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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. 7-1 record for the tourney, with their only loss coming in OT to a team they later beat. Very impressive showing!
  2. That analyst fail to mention that Biden had to “think and articulate” his answers while lying as much or more than trump?
  3. Dems are in a bad spot. The thing that Biden had going for him was moderates and moderate republicans willing to vote against Trump rather than for Biden. He lost a lot of those votes tonight. Some will give up and stay home, and some will decide that anything is better than Biden and vote for trump. That’s all a net win for trump. If the dems replace Biden with anyone but Kamala they will lose both female and African American votes, but it’s no secret that she’s just about as bad a candidate as dementia Joe. So who do the dems run? Harris, in an effort to keep the female and AA vote, who probably loses to Trump, or someone else while alienating those voters bases. They’re short on quality candidates. Their next best option is maybe Gavin Newsome, but he’s about as appealing as Harris or Biden, and moderates will look at the state that California is in and either stay home or lean more towards trump. This is an unmitigated disaster for the left. The dems best bet would’ve been to throw manchin in last minute, but that’s not an option anymore either.
  4. Nice to see an Aggie with a reasonable take on this. Some of the stuff I’ve been reading online is pretty out there
  5. Melissa was pretty loaded last year and had a D1 qb transfer in from Alabama or somewhere. He’ll be a junior next season and already has offers from Texas Tech, Colorado St, Marshall, and Troy.
  6. Sounds like they got some really good info on the case that led them to this point. It’s a shame it took this long for the person with information to come forward. This guy should’ve been put away a long time ago
  7. It’s always funny to me when present day republicans start talking about what 19th century republicans did, because you’re absolutely right. Point it out and they get mad, though. And I vote Republican 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
  8. I went to high school with Tun. We weren’t friends, but were friendly. He’s a good guy, and I’m glad to see him bettering his situation.
  9. Sounds like they’re avoiding “besmirching” him. Besmirching would be giving all the details, which them not doing seems to be what you’re really upset about.
  10. It may pay a little better, but not enough to really notice on a pay check. That said, not sure where he lives. Might be a better commute or something. HF is clearly the better job, from the coaching aspect. It’s also a good place to work. I can’t speak for lumberton on that one way or another, but would assume it’s probably a good place to work as well.
  11. Pretty sure he was at the HF basketball camp last week. It sure didn’t last long
  12. [Hidden Content] i remember when she disappeared. Hard to believe she was buried on her boyfriend’s property the whole time
  13. I haven’t kept up with them much since I changed allegiances. Didn’t realize they’d stopped doing OE
  14. This could also help open up that Beaumont talent transfer pipeline with his time coaching at BU.
  15. I like him a lot. This is really only a move in name early. He’s always done what he thought was best, and I agree with a lot of what he does
  16. Okay. I’ll edit my statement… he told many easily disproven lies during his campaign that made it appear that he had an IQ of about 74. Perhaps this is a character flaw, or perhaps as you so gently stated, he’s maybe just not suited for politics. Either way, he was a horrible candidate that Trump went all in on, losing to the very crooked and beatable Warnock. All that was needed was a decent republican candidate running against him.
  17. I think it’s pretty well-known that I’m not a big trump fan, but I don’t think anyone on here would put me at near his level, and I’ve repeatedly stated I’ll vote for him in the election. The point i was making is that trump has put considerable time and effort into trying to install folks that repeat his wildest claims, or push out people who have dared to question him, at the detriment of the Republican Party. He’s done this at all levels, from national elections down to small district elections like the one we’re talking about. It really screwed the party in the 2022 midterms, where he was frequently able to influence who the Republican Party nominee was, but then they lost the general election because they were lousy candidates. The most obvious instances of this was when his tv doctor lost to a walking, talking potato, and when his football player with an IQ of about 74 lost to that crook Warnock, but there were several other instances that eventually cost the republicans the massive gains they should’ve seen throughout the country in the middle of Biden’s massive failure as president.
  18. Another “Trump Endorsed” candidate goes down in flames.
  19. It’s very difficult to fire an educator. It’s not difficult to reassign them and put them in a situation where they’re likely to leave on their own. I’m not sure of the legality of exposing an employee’s work records, but it seems likely it’s not allowed if nothing criminal took place.
  20. I know absolutely nothing about the situation, but I do know head coaches of sports other than the AD have actual teaching assignments, and I know from my wife having worked in the sped department of multiple schools that it’s not uncommon at all for coaches to shirk those duties. It could very well be that this was the case at BC. Or not, I don’t know. Just bringing this up to point out the fact that, although many coaches only want to worry about coaching, they generally have several other responsibilities at the school. some of them neglect or ignore these duties entirely. If he’s been written up for other issues before, it’s a dumb argument to say “he was punished for this and others were not”. If he had a pile of write ups in his file and they did not then it makes sense that the punishments were different.
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