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  1. I'd heard that this year's freshman class was chock full o' big boys.... There was talk that some of them might see some playing time on V because Silsbee was otherwise so short of lineman. Or at least that one of the moms was telling me, lol.
  2. Who is on the bubble in your district and who is already in?
  3. I know that as white people we’re all inherently racist (lol), but you never hear white people demanding that the nfl rosters be made to more effectively reflect the racial makeup of the nations. Crazy, huh? But time answer the question posed “why aren’t there more black coaches.... for starters, a coach typically has to have at least a bachelors degree from a liberal arts field. For the sake of argument we’ll just talk about men, not women for the purpose of this conversation. More white men go to college than do black men. More white men finish college than do black men. White people get more liberal arts degrees (education, history, mathematics). For every black candidate, there are many, many, many more white applicants. That’s a supply issue. You can’t ignore all of the factors that go into this situation, then decry “institutional racism” as the reason that “equality” doesn’t exist. [Hidden Content] The language and explanations in this article are slanted in ways that I don’t agree with, not the data is interesting... especially the comparison of degrees attained by race (white vs black) a pretty good way down the page.
  4. If Trey Jones showed up in Silsbee his sr year from another region or another state that is one thing. Trey Jones dad played for Sigler and Silsbee 25 years ago. Same applies to Braelon Bush. The family lives In Silsbee. That does not bother me. The district committees and the UIL saw it the say way. Compared to the recruiting and outright mercenary transfers happening all over the place this is not even worth mentioning. In Houston a student can transfer to a magnet school on the other side of town, 15 to 30 miles away, no problem. Silsbee is only 15 to 20 miles from Beaumont. You can drive from one to the other in 20 minutes, depending on how fast you can get through Lumberton. Don't even mention what the private schools like FFA, Bellaire Episcopal, Strake Jesuit Yates, et al are doing. Oh yeah Yates is a public school, my bad. Or that home school fakery that resulted in a state championship up in Bridgeport a few years ago. They haven't taken that away so it still stands. A lot of good DNA has moved from Silsbee to Beaumont. That has been going for 30 or 40 years. I talk to classmates and friends and they are all in Beaumont. The current BU team has a definite Silsbee flavor. One or two players come back home to Silsbee in the past five to seven years and somebody wants to make federal case. Give me a break.
  5. Ashton Hall lived in Silsbee while he attended Kountze. Reason I know this to be fact, he lived across the street from my parents on 3rd street and used to mow my parents yard. He came over often to visit my dad and talk basketball.
  6. I don't know that a black coach would be on any shorter of a hook than a coach of any other skin color. Sure there would be some who would want to ride him out of town. But then again, there is a contingent of the greater Orange community that wants to do that to the current head coach despite the fact that in his 10 years as head coach (along with a very instrumental role in the era of his successor), he has led the Mustangs to 2 state championships, to the finals 2 more times and has advanced 4 rounds deep in the playoffs in every season of his tenure except 1. All of that plus raising the football team's winning percentage from .786 to .806 during his tenure (#1 in the state among schools that have played at least 500 games). Yes, some of those who want him gone occupy this board......deny it as they will. Some wish to call that "complacency".....not messing with a good thing. And despite the claims of some, the West Orange-Stark Mustangs' football team is a good thing. In topics here about other coaches and change, there has been a lot of talk about culture. When I see a post on here on here that the primary consideration for the next head coach, whenever that change might become necessary, should be skin color, it makes me wonder if the posts I made in those topics about the current culture at WO-S are accurate and if the current football culture in my old home town has changed.....and not for the better. If after an extensive search (something I do agree with) the best candidate to succeed Cornel Thompson, whenever that may occur, and to maintain or improve the tradition of winning at West Orange-Stark is an African-American, I will gladly welcome it as I expect other Mustang fans and alum will. In fact, whoever it is will have my full support as that person's success will greatly affect my mood on Friday nights between Labor Day and Christmas. However, if it appears that successor is put in place merely to satisfy some sense of social justice.......than yeah, I expect many will show their displeasure at the first sign of any misstep by the Mustangs. After all, the West Orange-Stark Mustang football team is exactly that, a football team. Much to dismay of plenty, some on this board, some in the superintendent's office, the Mustangs are not a social experiment.
  7. Funny that you said that. I remember having this same talk about the coaches Central used to usually hire. We’d get the black coaches while the white coaches end up at West Brook for some reason...
  8. So what would a communist president have done differently..... wear masks like Biden has suggested?...... BRILLIANT! Talk about throwing stuff at a wall and hoping it sticks.....
  9. No need to act like that Greezy...? I was hoping Tenaha would blow Chilton out 185-0 (just for the actions/attitudes from a couple Chilton players). EC has a point, Chilton is really good in the trenches. And no amount of smack-talk will change that. I will also agree that losing a 2 way starter hurts every team at our level...DV suited up without our Sr. halfback/noseguard last week and while he would've definitely been a key component...it wasn't why we lost. Yes, Cushing's #4 was a bruiser but he only had 67yds. against DV in our first game, when we were down 4 O/D linemen, 5 days after Hurricane Laura. I disagree that Cushing's option offense was "centered" around their fullback.. Every game is different and I truly feel like the stage might've been a little too big for us to overcome last week. Oh well, we lost. Congratulations on a great season Tenaha, I haven't seen any games/film of that Thunder & Lightning offense but I'll be there to see it on Saturday. Supporting and promoting your team is awesome but don't resort to name calling if someone has a different opinion than you do. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving.
  10. To an extent yes. Depends who you talk to lol.
  11. Funny how the American Bar Association, state bars, civil liberties groups, and, of course, the media, say nothing and do nothing about all the threats and intimidation efforts unleashed against law firms and individual lawyers representing the Trump campaign. I have never seen anything like this. Yet, not a word. Nothing. This is more shocking evidence of the Left's totalitarian mindset in action. And I am not aware of a single Republican official (current or former), including those blowhards on the Sunday's liberal talk shows such as Christie, Hogan, and Bolton, saying a thing about it. Truly pathetic.
  12. Isn’t it precious watching the Sunday hosts demand “evidence” from Sidney Powell yet they promoted the Russian collusion lie for years without any evidence? Did they demand evidence from Schiff or their own colleagues they hired from the FBI and intel agencies? Of course not. They happily promoted And actively participated in a Democrat conspiracy. And let’s talk about evidence. Notice how they all covered up the mounds of evidence implicating the Biden family in corruption and dealings with foreign companies dats prior to the election? Laptop, emails, texts, witnesses, etc. You know, evidence! But they censored it. All hacks.
  13. I don't know who you think you are, but we don't have any room to talk sh*t about anybody right now. We don't act like clowns on this forum. Understand?
  14. ^^^^^^^^Impeachment talk BEFORE he was elected, Hillary crying and saying Trump cheated, Russian collusion/Mueller investigation that cost taxpayers $gazillions, his presidency was illegitimate.....I could go on. Seriously, this is how people think, and you have the audacity to call us UNINFORMED AND UNEDUCATED? WOW!!!!!
  15. Here is the text from an article by the Houston Chronicle when BCG left Texas A&M for Kentucky. It's an opinion piece and it's creepy how right this guy was: [quote] Good riddance, Billy Clyde. Onward and upward, Aggies. He was a great hire. Let's begin with that basic point. No matter how bitter you are, no matter how betrayed you feel, don't ever forget what Billy Gillispie did for Texas A&M. He left a blueprint for the lucky coach who follows him. Never again should Texas A&M take a backseat to Texas in basketball. That will be Gillispie's legacy. Here's the other thing to know about Billy Clyde Gillispie. He was never going to stay at Texas A&M. Never. If he didn't have a legitimate reason to leave, he was going to invent one. His monstrous ego wasn't going to be satisfied in Aggieland. He wanted more. He has been that way his entire coaching career. Ask some of the people who coached with and against him along the way. Billy Clyde never lacked ambition. Ambition isn't a bad thing, but it can be consuming and alter one's sense of reality. Billy Clyde wants to be mentioned in the same breath as Coach K. or Roy Williams, and he's determined to get there no matter how many times he has to break his word. His word means nothing. He's a liar in the worst sense of the word. He will come up with some reason for leaving Texas A&M, but the bottom line is he gave his word that he would stay when he probably never had any intention of staying. Some A&M officials knew this. They expected him to take the Arkansas job. Even if he decided to stay at A&M, they knew they'd be going through this drama again next year and every year after that until he finally did leave. Gillispie began telling friends a year ago he was dissatisfied with A&M. He believed some promises had gone unfulfilled. In the last few weeks, he told some that he wanted the Arkansas job. The Aggies who are unhappy with him now are missing the point. Gillispie used A&M, but A&M used Gillispie, too. Now there's a roadmap for how to succeed in basketball. Don't worry about the players or the recruits. Sure they committed to a liar. That's the wrong way to look at the thing. They committed to attending school and playing basketball for one of the country's great universities. They're Aggies now and forever. They may have wished they'd signed on with Rick Barnes, but they're going to end up all right. Bill Byrne surely knows this was coming. He gave Gillispie virtually everything he asked for last week and still couldn't get an answer from him. He had to know that Gillispie was either having some kind of identity crisis or simply a liar. I was convinced last week that he was going to leave, but once he issued a pretty definitive statement about the new contract, that seemed to be the end of it. Still, doubts lingered. He never said definitively that he was staying. He never signed the deal. I've heard he didn't sign his previous deal, either, but that's beside the point. The bottom line is that this little man with the smirk and the big ego came to see himself as worthy of Kentucky but not Texas A&M. Don't sweat it, Aggie fan. Bill Byrne will go find another first-rate coach. He'll build on what Gillispie has started. He'll have great facilities and a solid recruiting class, and he might make the A&M-Texas basketball rivalry one of the countries best. Gillispie will attempt to find whatever he's looking for in Kentucky. He won't find it. He'll never find it. The Aggies shouldn't sweat his leaving. He's not worth it.[/quote]
  16. It's Homecoming for SA... So who you got and by how much? SA lost to Garrison in a close one and Hemphill lost to Buna by more than a few so...
  17. Don't take it wrong way. I thought we called a great game.i just don't kno why they don't have any backups this time of year.every team bring there jv up.and so on. And few oline doing the regular season. I can't figure out how ur starting LBS had to start on the line and they haven't played there at all.and they were so confused.w.o special teams put them in that whole not the coaches. Lol,never thought I would ever talk abt no backups on the line.
  18. You have nothing better to do in your life than get on a forum and talk about someone. Instead of being man, and saying it to there face. Oh wait... I forgot. You have lil man syndrome!!
  19. Y’all Silsbee fans are downright pathetic. Now y’all openly calling this kid out when there was no stupid talk the last two years. I’ve given examples how over the years, some of y’all just show horrible class and support for the kids. On and off this forum. That kid is a great young man that will do great I’m getting his adult life started.
  20. He was asked to talk about other games in the bracket. And he answered. He also said that "if we are fortunate enough to win against Silsbee.." when asked about potential matchups on next week. The Carthage program (athletes and coaches) never looks past their current opponent.
  21. If any one wants to hear carthage coach talk bout this weeks game
  22. [Hidden Content] "Baytown Sun" November 13th Goose Creek Memorial High School volleyball coach Michael Williams has been on administrative leave since Nov. 3. The first-year coach has not attended any practices or matches since then. Goose Creek director of communications Susan Passmore said this week that an investigation continues into an allegation that he made a student feel uncomfortable. “An allegation was brought forth by a student that Coach Williams engaged in behavior that made the student uncomfortable,” Passmore said. “There is no allegation of an inappropriate student-teacher relationship.” On his Facebook page, Williams posted at 9:07 p.m. the same day as his suspension began, “I could use a lot of prayer for something I can’t talk about right now. Prayer Warriors I need y’all right now.” Passmore noted the situation has been reported to the Goose Creek police department as per district protocol. Assistant varsity coach Alicia Nava has led the playoff-bound team after Williams was put on leave. GCM is 12-7 overall and 9-6 in district action, tied for third with Texas City with one match left to play Friday night against Galveston Ball.
  23. Really hard to believe this game talk is still going on. The result was much as expected. The outcome later in the year if it happens will likely be the same. It’s been said all along take your best shot at the Tigers this year and maybe next but hold on after that....
  24. No excuses the truth is the truth Silsbee is no where at full strength we can except a down year or two but our tigers know what they have coming down the pipe coach sig is doing a great job with what he has now I’m not taking away the fact the HJ has a good team because they do and Silsbee doesn’t have any problems seeing HJ in the playoffs there were all underclass kids except for 1 on the floor last night you can talk about excuses all you want but truth is facts Silsbee will be a totally different team when football is over.
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