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  1. ….and you talk about other people’s mindset. This has got to be the biggest load of poo poo I have ever heard. Notice the victim mentality? Everything he does is someone else’s fault……bravo.
  2. He’s also had to coach in the era where 4A has become a big city classification, with all of these houston and Dallas schools somehow fielding 4A squads. Not to mention the insane talent silsbee has put out. It’s kind of funny that you talk about the talent he inherited, but want to give Mitchell full credit for making the playoffs 3 years in a row with a D1 player (something I’m not positive Davis has ever had, except for a couple of seasons with Parquet).
  3. Nobody brought that up in 2019 after that start yall had, funny it came to be talk again after the WB loss, plus there was friction within that staff, oh wait a minute: there was friction within the new staff last season too. So um: which version of United we gonna see this year, Central version or Ozen version? 🧐
  4. So, sorry it took so long to get back to this. This one is really multifaceted, but yes, sex sells. Most of these women, to quote @PAMFAM10are eye candy. They are not being hired because it’s the “right thing to do” (which I’m not sold that it is), they’re hired because the largest demographic is a group of testosterone filled, sexy women loving, American males (of all colors) who like to look at these women. They are virtually no different than the ring girls at a boxing match other than they get to talk and get to be fully clothed (form fitting and sexy please). There are a few exceptions (did someone say Michelle Tafoya), but she’s not in the majority. Honestly, I’d rather have a guy that played the game, that understands what it’s like to have your ribs broken as a TE when getting hung out to dry on a drag across the middle to pick up 4 yards for a 1st down. It’s not a gender thing. It’s not a racial thing. It’s “who is best qualified to convey that play” thing. Just like I wouldn’t want Troy and Joe calling a Women’s softball championship. So here we are in the world of commercial wokism. Coca Cola could give a rat’s arse about racial equality or equity. But right now that sells. ESPN decides to join in along with all the others and promote racial equality…only because they think it will help their brand and their bottom line. Where were these people even 10 years ago? Well, it wasn’t selling 10 years ago. And if it’s not selling 10 years from now, you won’t see it then either. Finally, by forcing this so-called “equality/equity”, these companies are turning blacks into a side show. It’s wrong and for the wrong reason. I love listening to players (like Charles Barkley), who played the game, commentating an NBA game. Not because they’re black or white or male, but because they’re the best ones to do it.
  5. Well all that talk may not matter. Haven't heard that Buckner was taking the job. As of today it's still open. Along with head baseball, Jh/elem principal, and HS principal. So they still only have 3 boys coaches on staff.
  6. The REAL definition is simply a female named Karen...it's the racist crowd that gave it new meaning. Oh look, she's mad about something, she must be a white privileged female. You got no room to talk about others being racist when you throw that crap out.
  7. I can make that assumption based off hundreds years of oppression. If the shoe fits cardinalbacker. All the talk about affirmative action it’s ashamed how we had to have things like this in place. Think about it we had to add the 13th 14th &15 . And that’s not a assumption. I thought you was one of the wiser ones
  8. it was a very good question. I think that is one of the misconceptions in the law. The feelings of the other person are basically irrelevant. It goes by the intent of the person committing the crime, not how it was received. Like if I walked up to you in a stern voice and say, “hey we need to talk” while pointing a finger at you. That is not a threat. A person might say it is threatening in their opinion but that is not a crime. If you walked up and said the same thing to me, should I be able to place you in jail and the answer is no. Well, “I felt threatened” does not make it a crime. Now swap the scenario to the opposite direction. Let’s say I try to scare you and call you on the phone and say I’m on the way over with my shotgun, I will be there in five minutes and I’m going to kill you. Would that be a crime? In my opinion, yes. It could be harassment (often called telephone harassment or making a threat on the phone) or terroristic threat. I made a threat to kill you in fairly short order with intent to scare you. That is a crime. But what if…. Let’s say you answer on the phone, good, I have my gun and if you come at me I am going kill you. I’m not afraid of you. Legally your feelings do not matter. Just because you are not afraid, did I still commit a crime and the answer is yes. The crime was my intent to make you scared. Whether you were or not is irrelevant. That’s why, the feeling of the victim does not really matter under the law. It is the type of a mental state of the person who commits the crime that matters. If you get in a legal discussion and really want to impress your friends, tell them that it is the “mens rea” or Latin for the “guilty mind”. Also… Some crimes do not specifically mention a culpable mental state. I think public intoxication is one of those crimes where it just says that you’re in public and you’re intoxicated and you’re a danger to someone, it is a crime. It does not specifically mention your mental state. One is still required however. The law in Texas says that if no mental state is specifically mentioned in the crime, then the prosecutor must prove that you were reckless. To put an easier, if not noted, the minimum of recklessness is a requirement to be proven. The only a mental state lower is criminal negligence. So if a crime does not mention what your mental state was , then the prosecutor has to at the very least prove you were reckless. The difference between recklessness and criminal negligence in itself is interesting. In both of them you did not intend for the consequences. What happened was really an accident. But what is the difference? Criminal negligence is a complete accident but you should have known better. Maybe you ran a four way stop sign and caused an injury. What if you never saw the stop sign because you’re not paying attention as it required by law? In my opinion that is criminal negligence. You had your head up your butt. Now let’s say you ran the same stop sign but you did so intentionally. You sure did not want to get in a wreck and damage your own car so it was an accident. The act of running the stop sign however, was intentional. In both situations running a stop sign was the initial act or crime and the result in both was an accident causing injury. With one you intended to run the stop sign and the other one you negligently ran a stop sign. I call recklessness as an intentional accident. The act was intentional but the results were an accident. Another example might be let’s say you were in the woods target practicing and shooting at a tin can on top of a hill. You did not check out the area and your bullet goes over the hill and hits somebody on the other side. There was certainly no intent to cause that injury but in my opinion you’re darn sure reckless. You were reckless because you intended to fire the shot but did not intend the results. It was an intentional accident. Now let’s say you were walking through the woods with your gun off safety and your finger on the trigger. You trip and fall and your gun goes off accidentally and you hit the same person on the other side of the hill. In my opinion that is criminal negligence because you should have known better than to have your gun off safety with your finger on the trigger walking through the woods. You sure did not intend to fire the shot however your head up your butt caused someone to get shot. In fact in Texas law the only difference between murder, manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide is a culpable mental state. Clear as mud? Again, great question.
  9. They have no clue how to handle it!! They want to talk gun control. Newsflash, this is the scum of the earth committing these crimes, they have no use for your gun laws. All this does is make it harder for honest people to own guns.
  10. I always talk about the what if scenarios but your comment made me think of another. What if… I have read so many comments about the guy had a knife or may have so it had to be self-defense and blah blah blah. but what if… Let’s say the guy did pull a knife, maybe in self-defense, maybe not. Let’s say the guy with a gun did not have it with him. He has the right to stand his ground (maybe) but what if he disengaged from the encounter, went to his car good distance away and then returned with a gun and shot the victim? Does self-defense or stand your ground mean you can go to another location and get a deadly weapon and return to kill a person when you were far enough away that you were no longer in danger? I can see a situation similar to that. What is the victim felt like he was about to be assaulted? What did he pulled out a knife as a threat just to keep the other guy away? The shooter left then he returned with a gun and shot the guy out of anger. I would call that murder. The Texas Penal Code actually addresses that issue. It says it is lawful to display a deadly weapon and not be considered aggravated assault (a threat while displaying a deadly weapon) if they displaying was in self-defense and the intent was to create the apprehension they deadly force would be used if needed. Basically the law says if you have to pull your weapon, it is lawful to do so if a reasonable person in your position would have done the same thing. Still without having any clue what happened, I can see cases where the guy that pulled a knife, even if he pulled it first, did so lawfully and the guy that got a gun and shot him committed a crime.
  11. If I were you I would let this go because if you want to talk about racism I can go all day with cold hard facts. Lol. And not things others told me. Straight facts about my dealings with current coaches and athletic directors in this area.
  12. Hmmm, so she can have her anti-white, anti-Hispanic, and anti-Chinese views - AND protest the flag but don’t dare talk bad about the poor lil’ misunderstood oppressed young lady.
  13. It is that way because it is hard in an appeals case to address every one of 100 different variables. The courts are reluctant to issue Bright-Line Rules although they do in some cases. In BLR they issue a, this is the rule and that’s that!! Typically cases are based at the local level (trial court) and depend on phrases such as totality of the circumstances, beyond a reasonable doubt, reasonable suspicion and objective reasonableness. Those are for a jury or a judge to determine. That is why we typically have 12 jurors on felony cases and they all have to agree on guilt. At some point humans have to make the determination and we generally err on the side of caution. In most cases that is the problem with BLR. There are simply too many variables to issue a hard and fast rules in most cases. Even three strike rules which might seem fair for some people, might be very unfair. In Texas for example, any three prior theft convictions can be tried as a felony. So a person at 17 years old might be caught stealing something for $2. Later that year he does the same thing. When he turns 18 he had again gets caught stealing something for a couple of dollars. Then for the next 40 years he realizes the stupidity of his teenage years and leads a productive life. He breaks no laws whatsoever. He does not even get a speeding ticket. Then in a moment of stupidity in his late 50s, he takes a pack of gum from the convenient store. Does this guy deserve 10 years in prison for that pack of gum? While some people might say, he should have known the law, does the punishment fit the crime? That is a problem with hard and fast rules. Even though the law allows Texas to file a felony case, would a DA do so in such a case and if so, would a jury sentence a person to the maximum for a pack of gum? Compare that to a 30 year old being convicted of 15 misdemeanor thefts but the DA has allowed a plea deal for the misdemeanor. Finally tired of these $1,500 thefts (less than $2,500 in TX is a misdemeanor), the DA uses that same three strike rule. This guy steals the same pack of gum but has stolen over $30,000 worth of property in the last few years but has never been caught taking something over that $2,500 threshold for a felony. Same punishment deserved? I will give an example of a BLR. If you invoke your right to remain silent or your right to an attorney after being arrested, the Supreme Court has stated, not so long ago, that the right does not remain forever. In other words if you get arrested and say you want an attorney, the Police cannot legally ask you questions and in fact cannot even ask you if you change your mind. If five years later the police ask you, do you want to talk about that crime from five years ago and you confess, is that legal? After all, you told them you wanted an attorney. The Supreme Court has issued a BLR that if you have been out of jail for 14 days, your invoking of your rights goes away. It is not like you can say I wish to speak with an attorney when you’re 18 years old and then when you are 50 the police still can’t talk to you. In that case the Supreme Court came up with a BLR of 14 days. Even in the discussion of the rule (if I remember correctly) The Supreme Court said we have to give the police something to work with. So they came up with the arbitrary rule of 14 days saying that after 14 days from being released, the personnel basically returned to normal life. The basic shock of the arrest is over. That is an ironclad rule or a BLR. Let’s say you go to jail and you invoke your right to remain silent and then get out seven days later. The day you get out the police come to talk to you and you sign a full confession. That will be thrown out unless your attorney was present and they got permission from him to ask (which will not happen). There is no debate on whether you were aware of what you were doing, etc. The Supreme Court set a rule that you have to wait 14 days before you can speak with a person again and that is that. So yes there are places for a hard and fast rules however much is left up to human discretion within certain parameters. The appeals court and ultimately the Supreme Court of the United States, sets those guidelines that we go by. in my opinion..
  14. I don’t think every white is racists. I’ll tell you this I live in a different world than most whites I have a different reality than most whites I have many white fiends that keep me even minded. But I have been called the n word with a strong r many times I have be mistreated by the police enough times I’ve had friends who have to give me the .. so my dad or grandpa is kinda racist talk before visits. Some milk it some don’t. I know my reality is truth. People love bringing up slavery was so long ago. But just recently in the 60s people was bombing churches hanging folks refusing to let blacks dine in restaurants. I say recently as the 60s because my mom was born in the 60s making it only one generation away from that. What do you think them folks taught there kids. And even then in the 60s it was blacks just complain to much.
  15. There was big talk about that haul to Hempstead.
  16. On the Evadale website they have the AD job in with a high school history job! Who in their right mind would go teach a full load and be AD?! They also have both principals listed and the super. Nowhere does it say baseball. Guess they don't want a new Baseball coach. Pretty sure there's only 3 boys coaches over there right now. They only have the AD/History listed. They had 7 last year. Guess the board thinks 4 is enough lol. Talk about politics.
  17. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to leave you hanging. I do have strong opinions on this, but I typically don’t frequent or post in the political forum. My strong opinion would do nothing but rub the MAGA folks the wrong way. Don’t want that to interfere with some good ol sports talk starting in the fall. 😁😁🤷🏾‍♂️
  18. Kapertwit is the true traitor. Anyone who would turn their back on the flag or kneel for the anthem….that is a traitorous action. Kap even said he wouldn’t kneel anymore if a NFL team picked him up. This makes him a traitor to his “cause”. Of course you will forgive them by saying they have rights guaranteed by the 1st amendment. I can see that to a point and agree they have the right to peaceful protests. But as tvc has pointed out, there are limitations to all of our rights. We don’t have the right “to do anything” and hide behind self expression or freedom of speech. Even you know that, and so does everyone else. You simply want to have your way, like the rioting, looting, and burning that was considered “peaceful protests”. Then you have your future whore of a VP bailing these traitorous felons out of jail. You really think that is right? Really??? Carry a sign, write your congressman, put an add in the paper. Express your concerns without spitting all over rest of us. I notice you make it a white/black thing. How foolish of you. My boss is black and so is the other man I work alongside. We talk about sensitive subjects such as this and neither of them agree with disgracing our flag or anthem. Of course this won’t sway your opinion in any way, shape, or form, but at least I gave an honest answer, which is way more than I have ever heard from you. Ok, you can get back to your pot stirring and choosing of sides……then complain about divisiveness. Such is a troll’s life. You don’t really want answers. You want chaos.
  19. When is everyone going to realize that racism talks just go round and round forever until someone just stops talking...... Racism seems to be worse on Social media than in real life. About 6 years ago I worked in Lumberton and of my 6 employee's, 2 where black females. They never complained of any racial issues while working there. I was asked to transfer to the Vidor location and help with improving their performance. I agreed and one of the black females asked if she could transfer to one of the open positions. I was her first boss and she wanted to stay with me. I was humbled but was like, you know about Vidor's reputation right? She did, but knew I would not let anything happen to her, but admitted her Mom would not come visit her in Vidor. About 2-3 months go by and she never said a word about how the customers treated her. So, I asked and she had this to say. She said that she was treated differently in Vidor than Lumberton. She said both places were nice to her, but they actually TALK to her in Vidor, treat her like a PERSON. I was more than shocked by that response, based on Vidor's reputation. I can only comment on my life experiences and those around me. In my eyes Vidor is not what its reputation had it, and in general, for the most part, people of all races are nice to each other......Social media gives everyone a platform to create an agenda.....
  20. I’m a critic of our country....but I will always stand and recognize the flag. Let me ask you what is she accomplish ing by doing that.....other than getting some attention. Pathetic and sad. it does NOTHING. If you want change get out in the community...talk with local and state officials so on and so forth. turning your back on the flag is divisive plain and simple.
  21. We had a great postman for a long time. He liked to stop and talk you're head off. When obviously you were waiting on something. But the new carrier, and I use that term loosely, is horrible. 5 times in the last six months, the USPS has allowed me to meet more of my neighbors. Either I get their mail, or they get mine. Wonder how many times they've just kept it. I switch to as much "paperless" as possible, but it still happens.
  22. Yes, we could what if all kinds of scenarios. What if he said, yes I have a bill of sale here for 50 cars and they’re going to be trucked back to South Carolina? Here is a number you can call to confirm. Having worked in that position I would suspect it did not quite go like that. Of course the guy can shut his mouth and not answer any questions whatsoever and he has that right. My guess is that he opened his mouth and they easily were able to prove or suspected that he was lying. I have made some of my best arrest by people who agree to talk and it is not usually hard to prove that someone is lying even the side of the street. If there are two people and they agree to talk it is so simple to discover a lie, it’s almost like cheating. I was riding with a couple of Beaumont PD officers one time and they made an interdiction stop. A white male with Georgia license plates was heading eastbound in a pick up. The pick up was registered in his name. He agreed to talk and he gave some story about he left a week ago to go visit a friend in Houston and he was on the way back home. Then they start asking what his friends name was and all of a sudden he did not remember. They asked him where the friend lived so they can send Houston PD by the check and he did not remember that either. The officers would take turns talking to him while he was outside of his truck. He would talk freely with a little nervousness but every time an officer got near the tailgate he would lock up stiff as a board and shut up. It was almost comical. Walk a few feet away and he would loosen up and start talking again. Then the big question, do you mind us looking around your truck? The answer was no, I don’t mind. One of the officers looked under the truck and saw that the spare tire was brand new. It had no mud on it whatsoever and looked like it had just been mounted the day before. So then the follow up question. How long have you had this truck? He might’ve said two or three years. Have you had any flats? No. Are all of your tires original including a spare? Yes. Hmmmm…… Well……. The officer took the spare out from under the truck and rolled it down the side of the shoulder. For some reason it rolled faster at some spots and slower at some spots like there was something heavy inside. Then the tire was bounced a few times and we noticed part of the tire was more stiff in the other parts. The pickup was take him to the city garage about 3 miles away. The spare tire was opened and 6 kilos of marijuana popped out. If a person opens his mouth he decides to lie, it is not usually very hard to figure it out. At the Police Academy I have a allowed two cadets to go outside and make up any story that they wished. The premise was that they had just robbed someplace but they had time to get their stories together. I would give them as much time as I needed to make up the story. They could even write it down on paper if they wanted to. I would then bring one back in the class and question him. I would then have him leave the class and bring the other person in and question him in front of the other cadets. It was almost comical how quickly it was discovered that they were lying. It is because you cannot anticipate all the questions that will be asked. A person has the right to remain silent. If he gives up that write anything he says can and will be used against him in a court of law. I suspect in this case and going by the article, the guy decided he would talk, probably believing he could give a reasonable explanation to whatever they ask.
  23. I know plenty of people who sold marijuana during my university years.. they never sold crack, starting pimping hoes, or did whatever crazy nonsense y’all talk about on here.. they’re all in relationships or married, have kids, work corporate jobs, etc etc.. a decade plus later Y’all need to go outside and stop believing everything the media tells you
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