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six burg

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    six burg reacted to new tobie in For Tobie and his "Trump doesnt care" about little guy   
    I work in a chemical plant. Chemical plant and refinery business has been soaring during Obama's tenure. Expansions and hiring for obamas last six years. Look up what was going on the last six years that the republicans held office!
  2. Like
    six burg got a reaction from Ty Cobb in Happy Fourth of July!   
    Its Independence Day and I pray that everyone had a great day today! People used to put on some bbq and good music and enjoy each others company. Now with social media and cell phones many times at a get together you find many holding their cell phones and giving their attention to them. While talking with someone having a good conversation, if a cell phone beeps, people tend to divide their attention. Maybe someday people can get back to really enjoying each others company again. Eating some good food and listening to some good music.
  3. Like
    six burg got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Happy Fourth of July!   
    Its Independence Day and I pray that everyone had a great day today! People used to put on some bbq and good music and enjoy each others company. Now with social media and cell phones many times at a get together you find many holding their cell phones and giving their attention to them. While talking with someone having a good conversation, if a cell phone beeps, people tend to divide their attention. Maybe someday people can get back to really enjoying each others company again. Eating some good food and listening to some good music.
  4. Like
    six burg got a reaction from Englebert in Happy Fourth of July!   
    Its Independence Day and I pray that everyone had a great day today! People used to put on some bbq and good music and enjoy each others company. Now with social media and cell phones many times at a get together you find many holding their cell phones and giving their attention to them. While talking with someone having a good conversation, if a cell phone beeps, people tend to divide their attention. Maybe someday people can get back to really enjoying each others company again. Eating some good food and listening to some good music.
  5. Like
    six burg got a reaction from Reagan in Happy Fourth of July!   
    Its Independence Day and I pray that everyone had a great day today! People used to put on some bbq and good music and enjoy each others company. Now with social media and cell phones many times at a get together you find many holding their cell phones and giving their attention to them. While talking with someone having a good conversation, if a cell phone beeps, people tend to divide their attention. Maybe someday people can get back to really enjoying each others company again. Eating some good food and listening to some good music.
  6. Like
    six burg got a reaction from new tobie in Healthcare Premium doubled under Obamacare   
    Jeff bezos for president. Jeff has become the second richest man on the planet. My son just went to work for amazon. when i looked at his healthcare plan i was amazed, with Obamacare( or the ACA) causing so many health premiums to rise for so many, why does the second richest man on the planet offer medical care to his people for $24 per month. Through Bluecross or Aetna, Low deductables and out of max out of pocket. Way better insurance than the local refinery offers me. 
  7. Like
    six burg got a reaction from 1989NDN in Come Clean President Trump   
    This is the exact problem with this board. I have been accused of being racist on this board because i don't go along with the majority. i say things against trump because thats my belief. I probably have more white friends than the dozen conservatives left on this board have black ones. I don't mind free stuff for the retired, elderly, working poor and children. i need either party to stay the @#$% away from my social security and don't mind the same group of people mentioned before having help with healthcare. Don't care for Trump because i was raised to respect women and all races of people. Trump seems to not care much about this way of living.
  8. Like
    six burg got a reaction from jv_coach in 100 Most Damaging Wikileaks Emails of Hillary   
    The president said that Hillary has been through enough and that he would not prosecute her! What a piece of work!
  9. Like
    six burg got a reaction from new tobie in Maher and the "N" Word   
    go feed your cats!
  10. Like
    six burg reacted to new tobie in Maher and the "N" Word   
    In the words of Bernie Mac, I ain't scared of you.........
  11. Like
    six burg reacted to bullets13 in Interracial relationships.   
    To me it's all about the person, and color of skin has nothing to do with it.  I'm white, and married to a white woman, but if I were single I would have no qualms about dating someone from another race if I was attracted to them.  I have a sister who was married to a Guatemalan, and he's about as good a guy as you'll ever know.  They unfortunately divorced, but I never had a problem calling him family, and still have a friendly relationship with him.  I also have several cousins who are or were in interracial relationships.  One is in the national guard, and so is her husband.  He's a big black guy from inner city Houston, and I'd do anything for him.  Great guy.  Another is engaged to a black man i haven't met (live in New Mexico), but by all accounts he's a stand up guy who takes care of her and her son.  I have no issues with their relationship.  On the other hand, I have a cousin who had a kid with a wannabe gangster who hasn't had much at all to do with her or the kid since.  He's a douchebag, and I wouldn't pee on him if he was on fire (although I might if he wasn't).  So yeah, like I said, I don't have a problem with any relationship, regardless of race, as long as it's a healthy relationship.
  12. Like
    six burg reacted to PAMFAM10 in I hope there's not a lot of Liberal baseball fans in North Carolina   
    The stupid baseball analogy makes no sense at all. I understand the electoral college that trump won I didn't really care who won. But I do believe the electoral college is stupid. Your vote should matter. People should decide elections.
  13. Like
    six burg reacted to PAMFAM10 in I hope there's not a lot of Liberal baseball fans in North Carolina   
    I don't understand how you can not see the flaw in your analogy.
    popular vote My ass if more voters voted for me I should win.
    I just think we over complicate things in this country.
  14. Like
    six burg reacted to nappyroots in More From The White Nationalist?   
    kinda like the current president, he hammered on Obama's birth certificate for a long time with no facts, just flapping his jaws. I heard Trump is starting a new department. The Department of making shit up, klannity will head up this department.
  15. Like
    six burg got a reaction from jv_coach in Trump shoves Nato leader   
    I care more about some of the folks thats been in congress for 40 years than i do Trump. Meaning i want term limits.
  16. Like
    six burg reacted to Hagar in Vidor Votes AGAINST Bond that would would have built a new High School   
    You're just trying to encourage that 7' 2" post at Vidor with the 42" vertical leap to move to Orangefield.
  17. Like
    six burg reacted to navydawg31 in Boston Celtics   
    #1 seed and #1 overall pick. Great time to be Celtic if you are a Celtic Fan.
    Ball is going to be a Laker. 
  18. Like
    six burg got a reaction from TxHoops in ESPN layoffs   
    Like to remind myself why i stay off of this political sight. Could use it to teach my kids a thing or two. 
  19. Like
    six burg got a reaction from bullets13 in Texas Shooting   
    Always did think your post were pretty fair. never really calling out race in a negative way, and you will call out your own party at times. 
  20. Like
    six burg got a reaction from new tobie in Trump Fires FBI Director   
    thats not why he was fired, trump never intended to do anything to his friend Hillary. He just told his minions that he would in order to help get elected.
  21. Like
    six burg got a reaction from new tobie in Chicago   
    Anyone thats not a republican needs to get off of this site and find something better to do with their lives. The sports side maybe, but not this political site. This is a hate filled site, I look in every now and then and its totally crazy.
  22. Like
    six burg reacted to PhatMack19 in Big girl, please help!   
    I can't even afford 1.  Tobie must be rolling.  Maybe he can chip in and pay some of mine each month.  Everyone needs to do their fair share. 
  23. Like
    six burg got a reaction from dme1111 in PNG vs PAM   
    If it comes down to coaching, Pam is in trouble!
  24. Like
    six burg got a reaction from STLGpurple in PNG vs PAM   
    If it comes down to coaching, Pam is in trouble!
  25. Like
    six burg got a reaction from TxHoops in Trump and Tulsa shooting- wow   
    Does everything have to be black or white, democrat or republicans. Both political party's and races are guilty of many things. How about treating everyone the way that you would like to be treated. EVERYONE!!!!!
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