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  1. 21 years of existence and ppl are STILL saying it's coaching. Coaches coach throughout the week but they STILL get the blame. How about we talk about what's really going on. Parents condoning foolishness, so called fans bashing kids and coaching staffs. I'll say this it starts at HOME! KEEP on telling little Timmy that his Coaches are wrong and little Timmy won't ever realize his faults. Just finished watching film with my little Timmy and pointed out his faults. Did he like it? HECK NO, but he heard what was said. Not once will I blame coaching, PUBLICLY or BEHIND my keyboard because the COACHES AREN'T BLOCKING AND TACKLING!
  2. Well idk about pulling of the strings stuff, but the juniors are a close knit group so I think they'll all come back. Hubert Thomas is the only one that I think could possibly leave because of the weak O-line. Was talk of him leaving last year, by the way this season is going to end I wonder if Barrow will keep his job or be forced to resign!? Because by the way things are looking this playoff game is going to be rough!! Goodluck to em though
  3. Dang talk about fair weather fans lol. PAM side looking a HISD game… I’m stuck in this toxic relationship with this football team lol
  4. I don’t know much about Kennedy - other than seeing him on Rogan’s podcast. As far as Cruz and Desantis - I still think they are decent, principled people. I would vote for either of them over Biden or Harris. I don’t have much love for any politician on either side. They talk (TALK) a great game, get you divided and thinking the “other” side is bad and just keep cashing checks from insider trading and special interest groups. They go all Oprah at Christmas-time, “Orangutan studies in Indonesia gets a billion, Ukraine gets a trillion, mosquito-wing gender studies in Columbia gets a million.” Geesh, on and on it goes. Keep ‘em separated….. black vs white, conservative vs progressive, electric vs oil, north vs south, urban vs rural, society vs cops, straight vs non, abortion vs pro-life, free-speech vs govt control, 2A vs govt control and most importantly keep diminishing the family and “attempting” to discredit and wedge Christian beliefs. Slowly but surely bring socialism and communism into play without firing a shot.
  5. We don’t talk anymore. I honestly don’t even know if he gets on here anymore.
  6. The RANGERS are getting no hit in game 5. I know you aren’t supposed to talk about a no hitter so let’s all talk about it.😁
  7. What a combo Tiger Williams #12 and Randy Spikes #5 were!!. Talk about out of position til his Senior season Randy Spikes only played RB that one year. I don't care who we played if he got one step on someone he wasn't going to be caught. Wr were literally the smallest enrollment in 4ADI that year and lost to one of the largest schools in DI Henderson in the 3rd round because of so well executed 2 onside kicks we recovered the Lions coach cried that they we had to be offsides. 60-43 was the final. I have often wondered how amazing it would have the two previous season had they put Randy in backfield with #36 Tiki Cuney. Talk about Thunder & Lighting!
  8. It’s meaningless week 1-11. As all polls are based on opinion👍 Still fun to look at and talk about though.
  9. I don’t know that it’s been reported he’s explicitly flipped, but why would he need immunity if he wasn’t going to talk about things done with the defendant’s knowledge or consent if it was all legal? That’s a pretty strong indicator that he’s cooperating with the prosecution. I have no idea what evidence Meadows has, but a couple of other witnesses have said he was closely involved in the activities described in the indictments filed in both investigations.
  10. I don't necessarily keep up with the records to the point I can spit out records over the years like from the back of my hand lol. But yeah I keep up with the coaches because I know and talk to a lot of them.... and this is all their words. Everything I'm saying is things I've heard from the mouths of coaches at BMT schools AND the mouths of coaches who have played against BMT schools...... even the competition knows what the real deal is. Why can't BMT people accept the truth?
  11. I've heard that talk the last couple realignments, I'll believe it when I see it.
  12. Dude shut up! All you do is talk down on Beaumont. Your screen name should be BMT Hater. Your ass probably lives in Lumberton or Mid-County. And the BISD's pay is on par with the rest of the state when you don't have the AD attached to the Head coach job. As far as the state championships in 3 years, that can be attributed to a group of generational players coming together at the same time. Having two future NBA players and three additional players that will more than likely play professional over seas on one team will lead to state championships. If no one wants to move to Beaumont, who is all the new housing and apartments being built for?
  13. Incidentally, I must admit even I am a little surprised at LP this year. Remember, they haven’t played a single true home game all year, and only the 2nd year of the new staff. (Even though Berneathy was here previous, and familiar with LP & culture.) Talk about powering through adversity.
  14. Would you like to talk about the strength of east chambers( assuming by your name) district? That's a real " powerhouse" district if you want to compare 🤣🤣🤣
  15. Trust me the Tigers have dealt with Tragedy the last thing they want to do is hurt anyone things can get easily escalated and sometimes people will always speculate when they don’t know their is always trash talk players kicking and hitting each other during pileups but no young man is out there trying to put anyone in the Hospital or seriously hurt anybody they didn’t realize what happened and when they did they began to pray and we are praying for that young man and his family no one wants to see this not even the players.
  16. Coach Izzy you seem to love to disparage certain kids according to where they live. The young men that play on the field read this forum. The admins allow you to be slick with your comments. I have lived in Texas 41 years. I haven't attended any of these schools. I don't judge anyone. You love to talk bad about BISD. I applaud every young man that choose to stay and play whatever sport in that district. It is easy to critique. Why dont you go to Beaumont and offer some suggestions to help the district out.
  17. People sleep on memorials QB . He's second in everything behind fuentes. Way better thrower than Lee QB. He proved that last week. Some people really don't know football they just talk.
  18. My (unsolicited and unnecessary) advice is don’t try to understand Gen Z humor. It’s a different language. I’m a millenial and I feel like a Baby Boomer when I talk to Gen Z.
  19. It WOULD be a "simple statement" if you had just made it a "simple statement" but you have been a total crybaby about the refs and "last second TD's" since September. In fact a friend just texted me a screenshot of something he just saw you post on the Friday Football app. "Especially with the gimme TD refs gave BH late in the LP game". Talking about tiebreakers and seeding and playoff scenarios is great football talk that everyone enjoys, its part of the game and part of the fun. Whining and crying over and over about refs for weeks on end is not! You need to get over your obsession with BH and last second TD's and "The Refs" and try to move on with your life! Lastly I never said or predicted anything about BH beating LP or BH beating PAM. I have made it abundantly clear PAM is heavily favored and State ranked #4, and BH clearly lost to LP. Talk about comprehension, WTH more do you want?
  20. With recent talk about some teams struggling to kick extra points, I’m surprised there hasn’t been teams that do nothing but go for 2 points after a touchdown. You practice it and then execute it during the game. Thoughts?!
  21. My opinion on that is they need the athletes and community support required. They would have no problem winning here. Maybe not breaking records but much better odds than coming in and changing everything that had worked. Super can stay in his office and off the sideline. The coach can resign. There are other rumors as well. He did wall over to talk to Jasper staff again after the post game interview. One can only hope... do they need a line coach?
  22. I know this is just trash talk, but come on man! Trying to play this series like you don’t care is hilarious. Some of us do go on the PNG site and see what you guys say amongst yourselves. And seems like I remember for sale signs in a PNG HC’s yard after one of those losses. 🙄
  23. The damning thing about that is that team was no different from other past teams to come through BISD. I would dare to even say that team wasn't even the most talented to come though WB in team in the last 10 years ( Im no even mentioning the Early/Mid 2000 teams). What I will say though is that team had came up through the pop-warner ranks together (Which most teams from past BISD schools didn't have the luxury of) and peaked at the right time and caught some lucky breaks, I won't take anything from them though, that offense was dynamic, but I'd be lying If I said I had never seen anything like that before in Beaumont history. I think that's why a lot of ppl are hot, talent has never been an issue in Beaumont, I don't care what ppl say, and the writing has been on the wall for as long as I can remember, invest more in athletics like other communities, hire the right coaches for the job. Now I don't know Langston personally, but I have heard nothing but great things about him, plus I know a few coaches on the staff, and I know they care for those kids and vice/versa, but I know a lot of good man, that I wouldn't want coaching football. Being a good guy doesn't make you a good football coach. At the end of the day, it's a business just like your job, and if you're not performing, I'm sure you'll be feeling the heat to and possibly receive your walking papers if things continued on the downward spiral. Its a shame when Beaumont really has some good middle school teams coming up, and you see the future there, but like someone earlier said you talk to the parents and the first thing they say "Yeah we're looking at schools outside of BISD. Thats a problem and needs to be addressed.
  24. Just run with it. Accidental trash talk still counts.
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