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how deep will OF-HJ-WO-S go in the playoffs


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??? nonsense post my $$$, HJ has not flight outside the coop, nobody knows who you guys are. THOSE ARE THE FACTS! Get to a state championship, or even make it to state finals in this decade then I'll give you credit. Just wishing to beat one team the whole year, is a lack luster goal. What will be your objective after the Mustangs pluck your wings. Ya'll building up a lot of mouth exercise, with no history outside of CHINA, TEXAS... turn  it down and wish that Liberty does not pull an upset!  

Oh, where to begin......I guess I'll start with an undefeated record. Yes, a lot of us have been talking up the WO-S game because (and correct me if I'm wrong) both team's fans, save a few radicals, think this will be one of the closer games this year and the first time it will be an actual contest between the two. I can tell you right now that HJ's "lackluster goal" (lackluster is one word, not two, by the way) is not just to beat West Orange. If it happens, woo-hoo! Remember, though, HJ hasn't lost yet this year. You have to give HJ credit this time. They have played some quality opponents and still come out on top. I don't know that their goal was to go undefeated, but if it was, that seems anything but lackluster to me, and they're sure doing one heck of a job. If that wasn't their goal, they're certainly on their way to doing something better. I can guarantee you that HJ will be moving on to the playoffs, regardless, and I know that they will be taking that one game at a time, with no chance to see the Mustangs again until the Regional Final. And, I'm not sure I really understand what you're trying to say with "Ya'll building up a lot of mouth exercise." I don't think that makes a whole lot of sense, but I'm going to assume that you meant talking smack. As mentioned multiple times before, no one, again, save a few radicals, is talking smack. HJ has a good team this year and there are some who absolutely refuse to admit it to themselves. Now as far as your China, Texas remark, you have to remember, HJ has those who come from Sour Lake (sometimes referenced as Hooterville), Nome, China, and then some. Our football history may not be as rich as the mighty mustangs, but we have produced a few good teams. But by all means, you go right on ahead spouting off all of these "facts." It really improves your credibility.

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I have mucho respect for WO-S football program. I mean, they do still have the all time highest winning percentage of any team in the state of Texas, any classification. I personally consider them a powerhouse. But, I will say, and I think I speak for many, I am surprised that those guys have not made it to the state title game since dropping down to 3A 10 years ago. I really thought the Mustangs would have fared better.


For how they would stack up against those teams you listed? Well the fact is they lost to 4 of those teams recently in the playoffs so the question was answered on the field. But I also do not think it's fair to just hand pick 7 teams across the state to draw any conclusions on the state of the WO-S football program. It's all about match ups. WO-S would match up well in some cases and not so well in others.


As for this season, WO-S would beat Carthage, Wimberly and Kilgore. Not sure how they would do against those other teams.

I really think we all were very surprised that they didn't get there. Especially the way they just destroyed everyone up until a few weeks into the playoffs. And, yeah, I was just trying to throw in off of the top of my head. With the speed and size that West Orange has had, it seems like their match ups would have been favored every time. I absolutely agree that they have a great program, but with them struggling to getting out of the Region, I just have a hard time putting them in the BIG powerhouse category alongside the guys who do it fairly consistently.

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Lack Luster sooooooooooo that's all you got. You are making the playoff because of the new alignments. Your summary of my post makes me know that you have good comprehension skills. Great, Super, what ever. You got my meaning, all the other statements are a waste of my time. Not concerned, someone on this site told me who you guys are. I have lived in Houston now, for a long time, before then Nome, China, Hooterville, Sour Lake, awh nobdy cares. Sorry  :wub:

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Lack Luster sooooooooooo that's all you got. You are making the playoff because of the new alignments. Your summary of my post makes me know that you have good comprehension skills. Great, Super, what ever. You got my meaning, all the other statements are a waste of my time. Not concerned, someone on this site told me who you guys are. I have lived in Houston now, for a long time, before then Nome, China, Hooterville, Sour Lake, awh nobdy cares. Sorry  :wub:

No, the lackluster bit was just thrown in for good measure. Before the alignments last year we made it, with an extra team added in (Buna). I guarantee if you bring that district back again this year, we still make the playoffs. Have you seen Bridge City and Silsbee this year? They're a joke (sorry AAW). Buna is really good this year, but that means HJ, Buna, and WO-S are the top three. I like to think I have great comprehension skills, but that doesn't mean I just summarized your post. You obviously have nothing to say to "all of my statements" because they are all true. You can call it a waste of your time, but to everyone else here, it is blatantly obvious you don't have anything to come back with because you resort to talking smack. I have taken nothing away from the West Orange program, and I don't "talk smack" like you do. I'm not sure who you talked to, nor who the "you guys" is referring to, but it's obvious by your posts that you have zero clue as to who I am nor what I do.


." I don't think that makes a whole lot of sense, but I'm going to assume that you meant talking smack. As mentioned multiple times before, no one, again, save a few radicals, is talking smack."  Well if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen! Is that enough smack for you! I got more!

This is so sad it's almost comical. If you want to form well thought out responses to what I have to say, then fine, I'll be more than happy to go back and forth with you. But this nonsense is a waste of time. I can stand the heat alright, I just choose not to stoop to such an elementary level. I can feel my IQ start to lower every time I read a post like this.

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@ SFA This is so sad it's almost comical. If you want to form well thought out responses to what I have to say, then fine, I'll be more than happy to go back and forth with you. But this nonsense is a waste of time. I can stand the heat alright, I just choose not to stoop to such an elementary level. I can feel my IQ start to lower every time I read a post like this

To you sir you have made it elementary, and frankly sir......"I don't give a %^&. I don't usually talk to socially deprived people, such as Eric Erikson's Trust vs Mistrust, your level. I am done dealing with you. I did not attack anyone's personal character, however if you come at me  expect to get a respond back. 

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That's what would make an upset pretty sweet. Either way, I don't think OF gets the 4th spot anyways, I think they'll be 3 and H-F will be 4. I'm sure no one gave OF a chance last season against Coldspring and hey, they didn't win but 28-14 w/o your best offensive weapon isn't too bad.


I don't think La Marque and their juggernaut district is that great this year, but they do have a good record. We shall see once the playoffs start. Since, you know, everyone from that district makes it in anyways.


OF's offense gives them a chance. If a team is undisciplined defensively and can't make adjustments they could have a hard time. Not sure LaMarky Mark has played against that type of offense this year. If they haven't with a few breaks OF could pull an upset, but to be honest it would be a longshot. OF should get the 3 spot over HF, but that should be a great game.

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@ SFA This is so sad it's almost comical. If you want to form well thought out responses to what I have to say, then fine, I'll be more than happy to go back and forth with you. But this nonsense is a waste of time. I can stand the heat alright, I just choose not to stoop to such an elementary level. I can feel my IQ start to lower every time I read a post like this

To you sir you have made it elementary, and frankly sir......"I don't give a %^&. I don't usually talk to socially deprived people, such as Eric Erikson's Trust vs Mistrust, your level. I am done dealing with you. I did not attack anyone's personal character, however if you come at me  expect to get a respond back. 

I'm not taking anything personally. As I mentioned before, I have no interest in talking smack. I attacked no one's personal character, and if you think that's the case, then you are the one who got, as BEDELMON likes to call it, butt hurt. You called me socially deprived. How does that even make sense in this case, and how would you even know that? All I ask is for a rebuttal that's not just a reference to where HJ is located and how terrible they are this year. If you do think that's the case, then by all means, please form a well thought out argument supporting your belief. I have no desire to "talk smack," as I've stated many times before. Again, if you would like to go back and forth, give me some good reasons as to why HJ is going to lose. Don't talk about HJ's feathers being plucked or how we only got in because of realignment, because those are just things that we know aren't true. I won't attack a person's character based on what I've gathered from this sight, because I don't know you enough to know your true character. I'm not judgmental. From your screen name, I can gather that you seem like a pretty nice person. I wouldn't think a person with a cold heart would go by Ladybug. You post during the games, so I know you're either watching it or listening to it, so I know you have seen WO-S. All I want to know is what you see. How's the defense? Why is Jack Dallas good or not good for the team? Don't stoop to smack talk.

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I'm not sure who you talked to, nor who the "you guys" is referring to, but it's obvious by your posts that you have zero clue as to who I am nor what I do.


You have no idea who I am and what I do. Let me explain, smack talking is what this site is all about, opinions,and sometimes people will write the facts to back up their claims. If you are referring to yourself as a professional, i.e. educational wise, GUESS WHAT..  I have many accomplishments, this sites allows me to let my hair down and, soot the bull, sir.Some of my family members have played and are playing on the WOS football team, whom I do support. The balance to having fun back and forth, talking smack;  without diluting the culture of this site is a thin line. 

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OF's offense gives them a chance. If a team is undisciplined defensively and can't make adjustments they could have a hard time. Not sure LaMarky Mark has played against that type of offense this year. If they haven't with a few breaks OF could pull an upset, but to be honest it would be a longshot. OF should get the 3 spot over HF, but that should be a great game.

If OF can limit the number of times that La Marque has the ball, I think that they can keep it close. As long as they don't collapse on special teams, can get a few stops, and can capitalize on most of their opportunities with the ball, I think OF can pull it out. Like you said though, a lot has to happen in order to see this.

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I'm not sure who you talked to, nor who the "you guys" is referring to, but it's obvious by your posts that you have zero clue as to who I am nor what I do.


You have no idea who I am and what I do. Let me explain, smack talking is what this site is all about, opinions,and sometimes people will write the facts to back up their claims. If you are referring to yourself as a professional, i.e. educational wise, GUESS WHAT..  I have many accomplishments, this sites allows me to let my hair down and, soot the bull, sir.Some of my family members have played and are playing on the WOS football team, whom I do support. The balance to having fun back and forth, talking smack;  without diluting the culture of this site is a thin line. 


You referenced in an earlier post that you knew who I was, and that was the context of that statement. And as I said in my last post, I don't know who you are. I have no doubt that you have many accomplishments, probably more than myself. If you have family members in the WO-S program, you ought to be very proud. The thing with the smack talk is, is that if you throw some stuff around that has no merit to back it, you have to expect that someone is going to challenge you on it, and you can't take it personally when they do.

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Okay I didn't not answer your question, about WOS defense, it's suffering this year, a bit. I have noticed the the other teams are running more to the right side of the defense more often. Thanks' for reading my post, I did make those statements early this season. Dallas is a young kid who is learning, he has the support of his team mates, and is getting better each game. What ever my opinion is about position assignments, is not my job it is coach T's leadership to make placements. I hope I have answered your question to a level of effectiveness.

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Okay I didn't not answer your question, about WOS defense, it's suffering this year, a bit. I have noticed the the other teams are running more to the right side of the defense more often. Thanks' for reading my post, I did make those statements early this season. Dallas is a young kid who is learning, he has the support of his team mates, and is getting better each game. What ever my opinion is about position assignments, is not my job it is coach T's leadership to make placements. I hope I have answered your question to a level of effectiveness.

I gotta say, that made me chuckle. But, why are teams running to the right? Is it weaker on that side? I always thought that the chain gang mentality was to prevent any kind of weaknesses like that. Usually there's one guy that can slow the ball carrier down and allow the other guys to get to him.

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True that, I am sure that I have made statements that are wayyyyyyy off base, I like it when people call me out on it. I will be the first one to say, Oh yeah I remember now. Talking smack, and eating crow, is hard but you know what I'm good at both. :)

I'll be the first person to say I was wrong (although it doesn't happen very often  :D ), but I usually steer away from bold statements because I absolutely HATE the taste of crow.

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