 

    Honestly wish I knew more on the pay outs, but financially (depending on how this is set up) a 5 seed may be better off than a 1-4 in the present set up. 

    Hypothetical...a 100,000 seat stadium with tickets, concessions, apparel, and whatever broadcasting rights would be huge. Ohio State meets San Diego State (Mountain West) with millions of dollars paid out.  Ohio State has a 95% or better win chance and San Diego State makes money as well.  Likely blow out, but the money still flows. 

    I'm not advocating for this, just an educated idiot letting my mind flow here. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, PhatMack19 said:

    An unranked SEC team beat the best team in the Pac.  This is why it’s dumb for the new 12 team playoff to give auto bids to 6 conference champs.  The Best 12 teams should make it.


    * yes I know it’s week 1 and preseason rankings are crap 

    Even if you're right, college presidents from the "lesser" conferences weren't now and would never have voted for only the top 12.   

    For those in favor of an expanded playoff, this was about the only outcome you could truly REALISTICALLY hope to have had occur. Well, other than a complete break up of the NCAA (now there's an idea!).  

    There should still be no less than 10 deserving teams in a given year. Better than 4, again if in favor of expansion. 

  7. Thank you as well.  One oddity about the HF HS campus is that it sits on the far west side of the district.  It really is very close to the EC campus. You likely know this, but when the Hamshire Bulldogs and Fannett Falcons consolidated the Hamshire campus was superior at that time thus the HS is in that far west area.  There are parts of the EC district less than 3 miles from HF's HS. 

    Academics at HF vs. EC is debatable. Based on demographics (EC student has considerably more low SES and at risk students) HF should outscore EC in any academic comparison and that simply is not the case. In terms of UIL academic competition both have performed very well for years (not a great academic comparison, but worth noting). It surprises many people that really examine the 2 communities when the see how vastly different they actually are in income and other demographics. 

    Now, I understand the classification argument, but recent sucees and lack thereof may have played a role.  However, if you can play, the FCS, D2, and D3 schools will find you.  

    Sadly, without naming names, I know 2 young man that found their way to EC that were enrolled at HF.   The 2 i know, did it young and it was definitely for athletics, but legal (no recruiting involved, just kids and parents wanting what at that time was a superior athletic program).  This is more an indictment of HF and past administration and a former coach losing respect from an vast majority of the ciaching staff and players in a first day speech than a praise of EC.  

    Thanks for the conversation, Sep. 


  8. Not trying to being argumentative or implying you are as well.  

    I know nothing in detail about this specific situation, but will ask a hypothetical. 

    If you were a kid with no connection to EC or HF, which would you choose in the present circumstances?   Facilities, turnover of coaching staff, etc.   It's just tough to choose HF over the past few years.  Now, that may be changing. 

    However, I believe the young man you are referring to recently graduated and likely made the smartest move for himself.  

    As an aside, I have tremendous historical connections to HF and in some ways its been sad to watch the demise of its athletic programs (and at times years ago I didn't mind it when coaching against them), but hope the new regime continues making the progress they have in the past few years.  


  9. 36 minutes ago, Separation Scientist said:

    A lot of the EC hype dissipated when the Beaumont kids who drove in daily to play for them left. 

    Discussion should be limited because it causes some here to become triggered, so thats all I will say, but you are 

    That may be the case, but as a former public school educator, I will state the following....If my child lived in Beaumont we would be in a car every morning traveling out to another district. When those options leave about 10 driving manageable districts that sure leaves EC as a viable option. 

    I truly mean this...even if a high level D1 recruit, we are heading somewhere else. 


  10. 7 hours ago, Dirty_but_Dazzling said:

    One would think after each student paying $87,600 for 4 year education (based on $21,900 cost listed for the current school year) that the funding for some visitor bleachers (of some kind) is available.

    You would think so until you realize how much of a role government funding plays in public schools. 

    Also, I could be wrong here.  I think the stadium uses all available space to have all that is presently in place. 

  11. Just playing around here and watched the video you posted on June 6th. I teach and work with these people everyday.  I hold 3 and 1/2 college degrees (postponing retirement by at least 4 years because of it) and I will be the first to tell you for many the degree they have is as useful as a warm bucket of hamster vomit.  Also, really fun in in-service meetings watching the, "my vocabulary is much more extensive than yours" games.  

    Thanks for all your posts.  Also, of note and I am sure you will appreciate it, my brother refers to me as the educated idiot of the family. He's probably right.  

  12. That didn't take long.  The GOP Conference Chair, Elise Stefanik (NY) has already congratulated Hageman on defeating Liz Cheney.  This was done less than 40 minutes after the polls closed in Wyoming.  

    She does this before any MSM calls the race to my knowledge.  If this isn't unprecedented I'd be shocked.   GOP chair calling a primary within the party before MSM!  

    Some will say it was not an "in party race."

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