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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2020 in Posts

  1. They played Buna, relax.
    4 points
  2. WOSgrad

    PAM vs PNG

    Then I caught myself and read it again. It wasn't a compliment of Coach Faircloth but rather a backhanded slap at Coach Morgan. I knew something was up.
    3 points
  3. Goes back to the old argument when it comes to kids specializing in one sport. I’m not saying this is happening at West Hardin, but it’s difficult to put a winning football team on the field year in and year out if the kids don’t play. I wonder how many of these small schools in the area stress their track program. That’s where your overall program is built. Now someone please help me off my soapbox. The balance isn’t as good any longer.
    2 points
  4. [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  5. You and @H-D BOBCAT 55 should get together. 🤣🤣🤣
    2 points
  6. Y'all hold up a sec, I'm gonna go make some popcorn. 😂
    2 points
  7. Well, apparently her kid isn’t. Which is why she’s PMS’ing so hard.
    2 points
  8. Finally, a true scientist offers reliable evidence.
    2 points
  9. I did a test. I ate lots of smothered cabbage with onions and bacon all weekend until I got a raging case of the winds. I mean, it was really bad. The dog won’t come in the house and my wife went to her sister’s to get away from the smell. I put on a mask over my b hole to block the scent. It didn’t work. I have sent my findings to the WHO and CDC for their edification along with the used mask. Follow the science.
    2 points
  10. No folks like you meaning chill out and quit whining. Your son will be a starter next year. Quit having a sore butt. You’re gonna slip on all those tears you’re crying and sprain your female parts.
    2 points
  11. “Lumberton has been competitive every year Babin has been there. His non-district schedule always has balance - you are sighting Kirbyville, Furr, and Evadale (which was an impromptu game). You are leaving out Jasper, Silsbee, HF, East Chambers. They play good teams and weaker teams. They win some and lose some. Football participation is higher than its ever been at Lumberton and fans show up every week in support. Obviously you don’t like Babin for some personal reason on top of the fact that you are mad that your son isn’t on the field in front of some other kid with “a certain last name”. You are a bad Lumberton citizen. You are publicly hurting your kids program with your eyes wide open. Shame on you.”
    2 points
  12. Buckeyes look to try and get some payback over the Dawgs for the last few years. Carthage basically had its schedule canceled due to scheduling 5A teams and not being able to get anyone in lower classes to help them out. A 27-7 victory over Kilgore is there only game. Buckeyes come in with wins over Gladewater, Atlanta, Henderson and Lindale. Lots of firepower in the offense as Junior QB Brandon Tennison has already broken 2 team records for yardage and the Buckeyes have as a team broken their yardage record for a single game. Carthage stingy defense looks to shutdown the Gilmer squad. Its on for Friday night and I just hope I can get a ticket!!!!
    1 point
  13. 6A #1 - North Shore #10 - Atascocita 5A, DII #9 - Barbers Hill #10 - Crosby 4A, DII #1 - Carthage #3 - West Orange-Stark #5 - Jasper #10 - Center 2A, DI #5 - Joaquin #9 - Timpson 1A, DII #3 - Calvert
    1 point
  14. It might flood for real, doesn't HF play in a cow pasture?
    1 point
  15. I'm going to say it's a low scoring game, possibly even OT. Pirates win late 20-14
    1 point
  16. Not sure what flood he's talking about, but it'll be a flood of points on the scoreboard for WOS Friday.
    1 point
  17. Yea it should be a great game. Plus these two teams have history with each other dating back to 1978 when Lexington beat Franklin 14 to 13 in the state semi-finals. Both teams dont like each other but respect each others programs
    1 point
  18. I'll be paying attention to this one. It was talked about last week on the scoreboard show.
    1 point
  19. WOSdrummer99

    Kountze @ Newton

    Histories shows that was in 67.
    1 point
  20. Welp it's gonna be 2069 before I pick em to beat Newton. Eagles by 50.
    1 point
  21. aTmfan06

    Vidor at Jasper

    Don’t mind us over here lol jk obviously Carthage and PG will be big problems come playoffs.
    1 point
  22. aTmfan06

    Kountze @ Newton

    Newton gets things moving in the right direction here. Kountze unfortunately will get a couple weeks of frustration taken out on them lol
    1 point
  23. Potential 4 year starter should be one to keep an eye on. Hopefully he will fulfill your expectations and push the district to be get even better. We need competition thru out the year. Not like it was a few years back before silsbee dropped down.
    1 point
  24. Mr. Buddy Garrity

    PAM vs PNG

    Sorta like what we were doing in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018. ☕ Thx.
    1 point
  25. Mr. Buddy Garrity

    PAM vs PNG

    We wouldn't have a defense that could compete consistently. That's what would happen. Landslide: lmao 😂 ok. Ceiling would be 3rd round, oh wait what did Png do when all world QB was there with the best WRs in SETX? 3rd round too. Hmmm. Maybe just maybe other teams are better in some years and in some areas 🤷🏾‍♂️ I think Fairchief would have better success in DFW. Just my opinion.
    1 point
  26. O’Brien still sucks!!
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. WOSdrummer99

    Vidor at Jasper

    I cant find it. Do you have a link?
    1 point
  29. I definitely agree about being dedicated to a system. I think/hope Babin is gonna stick with the system in place now. Lumberton has some really good young players coming through the system. I think the future is bright if they maintain continuity with the system and the coaching staff.
    1 point
  30. L-Train11

    Vidor at Jasper

    I’m picking Jasper since they beat silsbee... but since in reality they didn’t beat Silsbee, I’m gonna pick vidor. Silsbee ran the ball down their throats two straight series for a score before lightning happened. Vidor will do the same all night.
    1 point
  31. Self High 5

    Vidor at Jasper

    Hi everyone! I've been following these discussions for years and finally decided to sign up. I graduated in 1999 from Vidor High School and I love my Pirates! I think this is going to be a really good game! I wish I could be there in person but I will be on vacation. I plan on listening to the whole thing on the radio. Good luck! Go pirates!!!
    1 point
  32. Gotta take nuttycat with a grain of salt, he is a thread creeper. He needs to stick to tennis forums.
    1 point
  33. What place was Lumberton last year in district? 2nd behind undefeated Huffman. So if only 2 were able to go to the playoffs, Lumberton would still have gone. Nobody said he’s the greatest coach ever. He’s a good coach though and a good person who cares about the kids. Just like Jeff over in Vidor. I’ll pick someone like that to look after my kid any day of the week. Lumberton’s success/failure is based on lots of things - Not just the coach, not just the kids, not just the community. All you have done is griped and complained. Do you have any constructive criticism? What should the coaches be doing differently based on the number of starting athletes that are sidelined with injuries? Your son is an awesome kid and a good athlete. I’ve known him since he was in elementary school. Quit embarrassing him and yourself. You’re an embarrassment. You always have been, and it’s not good for your son.
    1 point
  34. Not even close to being the same.
    1 point
  35. Basketball and baseball coaches use that same recipe every season without issue. If they can make it work without being the AD, why can’t the football coach?
    1 point
  36. Stattrax

    PAM vs PNG

    I haven't been on here in so long, they let you back on!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  37. His one hand catch was the KFDM play of the week.
    1 point
  38. Right on MBG. Mathews has had 20 years at Vidor and Lumberton might need to realize that’s what it will take for a coach to build a program from nothing. Seems like they have a good start with Babin, just make sure he gets involved with the boys early on. If you can’t win over the parents you won’t have much success at the HS level. Get the parents to buy in early and their kid will want to play for you. Use the WOS model, them boys want to play for the Varsity team so bad nothing will stop them from achieving their goal.
    1 point
  39. DuBois doesn't have trouble with the parents at HJ, he might be right at home there seeing as it's his 2nd stint there. 😁
    1 point
  40. Realville

    Vidor at Jasper

    I think the D line and linebackers has the ability to give Jasper fits. They are a handful!
    1 point
  41. Sometimes you just don’t have the talent or athletes. Maybe it’s hard to admit that in some cases but it’s the truth.
    1 point
  42. I hate the eagles too, that’s pretty bad when you get booed off the field with no fans in the stands!😂
    1 point
  43. Oh I know, im thinking it might be a parents problem, not coach. 😉
    1 point
  44. Dear Democrats: This is an open letter to you on the loss of SCOTUS Justice Ginsburg. I’ve heard your typical shrill screams, the demands to postpone a replacement nominee, and even the threats you’ve made if you don’t get your way. Let me give you a reality check. You don’t get to call the shots or make demands. Here’s why. 1. The Constitution gives the President the authority to nominate and the Senate the power to confirm Justices. Since Trump is a Republican and the Senate is controlled by the GOP, they can and will exercise their responsibilities with or without you. There’s nothing in the Constitution that compels them to wait for any reason, least of which is a cabal of whiny, angry, leftist buttwipes like you. Don’t like the balance of power the PEOPLE elected? Go out and win some seats (without the usual fraud, thank you). 2. While certainly sentimental and touching, Ginsburg’s reported ‘Dying Wish’ that the next president fill ‘her seat’ is irrelevant. Again, there’s no Dying Wish Clause in the Constitution. 3. It’s NOT HER SEAT! Get over it. She was a temporary occupant in the SCOTUS like every Justice who ever took the oath to serve on the bench. The seat belongs to WE the People, and WE elect the President and the Senate and demand they exercise the Constitutional responsibilities outlined in #1 above. 4. Stop with the threats to kill, burn, and destroy everything every time you don’t get your way. Seriously, you’re not winning the hearts and minds of America with that nonsense. You are most certainly NOT getting the desired effect. If anything, you will make President Trump and Leader McConnell more determined to rush a nominee through. You numbskulls are like broken records. Yeah, we get the fact that you likely will double down on your destruction, but you improve Trump’s chances of reelection with each city you burn and that will also bolster the odds for down ballot candidates in the GOP (hint: more GOP Senators and House members). 5. Yes, we have our @$$hole& too: Murkowski, Collins, and Romney (we'll take out our own trash, don't worry). We know they’re really Democrats who happen to have an R by their name. We know they will all likely vote ‘no’ on any new nominee, regardless of merit just to spite Trump. It’s cool. Even if the vote is 50-50, the tiebreaker is Vice President Pence, so we’ll prevail. 6. Do your best to muster some dignity and decorum this time. Your playbook is old, worn, and tired, and we know your next three moves before you play them. The disgraceful way you crap weasels treated Justice Kavanaugh was beyond the pale. You did nothing but make yourselves look smaller than you already are and in the end you lost anyway. I hate to give you election advice but consider this. Your Senators, many of whom are up for reelection (and one hopes to be the next Vice President), will be the ones the American people see lower themselves into the contemptible gutter on live TV while the hearings are broadcast. Voters will be watching your clown show right before they cast their votes this November. If you again attempt to discredit a good person with false allegations of racism, sexism, sexual assault or other ridiculous assertions, you will have to answer to your voters. 7. After 4 years of constant attacks, endless investigations into nothing, impeachment, and a failed coup attempt by the former Muslim-in-Chief and his treasonous minions, do you really think Donald Trump owes you anything? Man, that's downright laughable. Finally, get over yourselves, your bruised egos, your anger, vitriol, and your violence. I realize your party is gasping its last dying breaths and you have nothing left but your broken record playbook but understand that WE the People are done. We’re numb. You can’t shock us anymore. We’re moving on with our lives, our freedoms, and our Constitution and Republic. President Trump will give us a new Justice before his term ends, hopefully before the election itself. Deal with it.
    1 point
  45. Boykin is doing pretty good actually.. since I’m assuming that’s who you’re referring to 😉
    1 point
  46. baddog

    Riot Control

    Here is some better control....my preferred method! [Hidden Content]
    1 point

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