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  1. I don’t think you understood me. I don’t have a problem with her being selected as a VP candidate. But spare me all of the “she’s the first empowered black female to ever be selected to run on a presidential ticket... what a fine role model for all of the young POCs here in America!!!” When in reality, she was laying down with men 30 years older than herself to get to her spot. She’s a much more successful Monica Lewinski. It’s not just nasty ol’ SETX redneck talk or some crazy insinuations (“Michelle Obama is a MAN”), it’s actually the truth, apparently. That’s all... no more, no less. Anybody that hold trump up as virtuous isn’t being honest when themselves, either.
  2. One for sure (married), in exchange for multiple jobs. You seem to have no problem with this but just couldn’t get past Trump’s dumb guy talk saying “grab um”. No need to explain, I get it. Biden 2020, no need to say it, did it for you.
  3. Whore , how many people she slept with. Boy that good ole setx talk. Biden2020
  4. If 4A, DII sleeper is what we are talking about, pencil in China Spring for me. Spent most its last few years butting up against La Vega. A lot of teams that moved to 4A, DII are getting talk, but not them. They return a good bit of starting experience on both sides of the ball and a load of lettermen.
  5. You know it! I bet they don't even want to talk about it! 😆
  6. For those who can't wait till 7 pm to hear some high school football talk need to tune in to KSET 1300 AM out of Beaumont as SETXsports Administrator Mike Sanchez will be on the Fred Davis Show from 6:15-6:30 p.m. to talk about high school football in Southeast Texas.  Mike will canvas the landscape of football in Southeast Texas and give his views on the upcoming games tonight. So tune into the Fred Davis Show at 6:15 to hear the latest in high school football in Southeast Texas.
  7. Or one can choose to stay at home tweeting out dumb stupid Lies. Buthurt because one did not attend his inauguration. (Stating I cant say either way if John was a impressive guy) Then claim to have done more for blacks than anybody ever... Talk about a POS Biden 2020
  8. That's what I'm talk about some heat what about bishop gorman or have they lost some steam.
  9. It’s a little long but I promise your gonna want to listen especially to the message from Dr Emanuel who is from Houston. She is at about the 5:25 mark. Talk about PASSION for your patients! This woman has it! These are Physicians from across America who came to Washington DC so they could get their message out to the American People. There is a cure for this virus an Big Pharma is suppressing it.
  10. Alot of the Pirate fans I know talk about that 2015 state championship team. If this team is better than that one they'll really have to show me, I seen that 2015 team in-person, them boys could go!
  11. Anything is okay with most Democrats. They have tunnel vision. All their focus is on Trump. He made all the MSM News because he drinks water with two hands, but don’t report on Biden’s continuous gaffes. They relentlessly comment on something Trump jokingly said (locker room talk) to another man about grabbing a women by the p*****, but are virtually silent about Dems actually going to a secured island where underage females are being used in a sex slave operation. Hypocrisy? Not a strong enough word. Hypocrisy on steroids.
  12. Everybody goes grocery shopping, gets gas, stop at the convenience store, goes to work (uses the restroom), visiting relatives.... want to talk about excuses .
  13. Sure amazes how Trump has gutter “talk” and people want him tarred and feathered, but Clinton has sex with minors and the left is totally silent. Says a lot about character. They must be protecting pedophiles.
  14. You better talk to someone about your investments. Mine has tripled in four years, compared to almost no growth during the terrible eight years prior.
  15. Normally, I would bristle at such a topic. However, given that it is a darned sight better than what we have had to talk about over the last few months, I'm good with it.
  16. That means you talk as if you’ve been smoking something other than Kools.
  17. Again for the third time . What is the Alt Right? Can you prove it exist? Or is it a online phenomenon? I see you like to get pissed an talk down to people when you can’t answer their question. You try to deflect the question by using LumRaiderFan. Come on now, pay attention. By the way I find Biden’s statement offensive and racist.
  18. I said Biden’s statement was offensive and not racist. I see you don’t pay attention. You just talk with no understanding. And as far as the Alt Right I think LumRaiderFan just proved they exist if your paying attention
  19. Let’s not talk in circles. Did republicans vote for Trump as presidential candidate or was it outsiders?
  20. All the talk about Carthage, I was looking forward to their preview today.
  21. Gumbo is always better the 2nd Day! The marination process is complete by the 2nd day! Man my wife’s gumbo is legit! My 2 boys always beg my wife to make gumbo since they learned how to talk. Love me some homemade fried shrimp patties on the side with potato salad.
  22. I’m calling foul on this game. While the Pirates will be taking Calculas, Trig, Physics, Latin, and Geometry classes on game day, the Tigers will be resting in their recliners. That ain’t right. Talk about unsportsmanlike like conduct. 🤬
  23. I respect your views, especially since you have a school-aged child. Sounds like you’ve got a good kid on your hands. I love hearing about good kids. Seems as though we tend to concentrate on the bad stuff too often. My son, an incoming senior, he is more important to me than life itself, as I’m sure your boy is to you too. He was in a near fatal accident last year, almost 2 weeks before first football practice. It was a year and 8 days ago, as a matter of fact. I can still barely talk about it in front of people because my eyes start stinging, and I know the tears are right behind. After a torn PCL, head full of stitches, “new” used truck and a lot of prayer and thanks to God, I have to tell him he probably won’t get to play football at all that year. I’ve never seen him cry like he did that day. With tears streaming down his face, he grabbed me by the arm and literally pulled me outside. Both eyes black and swollen, bandage around his head, knee brace on and limping, he starts running 15 yard sprints out of a 3 point stance. He would stop, turn around, get in a stance, say “hit” and sprint off the “line” again. He’s shouting at me as if I can’t see him, “See Dad, I can play. I can run. “Hit” off he goes again. He’s streaming tears and running and yelling at me all at the same time. He falls after 5 or 6 sprints from the knee injury. I picked him up and hugged him and told him to come inside. We made a decision to forgo surgery until at least after the season, and he missed all the scrimmages and most of the non-district games, but he actually played every district and playoff game. He had a decent season. And he’s got one more left. Ain’t no way I’m gonna tell my baby boy he can’t play after that. He is healthy and I feel like Covid is the least of his worries. Every morning when he leaves for work or summer workouts, the app on my phone tells me he’s just left the house. It scares the living she-it out of me. Especially since his wreck. But I still let him drive. I still let him live. And I’m not trying to sway you or anyone else into doing anything differently. I just had to explain that life is a risk. We take them every day...much bigger ones than dealing with this virus that most healthy people endure. I hope the very best for your son. I hope his senior year has all this silly crap in the rear view mirror. And I pray for everyone’s health.
  24. Private citizens can’t get warrants. Shooting drones is a federal felony and probably several state crimes. You can commit any crime that you wish. If it is worth the consequences or you get away with it, great. I am not criticizing your opinion. I usually try to unemotionally talk about the law as I believe it to be.
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