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Everything posted by 1989NDN

  1. Hagar - that is the best news the Indians have heard tonight...not much good news coming from VHS tonight in the first half. Go Indians. Peace.
  2. PN-G out of sync. No groove for the Indians. The game has the tempo and feel that favors VHS. Go Indians. Peace.
  3. BH may do this to several teams in the district...including PN-G and VHS. The Hill may be the best team in district. NHS just keep playing. You never know when 'ol mo comes your way. Even if the game gets away, keep playing and use the reps to get better. Props to BH. Go Indians. Peace.
  4. @ VHS is a tough place to get a W. Matthews knows the tendencies of Faircloth and vice versa. This season, the Pirates can throw the football beyond the line of scrimmage and the Indians are playing better defense. I think it comes down to the team with the least amount of mistakes (TOs and penalties) and the last team with the football wins. PN-G 21 VHS 20 How is the WiFi reception at VHS? The Indians need reliable WiFi for the iPads. Thx. Go Indians. Peace.
  5. Hagar...VHS having flashbacks to the mid-seventies, 1974-1975, when Ronnie Thompson walked the sidelines and had the Pirates throwing the ball all over the field? Good for VHS. Jeff Matthews is a good coach, teacher, and leader of young men. I know that he is not in love with the forward pass and he wants his kids to line up and move the pile, but I'm glad the Pirates are having success with a little offensive diversity. Go Indians. Peace.
  6. It has been a rough week for the alumni and fans of Port Arthur Lincoln. First, the passing of an all-time great in tennis and service to PAISD, Mr. Levi Adams. Second, the passing of a great football player, teacher, coach, and mentor, Mr. Richard Dick Williams. Two excellent role models for success in sports and life. A tip of the cap! Jobs well done and lives well lived! Prayers for the families. Go Indians. Peace.
  7. PAM and BU fans give me the tale of the tape...who do you give the edge to in the following categories: Offense: Defense: Special Teams: Team Depth: Skill Position Players: Coaching (Morgan v. Louis): Off Topic: School Marching Band: PAM or BU? This should be the SETX game of the week/band of the week...football fans and college scouts must see game of the week. Go Indians. Peace.
  8. I did not attend the game. Listened to the PN-G radio broadcast, only. PN-G missed Garth. According to the PN-G radio team, he will not return this year. Texas will honor his verbal commitment. He will heal-up, rehab, graduate, and focus on playing football in Austin. PN-G will miss him. Good size and athleticism, 2-years of experience, and a great teammate and friend to kids on the team. Hard not to miss those great qualities. All of that said, the Indians have to find the next man up. In the 2nd half, the PN-G OL created some running lanes. I heard the radio team mention the names Sasser, Dickerson, Callier, Lusauckis, Burt, and I am probably missing one or two other names. Breaking News: PN-G will not go undefeated. The Indians will have some growing pains. They have several kids that are worth watching. If the Indians avoid injuries, they should be a tough out in district. Bost can throw the ball around the yard, there are a few good WRs, and a solid rotating group of RBs. Remember the name Vaughn. JR RB. North/south runner and he runs with some meanness. I like the Vaughn/Connor combo at RB. Nice change of style at the RB spot. Everyone likes to hammer the PN-G defense. Per the radio team, the Indians were in position to make some stops, but the Silsbee RBs and WRs made some plays. The Tigers wanted to win, too. Their kids did not just roll over and let PN-G stop them. You tip your cap to the other guys and recognize that they want to play well, too. PN-G won because of depth. The Indians wore down Silsbee in the second half. The Tigers got tired and then turned the ball over. For PN-G, @ Huntsville and home for Tomball may be some of the growing pains that I mentioned above. Keep getting better Indians...stay away from injuries. Bost and Vaughn are some nice pieces to the puzzle. Just need to tighten up the secondary and keep playing hard on defense. Go Indians. Peace.
  9. Who from VHS transferred to PN-G? Thanks. Go Indians. Peace.
  10. We only do that to Nederland fans. (joke) 🙂 Go Indians. Peace.
  11. It takes talent to win. PN-G had elite coaching and talented kids during the 1974-1977 run. Matt Burnett, Wilson Weber, Kyle Aguillard, Richy Ethridge, Ted Brack, Justin Eicher, and Robert DeRutte all played DI college football. The coaching staff during that four year run was outstanding: Doug Ethridge, Ken Clearman, Butch Troy, Greg Davis, Tim Nunez, Bruce Bush, Terry Cobb, Jerry Hooper, et al. The Indians had talented kids with some size. TE Kyle Aguillard was 6'6" 220 lbs, LB Ted Brack was 6' 2" and 215 lbs., RB Justin Eicher was 6' 2" and 200+ lbs., and FS Robert DeRutte was 6'6" and 200 lbs. It did not hurt having Richy Ethridge at QB. He was a coach on the field and he could play. He had size and skills. He earned his stripes to lead PN-G in 1975 and 1976. The coaching staff had great schemes, they motivated talented kids to play well, and the results were good times for PN-G. Post-1978, there was a drop in talent, school consolidation in other areas of SETX led to growth and good new teams, growth in Houston area suburbs, and good coaches left PN-G for new opportunities, e.g., Bruce Bush, Greg Davis, and Tim Nunez. PN-G is land locked. Not much room for growth. The work forces at local refineries have shrunk. All of that and the talent pool becomes cyclical. Some teams will have some talented kids, others will not. Coach Ethridge had a similar run of success in New Mexico before he moved to SETX. He won a state title in New Mexico and one at PN-G. I know that some old PN-G fans argue that Ethridge would have won big at PN-G in the early seventies with Jeff Bergeron at TB, but I think Joe Washington, Kenny Washington, Little Joe Washington, and the Lincoln Bumblebees would disagree. It takes talent and coaching to win hardware. You need both. Go Indians. Peace.
  12. A sad day for PN-GISD, but a happy day for Coach Comeaux. I am not sure if she is retiring, semi-retiring, or simply leaving the coaching ranks so she can devote more time to teaching and overseeing the girls athletic programs at PN-GISD, but whatever she is doing, she has earned the right to do it. If it is retirement, good for her. I hope that she enjoys every second of it. Whatever makes Coach Comeaux happy, I am all for it; she is entitled to it. As a great coach, educator, and lady, she has given PN-GISD more than the district can ever repay her. 1971 or 1972 to 2019...she has given PN-GISD, the Rock-a-Noos, Rock-a-Noo fans, and PN-G alumni 47 or 48 years of greatness. She has put a ton of hardware in the PN-G trophy cases. Thousands of wins, three state championships, too many district crowns to count, and her career at The Reservation paralleled the tenure of seven head football coaches (Ken Watson, Doug Ethridge, Butch Troy, Danny Malone, Tim Owen, Matt Burnett, and Brandon Faircloth). What more can you say? She is a legend. If PN-GISD has a Mount Rushmore of greatness, Barbara Comeaux is on it! All the best to one of the best! PN-GISD was lucky to have her. She is one of the pillars that upholds the foundation for PN-G's core values of HONOR, PRIDE, and TRADITION! Go Indians. Peace.
  13. Is Lamar University's poly sci dept, sociology dept, or statistics dept conducting exit polls to assess if the bond is trending towards passing or failing? Any local news services conducting exit polls to make any predictions based on early voting? Go Indians. Peace.
  14. If any coach in the world deserves upgraded facilities, it is Jeff Matthews. That man gets more out of his kids than any other coach. He has fielded tough competitive teams in that old Vidor cow pasture for years. It is long overdue for VISD to give some love to Coach Matthews. When are the next set of Quirante kids or grandkids coming through the ISD? Go Indians. Peace.
  15. The lens that I use...I see saving everyone. I don't view abortion or capital punishment as acceptable. There is no choice or interpretation. Thou shall not kill = do not kill anyone. Peacel.
  16. What about those on death row that don't belong there? People on death row have been proven not guilty of their alleged crimes. Some have luckily walked away after serving time on death row. What about those that "get justice" when they don't belong there? Is the taking of those innocent lives OK? Do we just mark those off as the State getting it wrong. Too bad, they should not have been there to begin with. DNA or other evidence may prove the State wrongly took a life, but that happens. It is justice; it is not state sanctioned killing? I'm not advocating for abortion or capital punishment. Ethically, I see the state allowing murder, be it a fetus, a baby, or an innocent person on death row, as wrong. I'm a fan of your original statement. Murder is murder. Thou Shall Not Kill does not need any interpretation. Apply it across the board and do so consistently. Save babies, innocent people on death row, and even those that are guilty on death row. Let's not have the State involved in any type of taking life. And, I'm a centralist with a lean to the left. See, not all liberals are evil. Peace.
  17. So-called liberals encouraged changing those laws of the land. Frederick Douglass, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and others that challenged the establishment and status quo.. And, we had that thing...let's see, what was it...the War of Northern Aggression a/k/a the Civil War. That brought about change. The 14th and 15th Amendments, reconstruction, Jim Crow laws, Plessy v. Ferguson and Separate-But-Equal, the industrial revolution, Upton Sinclair's book, The Jungle, the rise of unions to prevent unfair labor practices, WWI, the 19th Amendment, the Great Depression, FDR, WWII, Thurgood Marshall challenging Separate-But-Equal with Brown v. Board of Education, the Warren Court, the Burger Court, the Rehnquist Court, etc. Change happens. Whether it is good or bad depends upon the lens with which you view the change.
  18. Does the murder is murder statement apply to capital punishment?
  19. That is the plan at UH. We want Coach Sampson to stay as long as he would like. He has rebuilt our program from the ground up. He has run a clean program. No issues with recruiting, kids on the team, staff, grades, or cell phones (the show cause issue that forced his ouster at Indiana). He re-established recruiting links in the Houston area, over in North Carolina where he has strong ties, and on the national AAU circuit. We are getting better recruits thanks to Coach Sampson. He has told the administration (i.e., Dr. Renu Khator and Tilman Fertitta) that he would like for UH to be his last college stop. If the NBA comes calling, he will consider it. If the NBA knocks on your door, you answer it. If that happens, Little Sampson (Kellen) will be the successor at UH. Nightmare scenario for UH would be Coach Sampson leading the Cougars, Kellen gets an opportunity elsewhere while his father is coaching at UH, and then, after Kellen leaves UH, the NBA comes calling for Coach Sampson. For now, we will enjoy the ride. You can't worry about the things that you can't control. If the NBA stays away and we can keep Coach Sampson for a couple of more years, I'll be happy. He's due for raise and he will get one. Khator and Fertitta have a good relationship with Coach Sampson. Running joke among UH fans is that Fertitta will move Coach Sampson up the chain and over to the Rockets bench and then he will promote Little Sampson at UH. Who knows what will happen. Enjoying 2018-2019 for now. Go Indians...Go Coogs. Peace.
  20. Joe Burrow was a JR in 2018. Unless he declares for the NFL, which I do not believe he has, then he should return as the starter at LSU. Go Coogs. Peace.
  21. I'm aware of where the money comes from for college sports and how TV contracts work for conference realignment. The networks/advertisers hand-out the money, but the NCAA controls the product on the field. The NCAA will do what ND, Texas, Alabama, Southern Cal, Michigan, Ohio State, and a few other power brands dictate. The rest of us need to be attractive enough to be selected to fill-out the framework. That includes TAMU. The formula to get picked: win, continue to win, win some more, win big on the national stage when you have your shot, have outstanding facilities, solid fan base, and always improving your brand. TAMU does great at most of those criteria. Props to TAMU. Others of us have a ways to go, but we're moving in the right direction. Go Indians. Go Coogs. Peace.
  22. In re: Big XII expansion, it depends upon what Texas wants to do. Regardless of OU fans arguing that the Sooners control the Big XII with championships and playing on the national stage, it is Texas that controls what happens in the Big XII. Texas is the Jones family and everyone else is trying to keep up. Texas can control its own destiny at any stage of NCAA conference realignments. Texas could go independent (if it so chooses; they have the money and fan base to do it with no problems), the Horns could stay in the Big XII, they could ease over to the Big X, prop-up the Pac-12, or they could join the SEC, if they wanted to do so. There is not a conference in college sports that would decline Texas. OU is handcuffed by the state legislature in Oklahoma. Wherever the Sooners go, too many politicians in Oklahoma want the OK State Cowboys to follow. The OK State anchor puts a lock on what OU can and cannot do when it comes time for conference alignment. If the Big XII expands, contracts, or stays with the status quo, it will be Texas that decides the answer. The Horns have the peso, thus, they have the say so. TCU, Baylor, KSU, Kansas, OSU, TT, ISU, WV, and even OU to a lesser extent, should follow the model of Tiger Woods' golf caddie, "Show up, keep up, and shut up." Everything else will take care of itself. For UH, we need to keep our Tier I education status, keep our football, men's basketball, and baseball programs on solid ground, keep improving attendance, keep improving facilities (sports and other), and keep building the brand under Dr. Renu Khator and Tilman Ferttita. Do all of that, and expansion will take a good look at you. Go Indians. Go Coogs. Peace.
  23. I'm not sure if Dana Holgerson is coming to UH or not, but the rumor mill at Houston says DH has a house in Houston, he enjoyed his time at UH during 2008-2009, he has been to UH since the Cougars upgraded facilities (TDECU Stadium and the new indoor practice facility) and DH told the UH admins that he could see himself at a new gig with new facilities, he can recruit Texas and Louisiana for the speed he likes at skilled positions, and most important, he and Tilman Fertitta have had some discussions in the past week. If Fertitta wants it to happen and DH is serious about returning to Texas, then Fertitta will pay the price (insert joke here, i.e., pay the price with Landry's gift cards or poker chips from the casinos, etc.). Supposedly, DH is leaving WV one way or the other. The AD at WV wants "his guy" and DH does not like the cold weather (he's a guy that does not like to wear shoes that often; he's a shorts and flip flop guy with lots of cold beer in hand)...plus, WV has refused to give him a pay raise and an extension. In the end, it's about $$$$. We'll see how it shakes down. If not DH, then I hope UH goes after the coach at Troy, Neal Brown. Go Indians. Go Coogs. Peace.
  24. Parts of it do shut down. I have a friend that works in Washington, D.C. with the Secret Service. An employee with more than 29 years of service to both (R) and (D) Presidents. He is an agent that has since moved up the chain of command. He and his staff have been furloughed. Off work with no pay. National Parks are closed and the staffs that work at them have been furloughed. Don't come to work, no pay. I agree, the major components of the U.S. Government remain open for business. But, the shutdown does affect some. I'd say the when it affects the Secret Service, the uniformed division, the agents, and the staff, e.g., fleet management, that is affecting national security. Lots of government contractors have been furloughed, too. If the US was to initially fund the wall and seek reimbursements from Mexico, then why didn't President Trump say that when he campaigned for office? He changed the narrative after being elected. He does that often. So did Obama on healthcare. Not cool, regardless of (R) or (D). I do like some of Englebert's proposals. I am concerned about the stress placed on the US health care systems and local law enforcements due to undocumented populations. Off the internet...back to Christmas with the family. Peace.
  25. Question for Liberals or Conservatives. Trump campaigned for office saying that Mexico would pay for a border wall. He said it again as POTUS when he had a back-and-forth argument with the outgoing Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrado. Now, President Trump has shut down the United States government because he wants Congress to fund $5B for the border wall. If Mexico was going to pay for the wall, then why is President Trump asking Congress for $5B to fund construction of the wall? Happy Holidays to all...enjoy the season with your family, friends, and loved ones. Peace.
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