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  2. I don't think he did the weaseling... Lol.
  3. I believe fake and alternant electors are two different things.
  4. Actually, it took about 45 seconds. Rudy wasn't "disputing the results of the election." He was trying to have fake electors installed that would (for all intents and purposes) steal the free and fair election from the voters. He wasn't indicted for saying "there was fraud" or "I think they cheated." He was indicted for actively trying to overturn the results of the election by having fake electors seated. That's kinda like shooting somebody in the face and stealing their car, then saying "I got indicted, and all I did was ask for a ride." Rudy didn't get indicted for disputing results. He got indicted for breaking the law in regards to his fake electors scheme.
  5. Broke clocks are "right" twice a day!
  6. My apologies. Point me at those indictments and I'll read through them. Thanks!
  7. So NOW you think CNN is a reliable* source? (*only if I like what they're saying)
  8. Kountze went 3-0 in the TABC Showcase Kountze 47 East Bernard 23 Brock 21 Kountze 45 Broaddus 46 Kounyze 57
  9. I’ve heard the same… was also told he was driving from the woodlands every day and wanted to be closer to home.
  10. Your play on words is overwhelming. I said indicted -- you said jailed. Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, etc, etc... Nice try!
  11. “I’m Like Speechless”: CNN’s Harry Enten Says Trump Is “Careening Towards a Historic Performance” With Black Voters! [Hidden Content] @Big girl @CardinalBacker @UT alum @Boyz N Da Hood Again, if it's over 18%, the Dem party is over! And I think that might be on the lower end!
  12. How would anyone know what was done to keep or not keep him? He's a great coach and has a great resume right now - With only two returners, I think he left at the best time with the most leverage.
  13. Today
  14. Great hire for Coach Mitchell, Coach Randall did a great job at BC made tons of history. I know Mitchell’s kids will graduate in 3 years so maybe it’s Randalls job when Mitchell leaves in 3 years??? Homerun hire for the Raiders.
  15. Man wearing incriminating red ball cap beats capitol policeman unconscious with a stolen fire extinguisher. "He was just questioning the results of the election."
  16. And no one ever has been jailed for disputing the results. Nice try.
  17. from what i hear, he wasn't a fan favorite. but they do have a good team coming back.
  18. I’ve seen the ran him off convos. I think alot of people are mad because it seems like they didn’t do anything to keep him.
  19. Brynn branch in average. Or as the youngsters would say “mid” she had her good games but definitely not what I would call “really good”. Reese Sherman is the only player that you can say would start on any other team in that district. And I stand by what I said, he did good with what he had.
  20. I was assuming that was the case. Thank you 🙏
  21. I guess I won’t get an apology. That’s ok, I see how easy it is to get all these posts mixed up. I wish someone would post the names of all the kids from both sides that have received D1 offers and who has made the offers. ps. My Daddy can whip your Daddy. LMAO
  22. Okay. That is a good argument. There is no law prohibiting the stocks and the Supreme Court was correct by the letter of the law and Constitution but citizens should refuse to buy them. If every person voluntarily turned theirs in and refused to buy any, I am okay with it. It won’t stop the willing from anything however.
  23. From the article: "In some ways, the dispute over the 2000 presidential election will never end. Witness Vice President Biden's comments Wednesday about predecessor Al Gore. "This man was elected president of the United States of America," Biden said at a fundraiser that Gore also attended. "No, no, no. He was elected president of the United States of America." WOW!! And no one was indicted for questioning the results an this election. Amazing how times have changed. [Hidden Content] @Big girl @UT alum @CardinalBacker @Boyz N Da Hood What say you?!
  24. What you are failing to realize is this….. you act as if the only reason this person committed this heinous crime is because of bump stocks. My realization is that he would have done it anyway. Bump stocks did not create this crime, he did. You need to learn where that line really is.
  25. If you want bump stocks banned, you are going to need Congress.
  26. This is my point, made initially. We, as gun owners, should demand accountability from those who manufacture and sell these things. But instead we argue "but it's our RIGHT to own them," thereby insuring that another mass killing happens in the future. At which point in time we'll wring our hands, offer thoughts and prayers, say how it's not a gun that kills, but rather a hard heart that kills. Gun manufacturers and sellers don't mind threats from people who were never going to buy from them anyways. If actual gun owners were to threaten a boycott of businesses that produce/sell bump stocks, they'd disappear from the market. But instead we take the losing side of an argument on philosophical grounds. We don't need the feds with more regulations or congress to pass new legislation... we, as consumers control the market. What's available, etc. WE, as the actual customers of weapons should be using our voices to determine what is produced/sold by the gun industry.
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