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  1. I see kids all the time across the state that end up at a major D-1 school that don't make all team first district. If you put Bost on Crosby with the athletes they have he likely throws for 4,000 yards. You want to talk D-1. Look at what some of these kids did with not even a JUCO level talent around them.
  2. Biden has already threatened his entourage with firings if they talk down to anyone. Big deal. Some people worry too much.
  3. How about this? As we are in the High School Football Forum, let's talk HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL. If you wish to debate politics, here is the forum for you: [Hidden Content]
  4. The news feeds are saying that "unity" was a major theme/talking point of president bidens speech. What a joke!!! How can he stand up in front of America and talk about unity after what the DEMONcrats did the last 4 years? How can he talk about unity after the last 8 months of racist hate from blm and antifa? There hasn't been unity since President Trump took office. Why does he want it now? Maybe he and his party can receive the same form of unity that has been shown the last 4 years.
  5. Quick question......would we be even debating this if this was a boys team? What these girls are doing is AMAZING! Averaging almost 100 ppg (1st in the USA) getting about 90 possesions a game! 5 players are averaging double digits, they are averaging almost 25 assists a game while only committing about 13-15 TO's a game. WOW! The grind is real over there at HJ and they start them young. You cant call yourself a basketball fan and not applaud what these young ladies are doing. Now if they dont finish the deal, then we will have something to talk about! In the meantime lets keep it moving.
  6. Riiiiiiiight. Well, Mr. Conservative, where do you expect to make much needed spending cuts? Social Security? Defense? Those ARE the biggest two items. Or is just a bunch of talk like it has been for years, with no intentions of actually curbing our out-of-control spending on either side? Like I said..... There was no deficit by the time Clinton left office. Can't say that today, can we. In fact, it's gotten way worse under the great conservative named "Trump."
  7. He’s a talk in circles guy, it’s sport to him. Gets a chuckle out of big girl and donkeykong at least.
  8. They don’t get it. The killing of a baby is so far removed from them....”we just vote....we aren’t the ones actually killing them” they re so nonchalant about it. their conscience has been manipulated to think nothing of it. Deep down you can’t be a decent person if your ok with killing babies and vote in such a way. In my experiences most dems won’t talk or discuss it in face to face conversation because they know how it makes them look.
  9. The market should determine who should "pony up". Wal-Mart employs 1.5 million employees in the US and a stocker or cashier starts out at about $9 and say they are working 30 hours a week and 1 million of the 1.5 million folks employed fall into this category. 1 million X 30 hours X $6 more would come out to $180,000,000 added to salaries. What would happen is (1) employees would lose jobs or (2) the cheap milk and eggs you talk about would go up or more likely, Wal-Mart would negotiate for a lower price for the dairy and poultry producers (plug in any industry here) to keep the milk and eggs cheap, therefore, hurting their business. Let the market decide rather than pull a number out of the air because someone thinks a minimum wage job should support a family, it should not.
  10. If Obamacare had never been passed, we would be in a much better place If the Dems hadnt destroyed the lives of Brett Kavanaugh and his family , we would be in a much better place. Please, do tell, what President has accomplished all he said he would accomplish? I can recall one recent president state " I will build a 20th Century VA" before all the wrongdoings./incompetence there were discovered. I suspect most dont remember it because Jake Tapper or Chris Cuomo or Anderson Cooper didn't talk about it 24 hours a day.
  11. Look, it’s not like it’s unusual for this guy to talk out of his arse. Even some of his most ardent supporters would concede that. I’m not in the “sky is falling” camp yet, but I certainly prefer gridlock in general. Either side of the aisle having complete and unfettered control scares the crap out of me.
  12. Ain’t it funny how our politicians need police, and now, military protection? But average Joes like us should fend for ourselves with no police and unarmed (when they try and take our guns). Talk about leading by example......
  13. Your TDS is in full bloom. It's funny, and saddening that you try to judge others perception of reality while you are so blinded by hate. The more you talk about Trump, the more embarrassing you get. Nancy Pelosi sounds almost logical when compared to your TDS inspired rants.
  14. And then I agreed with you. There's a huge difference between saying "get out there and ruin somebody's dinner" and encouraging people to walk down the street and attack the Capitol building in an effort to usurp our election process. Besides that, you have no real EVIDENCE that her talk would have or did lead to anybody's actions, much less if those actions would be legal or not. BTW, it's not illegal to interrupt someone's dinner or hassle them on the sidewalk. It IS illegal to murder a police officer like Trump's supporters did.
  15. So let me get this straight. If you are conservative, then left is out to get you, and if you don’t support the rantings of a lunatic, his supporters will boycott you, too.... talk about a rock and hard place, huh? That sums up the reason that Trump was ineffective and eventually lost. The Dems don’t turn on each other, the republicans do. Whether it’s Rand Paul and his buddies deep-sixing the repeal of Obamacare or Trump and his followers savaging everyone who wouldn’t annoint Trump as president in spite of the vote tallies. I’ll bet that I’m more conservative than most of you, but I’m labeled all kinds of inaccurate things because I won’t pretend that Trump got screwed like the rest of you like to do. I’ll guarantee that a lot of Trumps “70 million voters” are just like me... not too sad to see him gone. That’s why the poll I posted earlier had him at 33% approval and 60% disapproval. People are just tired of his mess.
  16. Again, this is just opinions. I'm sure you are an honest person. I have no reason to doubt this. Here's the scenario for you: You are in charge of hiring the next head coach. And your job depended on it. The two candidates are Phil Danaher and Scott Surrett. Who would you hire? I know Westerberg is easy to talk about. He may be the 1% exception to the rule. But, he may need some time at Barbers Hill to get it right. What in his past would make you doubt him?
  17. One sure fire way to see if someone is truly a snowflake. You are a fake who likes to hear himself talk. Troll.....
  18. You talk out both sides of your mouth. I remember an “armed” robber who was shot and killed in a Dollar Store by an employee. His sister was upset that he was dead, said the employee should have called the police. The sister was told he was robbing the store. She said, and I quote, “So, he was just robbing”. It’s a mentality I will never understand. Seems you possess the same mentality and then lie about a different situation. I trust no communist’s opinions anyway. Don’t know why I waste my time on you. Your stupid lies are so predictable.
  19. Crosby has already overcome a lot this year, and for that matter they've overcome a lot the past two or three years. Obviously all the things you laid out as to why Aledo has the advantage over Crosby didn't apply when you played College Station who had only been playing varsity football a few seasons when you lost to them in the title game. I'm sure y'all were point out how Aledo was going for ring number 7 and that they were going to be happy just to be there. Y'all were wrong then and hopefully you're wrong again this week. Crosby athletes walk on the field expecting to win too. Aledo won't be the biggest, fastest or most athletic team Crosby has played this year. This will just be another game against a good team like the last four we've played. Kids have never have been wide-eyed and still won't just because the team they're lining up from has won a lot of games. It's weird you say the "make something happen" plays won't work against Aledo when I just watched an entire game of LJ's qb making things happen just like that to the tune of 48 points. They did it with 0 running game and some qb keepers/scrambles. Aledo blocked that punt late to swing momentum but y'all were basically outplayed by LJ for 40 mins. Crosby has scored 60+ in 3 of 5 playoff games so we rarely have a problem getting started. I fully expect Crosby to be in the game regardless of how we start though. This isn't the Johnathan Gray teams of years' past. This version of Aledo is more than gettable and I like Crosby chances to do so. I hope it's great game too! It's just going to be abrasive all week to hear the Aledo fans talk about how great they are because of; Insert X reason. Yes Aledo has a great program but every degenerate THSF fan like me knows it probably has more to do with their talent acquisition capabilities versus all the other stuff you listed. The largest anomaly in THSF is the way Aledo's normal student population looks versus they way their D1 signees look. UIL says it's legal though, so we're going to line up and try to take y'all out just like everybody else we weren't supposed to.
  20. I think I liked #18 best. That pretty much reflects the left’s continuous attacking of the President of the United States......and they talk about abuse of power.
  21. Will never lead me to voting Democrat though. As baddog said, we all have said he needed to talk and tweet less.
  22. I’m just a guy who has donated my time to helping kids in summer ball for many years. We send about 8-10 kids to college (almost all D1) every year. And as a result, I’ve gotten to know and talk to college coaches often when they call to ask about a particular kid (like this afternoon). But THEY offer kids, not me. You seem confused about the process but I’m always happy to help 😃
  23. I’ve also read some posts on here by some regulars (earlier this season) how they were much better this year without Hefner. An unselfish, high major kid. And that doesn’t even factor in the other seniors who were really valuable pieces. Talk about looking at a record without looking at a team...
  24. I think that there are ample reasons to explore impeachment for the phone call last Saturday and inciting an attack on our democracy Wednesday. But since the point of an impeachment is to remove a president from office and Trump is 11.5 days from being gone anyways, talk of impeachment now has nothing to do with anything other than twisting a knife, so to speak. But that was the point of the first one, too. I have a bad feeling that the Ds are about to go off of the deep end instead of moving forward. Twitter is purging everybody who is right wing as we speak.
  25. I always find it funny how Coaches that have a winning history talk about how they don't have many "Players/Athletes". That it is all the program.... If they were doing well in just one sport I would agree but don't let him fool you.... they got DUDES!!! In the last 2 years basketball went 62-15 (Reg quarter-finalist/ State runner up) and baseball 43 - 7 (season cut short.. ranked #2, and Regional Finalist) with out having Athletes... sorry don't buy it... sounds great in a interview though..
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