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  1. Did he? The god loving, family people you talk about know what and who he was talking about.
  2. If this was a suicide, this guy must be the most stupid guy on the face of the Earth. Let’s see, my girlfriend killed herself so I’m going to act like nothing happened, refuse to talk with anyone when they realize that she has not been there for several days and then go in hiding… all while I had nothing to do with it.
  3. Then why hide it for several days, refuse to talk with the police when they finally find out she is missing and then disappear?
  4. Biden will not run in 2024.....No way......I don't think he could remain silent and not talk to the media if he did. If Kamala runs or end up President before 2024, she was at the bottom of the line up when she threw her hat in for President.....She is not and will not be popular..... Biden might as well be Trump's Campaign manager.....I don't think anyone is helping Trump more than Biden for a 2024 run........Gas prices, pricing on EVERYTHING, promised and failed to fix covid, screwed up leaving Afghanistan, left US Citizens behind, the southern border is a mess......that is just rambling off the top of my head......Also Dems will be helpless when the house and senate are taken again by Republicans...... So while there is no guarantee that Trump will win (or run for that matter), politically they are in BAD shape.....they can't even pass bills in the Senate with Kamala as tie breaker.....
  5. I called this a disservice by the news media. Anybody could look at that report and come to the same conclusion that you did. In fact they practically said it by calling them Beaumont transit workers which they are not. The news media somewhat of a joke (notwithstanding some good reporters) and they never explain anything and sometimes I think they don’t know either. I have done many interviews over the years on television, new specials, print media and hundreds of press releases. I can assure you that when you talk to them they sometimes never have a clue but don’t ask anything follow up. There is no problem not understanding a situation with something you’re not familiar with but that should be part of reporting, asking pertinent questions. “What do you mean by that” would go a long way. They just put what they think they heard and it might be totally bogus. I honestly don’t think they outright lie on purpose. There just seems to be very little investigative reporting, just filling up space in the news.
  6. No, there are not dozens or hundreds of such cases a year. There are hundreds of missing people but not when a boyfriend shows up and doesn’t report the person missing for several days, then refuses to talk with the police, etc. In probably 99% of cases the missing person later shows up at home or is later found dead of a suicide or natural causes. This is not a typical case.
  7. Last year was last year! Now let’s talk about BH getting their district championship back👍
  8. Just wouldn't be you if you didn't come on this site with the negative talk about our coverage area teams.
  9. Talk about abuse of power, and hiding the truth. Fox has been using drones on the border 7 months, but showing all the illegal aliens coming across, Biden’s folks shut’em down. Sounds like what happens in China & Russia. Kudos to the TX Dept of Safety. They took reporters up in their helicopter. [Hidden Content]
  10. HF beat EC like 26 14 and Lcm was up on HF 26 -6. All this lump talk lol
  11. Again, there is no telling where this case is going. But….. If the family called the police and said, “we need to talk”, it makes me think that they are not going to say, we don’t think our son did it.
  12. We don’t. We simply acknowledge its existence and try to talk about it. There are extremists, but that isn’t representative of mainstream liberal thinking. The right doesn’t even want to acknowledge it, much less talk about it.
  13. I think he is acting extremely guilty. As far as not giving an alibi, most sidewalk lawyers and Facebook attorneys are now smart enough to simply not talk to the police. The alibi is what gets you hung. It locks you into a story that you probably cannot prove. Look at Martha Stewart. She went to prison for an insider stock trading scam. But did she go for the scam? No, she went because she gave an alibi and it was like a proven false and they got her for obstructing justice, perjury or whatever the FBI called it. Maybe he is not guilty but if your girlfriend was missing for 10 days and you had nothing to do with it, why not at least report her missing? If it’s the truth simply say she left on this day and I have not seen her again. You don’t have to say any more than that. There are some very sinister people out there. The news article mentioned there was another couple murdered nearby a few days earlier. There is speculation that maybe Gabby is also a victim of the same person(s). But let’s play what if….. What is the boyfriend murdered that couple just to set up killing her later? Shoot a couple for no reason with a 9 mm and then come back a couple of weeks later and shoot your girlfriend near the same location, then get rid of the gun. The police recover slugs from all bodies and announce that whoever killed the couple also killed Gabby. Do we remember while we now have secure packaging on most products and why we often now have caplets instead of capsules? It was the Tylenol murders in the early 1980s. Without the tamper proof packaging that we have today (which came about because of this incident), somebody took Tylenol and put cyanide inside the capsules and put them back on the shelf. Several people were killed and they suspected a man of doing it for extortion from Johnson and Johnson. Then another man using that idea, poisoned his wife and another unrelated man. I believe the unrelated man was killed simply to look like it was a random just like his wife. The man was eventually I believe convicted of killing the unknown man and his wife. That point is that a man was killed just to make it look like his wife’s death but also random. Could this have been the same? This is a strange case for sure and no telling where it will go but the guy sure acts of guilty in my police mind. On a sidenote, the Walmart ice cream licker in Port Arthur was convicted of tampering with evidence after hundreds of such laws were enacted after the Tylenol murders. I wonder how many people today know that all of our tamperproof products and tampering with product laws came from a single incident in the early 1980s.
  14. Did she get kidnapped and they told him not to talk or they would kill her? has to be more to story
  15. Only speculation, but what if she left him? To me, there has to be more to the story as to why he won’t talk…..
  16. I'm surprised no one has posted this. The popular view is the boyfriend murdered her.....To me, driving HER van back and refusing to talk to police does not sound like a guilty person. I would think a guilty person would make up an alibi or NOT come home in HER van...... Also, the only evidence we have is police body cams that show her as the aggressor....... Thoughts???? [Hidden Content]
  17. This scenario keeps getting repeated repeatedly. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. That said, why do the Dem voters keep drinking the kool-aid? Talk about puppets on a string. [Hidden Content]
  18. QB Sellers will return next week vs Houston Kipp, he has been injured all year. Sellers can throw and run, good dual threat. The most alarming thing about the HD team and staff this year, is definitely the effort/details not being there it seems. I have yet to see any coaches on the sideline, proactively going over to a player or players, and coaching them during a game, it's non existent, is it just me or do most coaches get involved with correcting a bad technique or just talk with players, mine did when I played, I got grabbed by the face mask a few times by a coach and talked with. The players and coaches just have not been fired up, very little emotion shown. Also, the little things every week, o-line not firing out together and fumbles all the time... I think HD when healthy, will be in contention for the District title, but man does it look and feel different right now, maybe a win vs your 100 year rival helps the culture, winning cures everything. Yes, HD has played 3A teams, yes lots of injuries and sick kids, out scored like 74 to 6 in last two games, offense averaging 3 points a game... I look for TE Drake and WR Anders to be big targets for QB Sellers in the passing game, when he returns vs Kipp, with Dawson Victorian and Jerimiah Loften featured in the backfield, HD will be a good balanced team. HD probably would be most potent with running Anders and Drake both at TE together (double tight).
  19. I didn't mean nothing about it but I played football for wos in 1994 itut I doesn't matter I was just responding to someone post didn't mean anything about it I was just saying I been though it seen it happen I don't have a problem with none of vidor folks just speaking though experience it happen to me do I want to relive it no it was a time it made me feel down about ourselves that's the past doe maybe no one should make any posts about vidor history it shouldn't been made anyway cause it was wrong I'm not an bad person and I don't hate on any race I'm a lover not an fighter maybe this post should be taken down for stuff just like this I don't abuse anyone on here we all talk about football but for this post to be made after what happen is wrong just putting it out there let's stick with the topic about football and not what so past history have done
  20. No we're ok getting beat that one time now lol , how many playoff wins have you got since 2011 ? Oh and before you talk bad about us losing last year @ state ill go on and make that obvious observation
  21. This entire thread should be deleted. Lets talk about FOOTBALL!!! I don't want to talk about history, crime, or a word about race. Any thread such as this is asking for trouble.
  22. It has kind of croaked already. Both teams kind of have a sense of “we’re not sure if we’re good yet,” so I’m guessing that has tamped down the trash talk
  23. Dude you're a United fan. Can y'all atleast get a win before you try and talk trash?
  24. Its easy to fix a team hiding behind a keyboard. That's for sure. I see em on here every year since 2006. They come and they go. Some folks I argue with but have respect for because they provide stats and ideas (heres looking at you 14.2) and others just call kids out and talk about how bad they are or how slow they are. Even more have multiple accounts so they can be two people at once. I am same person every year with expectations for my favorite team to win. I also understand the challenges of competing against a SC finalist as well.
  25. No I care about the kids on the field, the drill team, band, volleyball team, and so on. I don't get on a site as an adult and talk bad about the kids. You can choose to do that. I will not. I had a family from another team contact me this week who has a son playing who was very disappointed in the way the adults were talking about him and his teammates. So YES I will stand up for the kids. Always.
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