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  1. Talk about a one-sided confrontation. Be like a one armed man going up against Ali during his prime. Expect Biden to come out of this like a whipped puppy. [Hidden Content]
  2. Agreed. I’ve seen some talk about ethics and rights, but I don’t care how they get rapists and murderers off the streets.
  3. Some of the power plants in Texas are offline. Talk about bad timing. Entergy, our local monopoly here in the triangle, is not part of ERCOT. [Hidden Content]
  4. I came up with the idea for this forum several days ago when there were a bunch of interesting local stories, and there wasn’t really anywhere to talk about them. This is a place for local news discussion. I think we’ll have some really interesting conversations in here.
  5. When we hear about parents having "The Talk" with their children, it usually refers to the "birds and the bees" conversation. Not so in the African-American community, where "The Talk" is instructions on what to do if an African-American teenaged boy is stopped by police officers. Grimes told us about her talk with her sons, "I said if you're even stopped by the police, you just roll down your window, ask what is it that you need to do, don't try to get out of the car, don't try to have the last word."     That is the SAME thing my parents taught me........and I'm white.   [Hidden Content]  
  6. It appears London was taking a mound visit to talk, not realizing how many trips he had taken and was forced to pull their pitcher. Next batter, E5 Bases loaded 1 out
  7. See you couldn't just scroll on by you had to add the word ALL, to get a rise out of me when that was never said, "so called christian hypocrites". So nice try but fail... "doesn't approve of judging" Who did I judge? I just shared quotes from the Bible that talk about judging Also a fail.
  8. I apologize if I've mischaracterized you... I talk with a lot different posters here and sometimes I can't keep straight who all says whatever. There are multiple posters here who are incapable of thinking outside their own "box." I have looked into critical race theory a little and am totally opposed to it as well.
  9. Had a meme for a while. Has an US Flag on top & a Texas Flag underneath. And in the middle a black square with the words: I WISH AMERICANS LOVED AMERICA LIKE TEXANS LOVE TEXAS There’s more than humor there. I wish it was true. Listening to a radio talk show & they had an owner of a Flag store on. She said there were more Texas Flags sold than the other 49 States combined. Think about that. Yes, I wish Americans loved America as much as Texans love Texas.
  10. Check out who some of the protesters are.  Talk about cutting one's own throat.  Some people do not have a clue!!  Sad!   [Hidden Content]
  11. it probably should be June 13, not the 15th. That’s when the actual battle started with the shelling. Just as important is debatable as it was a continued steppingstone. This was unlike the invasion of Normandy where it was the beginning but certainly it was very important. I think the biggest by far accomplishment of the turkey shoot was the forward air bases and allowing to B29’s to basically level Japan. I read a book many years ago (before the Internet) I believe called, A Torch To The Enemy by Martin Caidin. It was about the B 29 bombing campaign over Japan. I cannot remember the exact statistics but basically any city that has at least a 20,000 population in the entire country, was at least 50% destroyed. Many cities were virtually leveled. While people talk about the atomic bomb and destruction, the fire bombing of Tokyo in March 1945 what is the most destructive rate in history. I am going off of memory but I think something like 140,000 people were killed in one night in about 20 square miles of the city was completely destroyed. Well over 1 million people were left homeless. Because the destruction of Japan by air before their surrender was so devastating, the Americans chose a couple of cities to be completely spared. This was for the upcoming atomic bomb raids. They wanted to see the effectiveness of the weapon but could not in most cities because they had already been leveled. That is why Hiroshima and Nagasaki were basically untouched before the atomic bombs. They were preserved as a test case because the rest of my Japan had already been leveled.
  12. Talk about a Conspiracy Theory. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  13. Thanks. We return all but 2 of the girls. Hopefully we will be back next season. I know thats all they will talk about during the offseason. Yalls pitcher was very impressive! She threw smoke all game and we couldnt stack hits.
  14. Libs don’t want to talk about the dirty side of green energy.
  15. Florida is losing again. O’Sullivan may be getting an early start at LSU. Some crazy/sad stuff happened at Florida in the last month. Lots of talk he’s gone to LSU
  16. Iraq War Vet: 'I Don't Want Men And Women Dying For Dumb Causes Or Pride' Chris Branch HuffPost Live  Www.huffingtonpost.com
  17. Like someone said earlier there are always two sides of the story and a lot of times the only side you’ll usually get is the one from the disgruntled side...Like someone else said it’s tough to be held accountable..especially when 6 years in you’ve won 9 of approximately 60 games that were scheduled in those seasons... He chose to resign... Coach B is a great man and I wish nothing but the best for him...And just so you know the only hire and fire the school board makes is the Superintendent...that’s it..no other position...So my question is have you talked to the Superintendent directly about your concerns? Have you talked to any of board members? I guarantee you they will listen to what you have to say...Better yet get on the agenda at the next board meeting and talk to both....You’ll get more information that way than on a message board...
  18. Talk to your coaches. small town politics do exist.....some towns more than others.....and with Warren it’s not as much which is a good thing., but it still exist.
  19. I have no horn to toot I don’t work at Warren Isd. And yes there are two sides to every story. just know coaches talk to other coaches from 6A to 6man.....and the way she s handled coaches in her 1st year.....well she along with school board have just set Warren back.
  20. We’re building a new two story intermediate school behind HS baseball field, a new intermediate school off of 565, and a new admin building that is the replica of the original high school on Eagle drive. No talk of a second high school.
  21. I’m laughing because Manvel beat us twice, Huntsville once, and the year PNG beat us, they beat y’all. I looked back and your “quality” win was like 10 years ago against North Shore 14-7. Most years y’all are average and get beat first round. Even if you go a couple rounds is a joke. You just said y’all have all of that PA talent. You trying to talk trash on BH when in reality with very little talent we’re neck and neck with what PAM has done. Like I said football is close to equal, boys basketball most years PAM, track PAM, every other sport BH. Simmer down with the non sense talk.😂
  22. I'm not sure what their community expectations are when it comes to their football program, but I've never seen a BH person that's somewhat in the know talk about potentially having a very long playoff run other than Smoking Baby on here.
  23. What is hilarious is that you talk about childish banter but continue to make posts replete with it. You talked about my logical skills (not analytical) and I offered to post (if you likewise would) a five figure sum with a mod on this site and we could take the ultimate test in logic (the LSAT). Unsurprisingly, you weren’t interested in backing up your bloviating. It’s all quite dumb - you vs the frequently banned poster on this site is a more fair (and equally juvenile). Maybe he will come back in another version to play with you. In the meantime, many of us will continue to chuckle at your self-aggrandizing posts. And I hope you continue to impress yourself as you beg for attention. Much like my children did. As stated, some people play parts on the internet. Others get paid large sums of money to do it in real life. So you do you. You are at least the greatest in one person’s mind on this board. Edit: For those of you joining in this amusement (as we have discussed in the past), compare the quoted post herein (the original), with the current. He actually edited to add MORE bathroom humor insults (literally). It is becoming more sad than funny. As for your allegations of backtracking, we have had this discussion before. Man made global warming as opposed to CLIMATE CHANGE (as I have stated previously) is absolutely debatable. To put it in my vocational terms, in my opinion, it has not and cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. But I certainly could make a preponderance argument. Now resume your insults while calling others juvenile. You really can’t make this up.
  24. I know it may seem like I'm some big proponent of abortion. It's not something that I like, but it's legal, and making it illegal would cause tremendous problems that most conservatives want to gloss over or ignore. It's very easy for a bunch of men to sit around and talk about what a woman should have to do with her own body and what's in it. It's also easy when we don't ever have to worry about accidently getting pregnant, or getting raped and getting pregnant, or having birth control fail and getting pregnant, or getting pregnant and having it cause life-threatening medical issues. My wife has a friend who had a bunch of abortions. She'd just get knocked up every year or two and then go terminate it. I lost all respect for her because of it. That said, I have a friend who's 15-year-old got pregnant, and they chose to terminate it. I looked at it differently.
  25. I could go into a lot more detail but why potentially ruin a kid's eligibility to prove something insignificant on a message board? It's speculative talk on a message board just like any other you visit. You have three options; believe it, don't believe or don't read it. Choice is yours.
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