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  1. Yeah there's the talk in here in the latter pages. [Hidden Content]
  2. The 2023 season has been over for four days now, so naturally, it's time to talk about the 2024 season. Post-realignment, who do you want your team to play in pre-district during the 2024-25 seasons? I'll start. For PN-G, in order of preference, I want: Port Arthur Memorial; Silsbee; Barbers Hill; Jasper; and/or West Orange-Stark. I suspect PN-G will be in a weaker (though possibly larger) district next year, so I want a more thorough pre-district test to prepare us for the playoffs.
  3. This was a gift to Trump. It will be overturned by Supreme Court, plus it is forcing the other GOP candidates to talk about it being wrong and trump deserves to be on the ballot. This is fun to watch
  4. I find it hilarious that the negative people haven’t pounced on the Patriots when Brady was there. Talk about a pansy division. They were guaranteed a playoff spot every year. Of course Brady was the best, but no one ever questioned who they had beaten. 49ers lost to the Browns and Vikings on the road in consecutive weeks and then to the Bengals at home. The Browns didn’t have a winning record when they beat them. Minnesota was 2-4 when they beat them. The Bengals were 3-3 when they beat them. Remember, these are teams with losing records that beat the 49ers in consecutive weeks…..yet we sing their praises and pounce on the Cowboys. What a joke. Come at me with a little more substance than hatred.
  5. A true champion shows their true colors during a loss. SOC, South Dallas, and SOC supporters have shown their self today. Taking one play out of 4 quarters of football and blaming that on the loss. Trying to take away what PNG accomplished today. Let's not talk about all the no calls on the SOC secondary. The drive prior to when it was blatant PI in the end zone and nothing was called. When Reid Richard is running down the sideline and gets tackled before the ball even gets there, no flag. Blaming the whole game on one call is a loser mentality and lack of accountability. PNG was the better team today.
  6. Regional Finalist 2023, lost to Desoto just like SC. Keep talking. How about Desoto? Can they win in D1? LOL. Be best for you to drop out instead of doubling down on your crazy talk.
  7. Cedar Hill terrible? Name all the teams in the district that have won more state championships than CH: NS and???. Talk all your junk about Desoto not being able to win in D1. Everyone be laughing at you.
  8. Lol what coach you talked to? Can’t be the same ones I talk to…cause I’ve been told the 8th grade class is loaded.
  9. Bruh I ain’t did nothing wrong besides having friendly debate on perspectives…you controlling what we talk about on here now? Lol
  10. It was interesting to hear Aledo's new HC talk about the importance of not changing a single thing when he took over from his OC role. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I understand circumstances were different for WOS but it's obvious nobody is happy. Also, it seems if there's no change at Supt. level, you won't get a well seasoned, successful Coach to sign up anyway. On paper, it would be a great opportunity but the reality of it looms much larger. Hang in there Stangs!
  11. They do have the talent to take 2nd in district but will they have the discipline? They play their best if they keep their mouths shut, head down and just play the game. Last night, I saw what I assume was a parent on the front row literally heckling players for Silsbee. BC doesn't need that garbage and the cop had to go talk to him. BC has some talented kids and the shifty little point guard can handle the ball well but someone needs to go take it from him when he starts playing selfish, ball-hogging and throwing up forced shots and that seems to be the pattern in every game I've been able to catch this season. Outside looking in, that ruined the entire mojo of that BC team last night. Robertson seems like a good coach but he will need to get ahold of his players before they end up losing out on a possible playoff run due to selfishness.
  12. Bridge City actually gave 2-1/2 good quarters. They’re a really good scrappy team and when they play together, they’re tough. It was a 9 point ball game in the 3rd quarter at one point then the trash talk turned into a 1v1, selfish ball game and there was no more team ball the rest of the game for BC.
  13. Simpleton....ALL YOU TALK ABOUT are the W's and L's.... It's more than that!.... Most kids are realistic enough to know that they are NOT going to compete with the top tier programs in the state. NO matter who the coach is! Dude are you that clueless?!?!?!?
  14. True! I guess the Elite coaches we talk about can’t any of this.
  15. I was offered (would have never moved my son mid year 6th grade if that hadn't have been the plan all along), even interviewed with Coach Crouch at the time. I ran a very winning/UA sponsored organization for 5 years. Texas A.T.T.A.C.K. Squad Basketball - A.T.T.A.C.K. - Athletic Training That Amplifies Christ's Kingdom, in case you didnt know. I am a real coach who develops players and helps them realize their potential. I am sorry that it makes folks mad that I trained my own son and have been able to put real goods teams on the floor over the years, but it is what it is. I am not a keyboard warrior or made up sports pro who takes shots at folks online under made up names. Not my style, and I try to spread positivity, not hate! A lot of the players these blogs talk about, came through our program and were like family, but no one wants to speak of that. Since you set directly across from me at this last tournament most games, why dont you look at all the hugs and handshakes I get from the players from opposing teams? That's called respect and I didnt get that from taking shots at folks on a sports blog. I got that from loving kids and trying to be who they needed me to be over the years. Some of yall should try it some time, its a real rewarding experience to see that kids know you care about them. Deep down, all my former players know where they got their start and what Coach really cares about them and their futures. In the end, it was real tough to keep our team together and have enough players to go live at practice from such a small area and for everyone to commit to such busy and extensive travel schedule. There are definitely levels to this, and flights, hotels, and travel isn't doable for everyone, which is totally understandable. Consequently, we ended up having to pursue other opportunities with bigger city teams @AggiesAreWe you seem to like taking shots at me and my family even though I always take the high road. I'm not sure why, because I have never done anything to you or your family but its getting old. I welcome you to contact me or speak to me in person, instead of taking shots at me on a sports blog. I am not a liar and never have been. I hate liars and fake people, which is something I pray to the Good Lord to help me with daily.
  16. We appreciate the kind words about our team this year. In regards to the Lamarque Game, the pressure of the game and big moments exposes weaknesses and forces mistakes. That same pressure, also creates opportunity for those that are ready for it. Great win and we are super proud of our boys! Thank you for reporting the scores. I agree, Kountze games should be good if their "move - ins" stay eligible. I have personally been contacted by two coaches in our district asking me to type a letter and file a formal complaint, since the letter cannot be anonymous and I assume they don't want their names attached, but I wont be attaching my name to anything like that either since; Sells, Donald, Smart & Coffey are all my former Texas A.T.T.A.C.K. Squad players. With that being said, I don't have to agree with decisions that are made for me to always care about my players and want what is best for them. There is just a lot of talk going on about a team that didn't even make the playoffs last year and their newfound success. I am not sure one of the on the cusp playoff teams would be willing to miss the playoffs due to a situation like this. I have faith in our young men and coaches. The wins will be that much more knowing we are doing it the right way!
  17. I think tu deserved to be there. Committee got it right. I was just talking in regards to the Bama talk already when they have a very good Washington team to face first. Regardless of fan or not, Okie Lite is not a good team. That's just fact.
  18. It’s hilarious all the talk on social media is how Bama’s QB is better now, yada yada yada. Which of course is the talking point of all casual fans. The true football folks know Texas won because they won where most football games are won - with the big uglies We whipped their tail in both lines of scrimmage, I’m sure their younguns are better. But our experienced fronts on both sides are still healthy and the best in the country.
  19. Safe travels for everyone attending the game including the teams, cheerleaders, bands, drill teams and students. Hope for a great injury free game from both sides. Trash talk over and time for the kids to leave it all on the field especially for the seniors.
  20. correct... but they usually talk like Silsbee has been stealing kids from Bmt schools that aren't from Silsbee. But they don't wanna talk about Yates not being from Beaumont... He is a Kountze kid
  21. Never before recorded high temperatures: Are you being a little disingenuous about this? Where there higher temps before records were kept? You talk about fires, floods, droughts and record deluges. Every place were you say these took place — you, or anyone else, DO NOT know what was happening in these same areas 5,000 years ago. Could have “actually” been worst. They say global warming causing all these bad hurricanes. NO, no one knows what hurricanes looked like 5,000 years ago!! I heard it said that one erupting volcano is worst than anything man has ever done. How many, do you think, has erupted in the history of the world. But, hey, I understand you are toting the liberal line of man made global warming. Oh, BTW, why did they change the name from global warming? Ha, I know. Why is China and India exempt from global warming treaties? Shouldn’t that raise suspicions?
  22. I wasn't going to address it out of respect for Briscoe and Corey, (Kelly's Coaches who we have known for years) but since the story is growing into something that isn't true, I'll give you the facts that the video supports. There was a double ejection with 3.2 seconds left on the clock in the 4th Quarter of Orangefield - #24 Scales & Kelly's - #23 Zander (First Name is all I know, sorry). The only obscenities out of anyone's mouths were from the Kelly Player telling Scales he was a "f'n scared little b&*tch" which was the kind of crap that happened the entire game even though they were down 40 which showed an extreme lack of class on their part. It wasn't until Scales was dribbling time off of the clock to close the game out which is what Whitmire instructed him to do when he responded to the kid saying, "I'm not scared" which can be clearly heard on the video. Zander kept talking and Scales smiled at him in a "come get some type of manner" which is also what he has been instructed to do to these types. When he did this at the kid, the ref ejected both players which was total crap because he should have taken control of the game way earlier or ejected the kid when he cussed Scales, instead the ref didnt take control and it ended in a double ejection and a next game suspension for both players (UIL Rule). Furthermore, once ejected, the Kelly Player threw his shirt off at the bench and put on the obscenity laced tirade you are hearing about. (All on video) Scales/Whitmire didn't even know he was ejected at this point because he hadn't responded to any of the nonsense all game other than smile and point to the scoreboard because like I said, we were up 40. It was a total lack of discretion on the officials' part to let that go on all game and then cost a star player a 1 game suspension because he finally decided to address it with 3.2 seconds left on the clock. At the end of the game, Coach Piper and Coach Guilbeaux both came over to Scales and his family to apologize for the antics getting out of hand. They are both good guys and will always have our support. * Important Note: Scales is face-guarded and doubled in every game Orangefield plays which is respect and we take it that way. His teammates always step in and step up which is why they a great team! At the same time, their is a respectful way of doing it like Big Sandy did Saturday (True class act of a team), and then there is a disrespectful way of doing it where players resort to the above mentioned mess. That kind of crap never ends in a good way and if you are going to talk crap, at least be up in the dern ball game! *File was too big or I'd share the video on here *Kelly needs to stick to TAPS (Im sure we took the game last year thinking Langston would still be there, who by the way is a real class act kid who we are proud to know) and we shouldnt take games like this because we have nothing to gain by playing them which can also be heard on the video. *Videos are always proof and can take out hearsay
  23. It is widely beloved among the pundits that had that happened, Texas would have been the 1 seed. for what it’s worth, if they do leave it out FSU and put in Bama, Texas will be favored against Washington. This scares me a bit because people have underestimated the Huskies all season. But IF that’s the case and IF Texas were to win that game, it would set up either a rematch against Bama OR a Texas/Michigan matchup. Either way, two top 5 all time programs playing in Houston for all the marbles. Talk about printing money. It’s also a network’s opposite of dry dream.
  24. And aren’t you the one still talking about Ohio State? Talk about someone who doesn’t know anything 😂🤣
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