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  1. Just hold on a few more hours fellas. The game is almost here. Then we can continue with some meaningful smack talk.
  2. Has not gone away only cause outsiders like to bring it up. Outsiders that have NO idea about the City of Vidor. But if you want to talk about the recent past in football...Then I do believe Vidor has owned the battling bears.
  3. Never wanting to talk about the present, always about the past and future. Like that has any bearing on the now
  4. You need to have a talk with her. It’s too early for Christmas music.
  5. Lots of talk at the beginning of the season, from people not in the know, about Crosby not being as good as last year. Last year Crosby's average margin of victory in district play was 29.8ppg, this year it currently sits at 36.5ppg. Crosby will head to Nederland looking to cross the 400 point mark for the first time in a seven game district season. For reference, Crosby only scored 282 points in district play last year but did only give up a sick 10.3ppg on defense during that span. IMO we're a year ahead of where we were supposed to be due to the excellent job Crosby's staff has done with the talent they've been given. If Coach P can keep those guys together for the most part they're liable to build a juggernaut over the next 4-5 years with the high-level talent Crosby has coming through the program.
  6. 1) How is Romney a RINO? Because he doesn’t talk like a moron and grift the rural hillbillies at every opportunity? He’s one of the most accomplished businessmen to ever run for office. 2) I didn’t say Youngkin will be a RINO. I said you guys will eventually turn on him and call him a RINO. I think he’s too smart, too educated, too… normal.. to ever be fully accepted by the relatively unsophisticated trumper crowd. Which is completely fine by me.
  7. Big Talk for a team that lost to Baytown Lee.
  8. Where is this Cooks Lake you talk about?
  9. Definitely one of the funniest pregame smack talk threads if you read it all the way through lol.
  10. WOW, I usually hold the Newton faithful in very high regard. This type of talk is exactly how you change the perception of a team and entire community. Most of the Newton folks that I know are respectful and let the team speak for them on Friday nights. I was at this ballgame and ONE of HH scores was after SOME subs were put into the game for Newton. The JV score was very close and if not for a couple of miscues could have easily gone the other way. I do however agree with your comments regarding how to change a program. This is coach Starks first year as AD in Hemphill and if that can be done he is the guy that will do it. Lastly, I would like to remind you that sometimes good things don't last. The days of Newton suiting up 100+ kids on day one of season is over. It may very well be you guys that are struggling in the not so distant future. Stay humble it will make life easier!
  11. This article made me shake my head and it just kept getting better after each paragraph. Absolutely nothing, and I mean NOTHING happened to the campaign bus but their feelings were hurt. They were scared, I think it even said “terrified” for their own personal safety. They were headed to Austin for a rally, so I’m sure once they hit their “safe space” they just hugged and cried relieved they made it thru their ordeal. Oh, and they filed a law suit regarding the non-response from law enforcement - talk about frivolous (nothing happened and no one was hurt). Here is the article: [Hidden Content]
  12. I disagree that PNG gave away the win. They were down in the first half, then stormed back and then it was a hard fought game. Both teams had good plays and both had mistakes. But if you really want to talk about giving away...... that fumble on the 1 yard line TC had on the kickoff was the easiest score I've seen in a long time. Thats +7 right there.
  13. That my friend is not true, on the part where the points were scored on y’all 2nd team. But I understand typical Newton talk.
  14. Hmmmmm.... one would think that a team that beat the other team would have bragging rights for the whole season regardless of who went to the playoffs or not. How can any BU fan talk trash on WB?
  15. Firstly, this b thread is about PAISD, whom I was commending for having the you know what’s to make this move. Secondly, there’s some things I take issues with in most school districts, including BISD (seems that you’re hellbent on discussing for some strange reason). But there are many things I like that’s going on. You see, you’re not going to please everyone. Especially how the population of the city Is set up. First off, you have the detractors. Detractors that have NEVER voted for national or state polls, let alone the local school district trustee votes. They don’t vote but they complain the loudest. Then you have the detractors that detract and throw little slick comments. These are the ones that’s either grew up, lived in Beaumont and left a long time ago due to white flight (yes, it exists) or the once’s that’s never lived in Beaumont but work out here and hear their little buddies talk crap about the district so they follow suit. When good things happen in the district, they don’t say ANYTHING. As soon as something bad happens ( mind you bad things happen in all districts) they come out of hiding and say all kinds of nonsense. Now, the mention of a state takover. Real cute. It was last taken over NOT due to academics, contrary to popular belief. Look, I’m cool with the state of the district. I have a son, a senior, I’m BISD. Straight A student and will finish too 10% in his class. He goes to BU. No issues whatsoever for us. He loves his teachers, administration, and friends. He’s involved in band, NHS, National beta club, amongst others. He’ll be attending U of H next fall. I say this to say, I personally know hundreds of parents of kids at the schools that share my sentiments. So, the state of the district isn’t as dire as you and other detractors make it seem. So, do you have issues with PAISD, Nederland ISD, or Silsbee ISD? Want to discuss them as well?
  16. I figured as much. If it was true I know one certain Huffman fan would've magically appeared back on this site to talk about it.
  17. Kinda of like you want to ignore the last 50 years and only talk about the last five for the same reason?
  18. Vidor scrimmages WOS. In the previous years before scrimmaging, we played WOS. But why talk about bottom of barrel Vidor? We should all be talking about the King of the mountain, THE CROSBY COUGARS!
  19. Probably. Doesn’t change the fact your claims are incorrect. Look, I’m gonna channel my inner @Majestyk . You talk like a man with a wooden neck. 😂 Look son, I can explain it to you, but I can’t make you understand. Run along now before you get shamed some more.
  20. For Vidor fans, leapfrog with the +30 second button to a tad passed 102621. Right after El Campo they talk about the Pirates. Kudos to Gsquared for this post.
  21. I ve seen what you talk about. it’s a combination of both
  22. Can we talk about how Cleveland went from 3a to 6a in less than 10 years? Good gravy
  23. Amen ladybug33 , i love reading about the wo-s football program i got the Houston Post and the Dallas news both that papers talk very hi lee about the top 10 programs in all classes in the state. i will not talk about what they say about 4A find out for themselves
  24. We have a political forum, so take the political talk there please.
  25. Those schools actually still do max during season. Listened to John Kay of NS talk for an hour about how part of the success is their whole program lifts 5 days a week and continues to max during season. Maybe things have changed since most of you guys played in the 80s and 90s.
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